The Transparent Democracy

Book Description

It has become amply evident that democracy as we know it, in all its shapes and forms, suffers from severe deficiencies and weaknesses, having failed in eradicating abject poverty, in safeguarding clean air and water to all, in uplifting the destitute, and in exercising fairer development priorities. Nor has it successfully promoted fair trade practices nationally and internationally. Why? The answer is rather obvious: because the leading political ideologies have not managed to come up with adequate remedies and solutions. The whole spectrum of familiar ideologies, from radical Capitalism to radical Socialism, as propagated by their political parties, has proven incapable of enlightening us as to how democracy should function in order to satisfy its citizens' yearnings while fulfilling its national obligations. This book, however, has not come to add to the prevailing criticism, of which there is plenty, but to offer most urgently required viable solutions. Democracy is a process that has evolved from granting voting rights to the privileged few, via the emancipation of all male citizens and subsequently of all female citizens, to a situation where it is ripe for badly needed upgrading. The leading argument in The Transparent Democracy is that the upgrading of democracy is absolutely essential for raising living standards among the poor, for global synchronization of wages, and for eradication of corrupt or inept governance. The philosophy of upgrading is called Electivism, and it advocates, inter alia, four branches of governance instead of the customary three, the flow of essential data to every citizen, creation of a trade union sector, promotion of the preferred mix within the annual government budget, and a novel political alignment. The electivistic transparent democracy is an attempt to provide a viable blueprint for every country in the world, irrespective of its present status, assuming that if granted a choice, in the final analysis, people everywhere will prefer to live as free citizens with decent living standards in a truly progressive democratic society. This is therefore the story of the electivistic way. Readers wishing to comment on the blueprint for the upgrading of democracy as laid out in The Transparent Democracy and/or to endorse the need for setting up associations in support of electivism are invited to email their views, suggestions, and comments to: [email protected]

Transparent Lobbying and Democracy

Book Description

"The authors come up with some innovative tools, namely the “Catalogue of transparent lobbying”. They look at and evaluate the impact on both key stakeholders (lobbyists and targets of lobbying), monitoring of lobbying activities and sanctioning for breaches of rules. This tool holds out benchmarking capacity of sound framework for understanding of lobbying in the context of democracy, legitimacy of decision-making and accountability."David Ondráčka, member of global Board of Transparency International, head of Transparency International, Czech Republic "Transparent Lobbying and Democracy provides a comprehensive view into the phenomenon of lobbying... As a well-established scientist specializing in democracy, civil society and the public sphere, I see it as a useful and enriching contribution to the debate on lobbying, its necessary transparency and its role in the democratization process. This book has the potential to reach an international audience of experts and interested lay persons, and both complement and compete with publications on similar issues."Karel B. Müller, University of Economics in Prague, Czech Republic This book deals with the current, as yet unsolved, problem of transparency of lobbying. In the current theories and prevalent models that deal with lobbying activities, there is no reflection of the degree of transparency of lobbying, mainly due to the unclear distinction between corruption, lobbying in general, and transparent lobbying. This book provides a perspective on transparency in lobbying in a comprehensive and structured manner. It delivers an interdisciplinary approach to the topic and creates a methodology for assessing the transparency of lobbying, its role in the democratization process and a methodology for evaluating the main consequences of transparency. The new approach is applied to assess lobbying regulations in the countries of Central Eastern Europe and shows a method for how lobbying in other regions of the world may also be assessed.

Radical transparency and digital democracy

Book Description

This book tells the story of radical transparency in a datafied world. The analysis, grounded from past examples of novel forms of mediation, unearths radical change over time, from a trickle of paper-based leaks to the modern digital torrent.

Geopolitics, Democracy and Peace in the 21st Century

Book Description

This book examines a wide range of issues that are expected to play a dominant role in shaping the 21st century. Delineating key concerns in geopolitics, democracy and peace, it studies the functions and influences of educational institutions, progressive religious and social groups, communities, international institutions such as the United Nations (UN); and forums promoting inter-faith dialogue. The author underscores how the century may be forged by a pluralist ethos: multiple and diverse nation states, centres of power, faiths, cultures, economies, and languages. He stresses the need to nurture moral strength and enlightened leadership for a life of compassion, peace and holistic development. In his second edition, the author further examines what the future holds for democracy. The volume takes stock of the recent developments in world politics, and highlights the urgent need for the Bahudha approach — inculcating a culture of dialogue and debate for peaceful resolution of conflicts. Lucid and engaging, this book will interest scholars and researchers of political studies, international relations, public policy, governance and development studies.

Opening Government

Book Description

Transparency and citizen engagement remain essential to good government and sound public policy. Indeed, they may well be the key to restoring trust in government itself, currently at an all-time low in Australia. It is ironic, then, that this has occurred at a time when the technological potential for information dissemination and interaction has never been greater. Opening Government: Transparency and Engagement in the Information Age explores new horizons and scenarios for better governance in the context of the new information age, focusing on the potentials and pitfalls for governments (and governance more broadly) operating in the new, information-rich environment. Its contributors, a range of international and Australian governance academics and practitioners, ask what are the challenges to our governing traditions and practices in the new information age, and where can better outcomes be expected using future technologies. They explore the fundamental ambiguities extant in opening up government, with governments intending to become far more transparent in providing information and in information sharing, but also more motivated to engage with other data sources, data systems and social technologies.

Boundless Awakening

Book Description

An excellent book for people interested in meditation, from beginners to advanced. The practice of meditation leads to a mind that is more peaceful, tranquil, and at ease. Because the mind is more relaxed, events that usually disturb us seem to take on less importance, and we stop taking them in such a serious way. Likewise, through meditation the mind gradually learns to be independent of external conditions and circumstances, discovering its own stability and tranquility. A stable mind leads to the experience of less suffering in our lives.

Democracy by Disclosure

Book Description

In December 1999, the Institute of Medicine shocked the nation by reporting that as many as 98,000 Americans died each year from mistakes in hospitals--twice the number killed in auto accidents. Instead of strict rules and harsh penalties to reduce those risks, the Institute called for a system of standardized disclosure of medical errors. If it worked, it would create economic and political pressures for hospitals to improve their practices. Since the mid-1980s, Congress and state legislatures have approved scores of new disclosure laws to fight racial discrimination, reduce corruption, and improve services. The most ambitious systems aim to reduce risks in everyday life--risks from toxic pollution, contaminants in drinking water, nutrients in packaged foods, lead paint, workplace hazards, and SUV rollovers. Unlike traditional government warnings, they require corporations and other organizations to produce standardized factual information at regular intervals about risks they create. Legislated transparency has become a mainstream instrument of social policy. Mary Graham argues that these requirements represent a remarkable policy innovation. Enhanced by computers and the Internet, they are creating a new techno-populism--an optimistic conviction that information itself can improve the lives of ordinary citizens and encourage hospitals, manufacturers, food processors, banks, airlines, and other organizations to further public priorities. Drawing on detailed profiles of disclosure systems for toxic releases, nutritional labeling, and medical errors, Graham explains why the move toward greater transparency has flourished during a time of regulatory retrenchment and why corporations have often supported these massive raids on proprietary information. However, Democracy by Disclosure, sounds a cautionary note. Just as systems of financial disclosure have come under new scrutiny in the wake of Enron's collapse, systems of social disclosure deserve car

Bringing Mind Training to Life

Book Description

An engaging and lively exploration by Shamar Rinpoche of the frequently studied Buddhist subject called lojong, or mind training. Shamar Rinpoche bases his discussion on a classic text by the eminent sixteenth-century Buddhist teacher, the Fifth Shamarpa. As elucidated by Shamar Rinpoche, the material is made especially applicable for our modern-day lives. Topics included in the book such as “ Transforming adverse circumstances into the path of awakening” are exceptionally relevant for us to explore today. Shamar Rinpoche gave these teachings at a program less than two weeks before his passing. The presentation reflects the richness of the author' s life as a Buddhist master of his stature— arare offering from which we can all benefit. Shamar Rinpoche, Mipham Ch&ö kyi Lodr&ö (1952&– 2014), was the Fourteenth Shamarpa. Born in Derge, Tibet, Shamar Rinpoche was recognized by the Sixteenth Gyalwa Karmapa in 1957 and by the Fourteenth Dalai Lama. Shamar Rinpoche was an accomplished Buddhist master and teacher, respected and cherished by many students of Buddhism the world over. In 1996, he began organizing Bodhi Path Buddhist Centers, a network of centers covering many continents, in which a non-sectarian approach to meditation is practiced. In addition, over the years, Shamar Rinpoche founded several non-profit organizations worldwide engaged in charitable activities, including projects to provide schooling for children born into poverty, and an organization committed to promoting animal rights.