Creative Virtualities in Human Self-Interpretation-in-Culture

Book Description

It would seem that modern humanity has unthroned the human spirit, undercutting the very foundation of the validity of truth, moral values and principles. There appears to be no attempt to discern what is beautiful and true: it is functional and pragmatic usefulness that seem to dominate human evaluations and transactions with other humans and, indeed, animals. Humanity is becoming detached from the `higher' aesthetic, moral and intellectual works of the human spirit and thus the life of the spirit is often situated on the other side of a gulf, opposed to science with its rationality. Culture is in danger of becoming reduced to science. In other words, the great metaphysical questions - those of telos, of sense - often are answered in terms of scientific conceptions. But these are at least incomplete, if not fragmentary, and in principle hypothetical, which still leaves the questions unanswered. But it is culture that is the manifestation of the human spirit, being the historical process of human self-interpretation-in-existence. All manifestations of the creative forge of the human being find a role in the fabric of culture, which involves progressively widening circles of the human community, demanding an integration and attunement with others in their changing conditions of life. This consideration of culture involves all areas of philosophical reflection: moral, aesthetic, metaphysical, epistemological, semiological, cognitive, and more.

Ontopoietic Expansion in Human Self-Interpretation-in-Existence

Book Description

The societal web of life is underpinned by one concept - that of Self and Other - which emerged earlier in this century. The concept has received a new formulation within the field of the phenomenology of life and the human creative condition, finding a foothold, a point of reference that radiates novel, seminal insights. It is nothing other than the creative fulcrum of human functioning. The self-individualisation of the human being, as revealed in the present collection, is existentially and vitally intertwined with that of the Other. Tymieniecka's seminal idea of the `trans-actional' is explored in this collection of essays, which reveals a variety of significant perspectives, weaving the cycles of the human universe of existence in an essential oscillation between the Self and the Other. In this oscillation we throw out our existential tentacles, trying to gain a living space with respect to each other, all the while engaging in a mutual creative prompting and attunement.

The Enigma of Good and Evil: The Moral Sentiment in Literature

Book Description

Striking toward peace and harmony the human being is ceasely torn apart in personal, social, national life by wars, feuds, inequities and intimate personal conflicts for which there seems to be no respite. Does the human condition in interaction with others imply a constant adversity? Or, is this conflict owing to an interior or external factor of evil governing our attitudes and conduct toward the other person? To what criteria should I refer for appreciation, judgment, direction concerning my attitudes and my actions as they bear on the well-being of others? At the roots of these questions lies human experience which ought to be appropriately clarified before entering into speculative abstractions of the ethical theories and precepts. Literature, which in its very gist, dwells upon disentangling in multiple perspective the peripeteia of our life-experience offers us a unique field of source-material for moral and ethical investigations. Literature brings preeminently to light the Moral Sentiment which pervades our life with others -- our existence tout court. Being modulated through the course of our experiences the Moral Sentiment sustains the very sense of literature and of personal human life (Tymieniecka).

The Poetry of Life in Literature

Book Description

Poetry of life in literature and through literature, and the vast territory in between - as vast as human life itself - where they interact and influence each other, is the nerve of human existence. Whether we are aware of it or not, we are profoundly dissatisfied with the stark reality of life's swift progress onward, and the enigmatic and irretrievable meaning of the past. And so we dramatise our existence, probing deeply for a lyrical and heartfelt yet universally valid sense of our experience. It is in great works of literature that we seek those hidden springs that so move us. It is in honour of this search that this collection focuses on the creative imagination at work in literature and aesthetics.

Gardens and the Passion for the Infinite

Book Description

What essentially is a garden? Is it a small plot of land that we put aside to cultivate our favorite vegetables or to grow flowers for our personal enjoyment? Or is it a symbol, a mirror, a reflection of our human passions? The topic of the present volume is the mysterious ways in which Imaginatio Creatix plays within the human ingrowness in natural life, transposing dreams, nostalgias, and enchantments.

The Origins of Life

Book Description

Life appears ungraspable, yet its understanding lies at the heart of current preoccupations. In our attempt to understand life through its origins, the ambition of the present collection is to unravel the network of the origin of the various spheres of sense that carry it onwards. The primogenital matrix of generation (Tymieniecka), elaborated as the fulcrum of this collection, elucidates the main riddles of the scientific / philosophical controversies concerning the status of various spheres that seek to make sense of life.

The Aesthetic Discourse of the Arts

Book Description

The fine arts first emerged divided by the five senses yet, since their very origin, they have projected aesthetic networks among themselves. Music, song, painting, architecture, sculpture, theatre, dance -- distinct in themselves -- grew together, enhancing each other. In the present outburst of technical ingeniosity, individual arts cross all barriers, as well as proliferate in kind. Hence the traditional criteria of appreciation and enjoyment vanish. The enlarged and ever-growing field calls for new principles of appreciation and new values, essential to our culture. This collection initiates an inquiry into the aesthetic foundations of the fine arts. Their common aesthetic nature, as well as the differentiating specificities which sustain them, might reveal the universal role of aesthetics in human life.

Immersing in the Concrete

Book Description

The world was first introduced to the expertise and originality of Japanese scholars in phenomenology in Analecta Husserliana Vol. IX (1979). The third generation of Japanese scholars, belonging to the newly-founded Merleau-Ponty Japanese Circle, are now presented. Following Merleau-Ponty's tendency, the studies collected here seem to make a fresh phenomenological start in relation to classical Husserlian phenomenology, turning deliberately towards the `concrete', `the wild world', `flesh', `embodiment', `natural signs', `primal nature'. The rule of intentionality, natural language is thereby devalued. The wealth of insights, the freshness of intuition and the seminal power of these fascinating enquiries well merit a close reading.

Virtues and Passions in Literature

Book Description

The Human Condition prompts our creative strivings beyond the natural round of life toward outstanding achievements. This book explains how the emergence of Human Condition lifts natural endowment of the individual to the level of excellence. It shows how natural forces and promptings of life transmute through creative Human Condition subliminal passions of the soul into innumerable streaks of spiritual significance.