Guía para padres y maestros de niños bilingües

Book Description

This is a practical introduction to bilingualism answering the questions most frequently asked by parents and teachers on raising and educating bilingual children. Both authors draw on their academic expertise and ample field experience to provide straightforward answers, which contemplate multiple types of bilingual families and diverse societal conditions.

International Perspectives on Modern Developments in Early Childhood Education

Book Description

Through different approaches like toys and play, children explore and know the rules and symbols of their communities and recreate roles and situations that reflect their sociocultural and 21st century plurilingual world. As a result, they learn how to subordinate desires to social rules, cooperate with others willingly, and engage in socially appropriate behavior. When they are evaluated together psychologically, there is a current need for action to increase the amount and quality of play provided to children. Since discrepancies are observed between urban and rural areas, as well as among different cultures, there is also a need for a research initiative where cultures can learn and take advantage of the experiences of each other. International Perspectives on Modern Developments in Early Childhood Education is an essential scholarly publication that identifies ways of intertwining key areas of early childhood education, including international approaches, intercultural education, bilingual/plurilingual education, and the role of play and toys as means for meaningful intercultural and multilingual learning. By incorporating a view of different cultures, societies, languages, and educational experiences in early childhood education, this volume provides data for international and intercultural exchange for the benefit of children. Highlighting a range of topics such as educational systems, play therapy, and games, this book is ideal for early childhood teachers, educators, academicians, researchers, professionals, psychologists, sociologists, and students.

Building Bridges, Not Walls

Book Description

Are you a leader, clergy or lay, in a Catholic parish wrestling with how to bridge the multiple ethnic, linguistic, and racial communities that increasingly comprise your parish? With these cultural backgrounds frequently come diverse perspectives on everything from how to communicate with each other to how to understand God. In addition, such cultural divisions all too often manifest differences in the access these communities have to parish decision-making structures. In Building Bridges, Not Walls - Construyamos puentes, no muros, John Francis Burke highlights the dramatic impact the growing Latino presence is having in parishes across the country, considers the theology of inculturation and intercultural ministry, and provides practical pastoral ministry suggestions on doing intercultural ministry. Includes full text in both English and Spanish. ¿Eres un líder, clérigo o laico que trabaja en una parroquia católica y que lucha todos los días por llegar a las diversas comunidades étnicas, lingüísticas y raciales cada vez más presentes en su parroquia? Estos grupos poseen como parte de su cultura diversas formas de ser y de pensar, desde cómo comunicarse con los demás hasta la misma concepción de Dios. Además, esas diferencias culturales a menudo implican una mayor o menor posibilidad de acceder a las estructuras de gobierno dentro de la parroquia. En Construyamos puentes, no muros - Building Bridges, Not Walls,John Francis Burke muestra el impacto tan grande que los latinos están teniendo en las parroquias del país; explica la teología de la inculturación y del ministerio intercultural; y ofrece sugerencias prácticas para quienes trabajan en este último. Incluye texto complete en Inglés y Español.


Book Description

Advanced Spanish Grammar

Book Description

Contiene metodos para aprender los puntos claves del espa?ol conrapidez y facilidad (The fast, easy way to master the finer points of Spanish) Unsure about conjugating irregular Spanish verbs? Using thesubjunctive? Determining the appropriate definite article? Thiscomplete, accessible guide clarifies grammatical structure andexplains vocabulary usage to help you master Spanish. Whether youneed extra help for a course, want a quick review for a test, orsimply want to brush up your language skills, this is the book tohave. In this completely revised edition of More Practical SpanishGrammar, you'll find: * An interactive format that lets you work at your own pace * Exercises to reinforce what you've learned * Over 1,000 practical Spanish words and terms * Explanations of the more intricate grammatical rules of Spanish * Special !Atencion! sections that focus on problematic words andstructures

En Busca de Mi Padre

Book Description

When María's father mysteriously disappears, many needs beset her family. Facing this reality, María and her brother go to work on the streets. Bit by bit, all kinds of obstacles and wrong decisions erase her self-esteem and dreams. María's story reflects the reality of thousands of Latinas. The difference is that the end of her story breaks the mold. Discover how this single mother decides to leave the cycle of self-destructive acts and spiritual poverty into which she had fallen. The narrative, frank and confrontational, will help the reader to consider their own life and find the strength to succeed.

Familias globales: un hogar, dos culturas

Book Description

Las parejas formadas por miembros de diferentes países e idiomas son cada vez más frecuentes en todo el mundo, debido a la globalización y la movilidad geográfica. En España, el 15% del total de matrimonios está ya formado por un cónyuge extranjero y un español. La vida de estas familias interétnicas no siempre es sencilla, tienen que superar muchos prejuicios y asumir muchas renuncias. Pero a cambio obtienen una formación única en multiculturalidad y plurilingüismo. Las historias de parejas mixtas con circunstancias diversas (procedencia, edad, idioma) nos sirven para comprobar hasta qué punto ha arraigado el cosmopolitismo en nuestra sociedad. Los protagonistas hablan de la adaptación mutua a la cultura del otro, de la llegada de los hijos y del choque con el racismo y las ideas preconcebidas.