Cracked Porcelain Acts of Abuse

Book Description

A completely fictitious story about Ruth Ashley and her life as a nurse and model, following her harrowing life and looking in to her past experiences of abuse. This story highlights the many emotions and nightmares as well as other effects following experiences of abuse. It also deals with lesbian relationships and societys reactions to same-sex relationships, as Ruth discovers her own sexuality amid the chaos and animosity around her. Some people may find this book disturbing, particularly if you have experienced abuse of any kind, whether it be physical, mental, psychological, or financial. You are advised to seek help, if this is the case; you can find useful websites at the end of the book.

Cracked Porcelain

Book Description

A complete fictitious story about Ruth Ashley and her life as a nurse and model following her harrowing life and looking in to her past experiences of abuse. This story shows highlights the many emotions and nightmares as well as other effects following experiences of abuse. It also deals with lesbian relationships and societies reactions to same sex relationships, as Ruth discovers her own sexuality amidst the chaos and animosity around her. Some people may find this book disturbing particularly if you have experienced abuse of any kind, whether it be physical, mental, psychological or financial.

Cracked Porcelain

Book Description

Stephen Robert Sutton has been writing ever since he was a child. Although he has dyslexia, he never let it beat him. In fact, it seemed to make him stronger and more determined to fight for what he wanted, which was to be an inspired author of fictitious books. Stephen has always had a vivid imagination, spending time inventing characters and story lines about ghosts, witches, vampires and any other strange creatures. Stephen studied at Netherstowe comprehensive school. The teachers there said he would never get anywhere and classed him as a dreamer. He classed himself as an ambitious dreamer with a set direction to go in, he was always drawing picture that helped to describe the characters in his drawings, this included cartoons in comic style formation. But it wasn't until Stephen went to University that he finally decided to write seriously and started the outline for cracked porcelain based on his own ward experience as a nurse, Ruth who was the main character in the story was a female version of himself, with a similar past. Since writing the series cracked porcelain Stephen has written many books under various names including Sarah Ruth Scott and Simon Robert Sinclair, his books include Blood trail across time, For the love of Charlotte, he been writing ever since he was a child, although he has dyslexia he never let it beat him. In fact it seemed to make him stronger and more determined to fight for what he wanted, which was to be an inspired author of fictitious books. Stephen has always had a vivid imagination, spending time inventing characters and story lines about ghosts, witches, vampires and any other strange creatures. Stephen studied at Netherstowe comprehensive school the teachers there said he would never get anywhere and classed him as a dreamer. He classed himself as an ambitious dreamer with a set direction to go in, he wasalways drawing picture that helped to describe the characters in his drawings, this included cartoons in comic style formation. But it wasn't until Stephen went to University that he finally decided to write seriously and started the outline for cracked porcelain based on his own ward experience as a nurse, Ruth who was the main character in the story was a female version of himself, with a similar past. Since writing the series cracked porcelain Stephen has written many books under various names including Sarah Ruth Scott and Simon Robert Sinclair, his books include Blood trail across time, For the love of Charlotte, Understanding Jodie, The Harrington curse and many more. Stephen hopes to do screen plays and see his stories portrayed on the big screen, is he still a dreamer or will this be a reality for the writer with dyslexia, who knows this could be a success story waiting to happen. Stephen does claim that cracked porcelain was written partly by a female ghost called Sarah who haunted him in Sweden, she inspired him to write the story. He also claims that For the love of Charlotte was written in a similar way, inspired by ghosts who related aspects of the story to him through spirit writing.

Blood Trail

Book Description

A woman called Siena enters the future through a picture or time portal and befriends a man Jack who later discovers he is in love with a vampire. However this is just the beginning of his problems as vampire slayers also enter the future and both are faced with more than they bargain for in this fast pace story of romance and intrigue. The story takes the readers through a journey through time meeting interesting characters and danger around every corner. Siena wants to be human again and asks god to help her reach her goal, a guardian angel called Faith appears with a mission to defeat the vampire that cursed her life, in order to be human again she persuades Jack and others to help her achieve this.

Manchester and Beyond –Poems

Book Description

Manchester and beyond is a compelation of poems from Manchester and all over the world, demonstrating a number of talents to be admired and praised.

Just Like Magic

Book Description

Just Like Magic is an adventure in a magical world where the main characters get to fight evil and bring back the good that was lost in this fantasy land.

Eight Skulls of Teversham

Book Description

This story is centered on the seventh century and is based primarily in Scotland. It concentrates on witchcraft and the ancient art of divination and folklore. The main character, Eric Butterworth, was seeking revenge after his entire family was killed by witches. Only he survived the horrific event, and he swore to pursue them and destroy their wickedness. But would he be a match for such powerful magic that had existed for thousands of years, and what was the secret that the witches possessed for all those years? The answers lay with eight witches in caves in the highlands of Scotland.

Deep in Thought

Book Description

This is my second book of poems and continues the theme of humanity and truth throughout the pages of the book. Sit back and relax put some relaxation music on. Read the poems and the rest is up to your imagination.

Cracked Porcelain

Book Description

The original idea of writing cracked porcelain was to bring to you a message that life is not all about happiness, sometimes we have to experience sad moments. Cracked porcelain is about abuse and finding your own way of coping with the aftermath of such a vile act. It is also about finding your own comfort zone and living happily in a place that you feel safe in. It is about being comfortable with your own sexuality and gender many lives have been destroyed through someone elses ignorance. I aim to shock in some ways by being blunt and forth right in my writing I do not apologise for this as it is my way of getting my point of view across. May I suggest that if you have been abused in any way, that you seek help there are many people like Ruth who are willing to help you. Dont fight things on your own no one is an island and many people have been in situations like Pamela or Ruth.

Nothing Is Real

Book Description

Daniel Hewitt, a computer programmer and games expert, tells his own story of how he decides to perfect the ideal games for his friends and uses them as his characters in each venture. His idea works until his girlfriend, Kim, disappears into one of the games, and his creations go disastrously wrong. His whole concept of reality becomes confusing as he continues to create the perfect game.