Crissy Chance

Book Description

About the Book Crissy Chance is the second book in the Cryptid Trilogy Sequels series that began with the novel, April Mayes. It is set in an alternate universe in a world much like ours, but without the challenges that were present in the birth world of the named characters. Adam has, by now, been reborn hundreds of times into new worlds, the deck of characters he once knew and loved always reshuffled. In this novel, his first love Misti is now a part of the Suarez family along with her new brother Rodrigo, his wife and children, including mom Maria and Pops Agustin. They reside in the background of the story as Misti and friend Noki Lee surface as Adam's two girlfriends. A new girl, Eene Birkenstock, steps up first as a girl in need of rescue by Misti and Adam in their OT Project, then afterward as an integral part of Adam's two new and pressing projects. Immortal spirits Hecate and Hana also appear as the story winds down to its inevitable conclusion. Criminals in the Triads are chasing women for the secrets they know about a fantastic archeological discovery, and new enemies are after Adam too. Edward St. James is no longer a good dad, but a criminal deeply hidden behind a wall of powerful international authorities. Adam's mother survived the gangland shootout in an LA coffee shop, and is now in league with her husband. Both are psychos who now have a new acolyte, Crissy Chance, a tax attorney and adopted daughter who is deeply involved in their criminal and sexual lives. Cousins from Adam's past lives are present in this new life helping Adam as he flees New York for Greece, then flees again for Africa. The names are the same as in past novels, but the characters are different - except Adam. The central driver of action is the discovery of artifacts and grave goods proving that Marco Polo did reach China, and lived out his entire life there with wives, concubines and children. The cache discovered is immense, and incredibly rare and valuable, setting a cast of characters against Adam and his family for control of the Marco Polo cache, and the wealth it represents. But is the cache real? Adam remembers the fraud committed by those behind the "Hitler Diaries" who almost got away with an incredible scam. But what drives all the people involved, as some live, some are murdered, and all are lying about something, or not saying anything at all. As usual in Adam's life, there is betrayal, deception and murder.

The Story Teller

Book Description

Will a man, after years of torment, finally find peace? Can two friends save the life of a man who once saved theirs? See what happens when a slave is forced to fight for survival. Witness how a storm can change lives forever. Want to have an encounter with a vampire? Tag along with a Bounty Hunter as he tracks down a child molester. Travel back in time as a man tries to save his family from a horrific crime. Go deep beneath the waves as a Russian and American submarine hunt each other. Come see what happens when a woman finds out she is a vampire and the ruler of Hell's Playground. Sixty-five years of marriage revolved around a single note. Two people wondered what might have been after years of separation. Will an invisible man finally be seen?

Alana Q

Book Description

In the sixth book of the Chronicles of Mattias Series, Mattias Denson, King of the Seven Realms, is once again confronted with new characters and adversaries looking to attack his kingdoms, this time through new unconquered territory. New figures emerge as the invaders are unmasked; the invaders have no love for the colonists along the coast of the eastern Mar, or for the rule of law under the Covenant. They are slavers and ruthless conquerors looking for gold and Lesti inventory. Pagan, immortal and Lesti leaders send representatives to Mattias Denson, who now occupies New Nimbus, once the domain of Lord Seth and his son Prince Xerxes. They have left the Kir Oasis and have traveled west in search of Old Nimbus, the kingdom in the clouds. Mattias is soon inundated with new people and their stories of who they are, what they want, and what they want from him. But are they true to anything beyond themselves, and can these leaders be trusted? Problems develop in the far west as well as the far east; his family and his armies are fragmented and unsteady. Alana Q introduces new peoples and characters to the mythology and lore of the Chronicles series which began with The King of the Northern Fells. As the world of Mattias Denson and his wives grows and matures, so too does Mattias as he faces his world burdened by the tasks given him by the gods and challenged by his military and family. New challenges are as frequent as are the betrayals and new characters who pose them. Two armies approach. What will happen to the Seven Realms when the tsunami of evil finally hits?

Ronja Mattiasdottir

Book Description

About The Book It’s now five years after the conclusion of the Wiccan Wars in Freyja Thorsdottir, and peace has broken out all over the Seven Realms. Mattias Denson is now king of seven kingdoms, though he chooses to live at the Kir Oasis in Frijia where he surrounds himself with his wives, consorts and children. He has left rule and governance to others, mostly family, and he does not seek new adventures anywhere. Lord Seth, who helped Mattias end the Battle of Mortem, and his son, Prince Xerxes, have traveled from their kingdom in the Clouds, Nimbus, to live among the Lesti, Bjerne and Pagans of Frijia. Everyone is happy, and the Nimbians, along with the Lesti, Leston, Pagans and Bjerne, have colonized the lands of the Ancient Empire and live there, without an army, in peace and prosperity. The colony has grown from a few thousand to a few hundred thousand. Then things begin to change. Pagans threaten the colony with slavery, breaching the peace of the Covenant, the laws the Nimbians swore to enforce. Oddly, the Nimbian royals, led by the queen-regent, not only fail to enforce the laws of the Covenant, they also refuse to allow the colonists to arm and defend themselves. At the same time, Lord Seth and Prince Xerxes suddenly decide to uproot themselves and leave the Seven Realms to travel west to unknown lands in search of something – or somebody. In the process, Prince Xerxes, now married to Ronja Mattiasdottir, breaks oaths and decides to leave with his father, abandoning his wife and daughter. As the pair make their way west past Boria and Rus-land, they alert Mattias Denson to trouble brewing in the lands known as Terra Mixtum. Warlocks. Immortals. Treachery. The Warlocks of the west are planning to invade, having infiltrated the peaceful enclaves of Terra Mixtum, dominated by peaceful immortals. New conflict awaits Mattias and his family, as he and the Seven Realms are once again swept up in a series of epic battles, wars and intrigues. At the same time, Nimbus is in trouble. More than the kingdom in the clouds awaits him as the story of who and what Lord Seth is begins to unravel. New characters and new peoples are revealed. Ronja Mattiasdottir is Book five in the exciting ten-part series, the Viking series, in which Mattias Denson, after defeating the Warlocks of Mortem in the east, must now travel west to confront new threats and new peoples never before encountered. Fasten your seatbelt, readers. The thrilling ride is about to begin.

Yusa Mattiasdottir

Book Description

About The Book This is the ninth book in the series, the Chronicles of Mattias. While new challenges for Mattias, assigned by the gods, continue to be assigned and understood, the arrival of the three women, Liv the Lesti, Tala the avian and Ro the Bjerne. They have presented themselves and wandered with Lady Isme, the Bestianari princess married to Mattias Denson. Yusa Mattiasdottir opens a new chapter in the search for whatever it is that Princess Liv of Tule, as well as the gods in Asgard, are looking for. No one is quite sure about anything that Mattias is being told, but as Princess Liv's sisters Queen Revna and Princess Ora of Partha are discovered and their stories told, what is clear is exactly ... nothing. New in this novel is the existence of the bat people, transforming bats and the most precocious of whom is Yusa, bat daughter of Mattias himself. Queen Murcielaga of the Kingdom of the Bats weds Mattias adding yet another vassal in the long line Mattias must use to fulfill his oath for the gods. The Kingdom of Partha falls, as do the savage barbarians along the coast of the southern Mar, and the Island of Pacifica, home to secrets and mysteries along with a vast number of Lesti and Bjerne who must leave their home urgently. A demon queen, along with her three daughters, enters the scene once again rearranging the cast of characters. Odin helps them transform, but how? And once again, the goddesses Aeir and Freya resurface, along with a new goddess, the goddess Hel of the Underworld. Finally, as the mystery of what the gods really have always wanted from Mattias finally is revealed, a new nemesis is revealed, the god El. Yusa Matthiasdottir is a novel again rooted in a series of lies, deceptions and betrayals. The right questions are finally being asked. Is Mattias Denson getting all the right answers? The gods have decreed that the Mattias has not finished his task of bringing peace to the world, freeing the slaves under the Covenant, uniting all factions in peace and harmony. And Mattias has a new final task bringing him closer than ever to what the gods really want and what his task has been all along. What do the gods want? Who or what do they fear? The saga continues.


Book Description

About the Book The Curse of the Minotaur? Eleven archeologists have been kidnapped and two detectives murdered at a remote and newly discovered ancient dig site. Teen genius Adam St. James has traveled to the remote White Mountains of Crete with brother Rod Suarez and father Dr. Edward St. James to investigate. He is soon joined by the mysterious Greek beauty Athena and her equally enigmatic guardian Stefano. They offer to help in solving this mystifying puzzle, but do they have a hidden agenda, one that could spell death for Adam and his family? What do this pair really want, and what part does the ancient and historic Minoan civilization play in events as they unfold. Athena is as spoiled as she is beautiful, and she finds herself trying to manipulate the brothers; Rod is fascinated by her narcissism, but Adam isn’t buying it. Is it the Curse of the Minotaur, or something else far less mythical and far more insidious, and closer to home? Adam is thirteen years old, and already a budding computer genius, when his father receives an urgent request from the Greek government and his old friend, fellow archeologist Spiro Antiacos, to assist with a confounding mystery. Antiacos, curator of a major national museum of antiquities in Athens, tells Edward that eleven anthropologists at a new dig on the island of Crete have discovered evidence of a massive find related to the Cult of the Minotaur, and the late King Minos. That’s the good news; the bad news is that they have all disappeared, one by one, while at the same time two Greek detectives from the national police have been found murdered. After months of investigation, little has been revealed about the missing anthropologists, and the local residents seem unable or unwilling to help. Oddly, they also claim to be the direct inheritors of Minoan civilization, which flourished three thousand five hundred years earlier. They claim that the disappearance of the men and women has been the result of the desecration of their homeland, the Minos Valley, and because of the Curse of the Minotaur. No object from the many temples and sites in the Minos Valley may be disturbed without earning the strongest rebuke possible: death. Dr. Edward St. James arrives at the dig site with his sons, his on again off again girlfriend, field archeologist Desiree “Dez” D’rq, his forensic colleague, Dr. Kirsten Branch, and his two security experts, ex-SAS Brits, Peter and Archie Benson. Joining them are fellow forensic anthropologist Max VanCamp and his wife, adventurer and thrill seeker, Eene “Enya” Svensson. As they arrive in Athens on the way to Crete, they are tracked by two shadowy figures, both shady antiquities dealers well-known for walking up to, and occasionally crossing, the legal line of the criminal underworld of stolen and looted antiquities. As the group make their way to the dig site in the remote White Mountains of Chania prefecture and settle in, they begin to assess the state of affairs and determine how to proceed, using advanced technology and cutting-edge forensic techniques. Not knowing who to trust, they rely only on themselves and begin to solve the mysteries of what is, and is not, possible. Edward discounts the Curse in favor of a criminal conspiracy reaching into the highest levels of the Greek government, law enforcement, and academia. The relics are priceless, but where are they, if they even exist? The group is stymied; the criminals and their kidnap victims have seemingly disappeared without a trace. The plot twists and turns as friend is foe, and foe is friend. This story is a fantasy with all the mystery of the myth and legend of ancient Minoan civilization set against a background of Adam’s coming of age and his budding relationship with beautiful and temperamental young Athena. The action is exciting, the characters compelling, and the plot intricate as murder, betrayal, and intrigue dominate the pages of Minos. Buckle up reader; you’re in for the thrill of a lifetime!

Teresa Garcia

Book Description

ABOUT THE BOOK The mystery in Central and Van Buren has been solved and the worlds of Will Scott and his son Josh are returning back to normal a year later. Their house mother, Maria Garcia, has watched as the deck re-shuffles in their lives; her daughter and Will’s part-time girlfriend, Teresa Garcia, has left for Washington, DC to get away from her past. There she meets and falls in love with a wealthy British diplomat from an old European family. She decides to come home on assignment one last time, and that’s when her story and her background begin to unravel. At the same time, Carol Simmons, Will’s experiment in unrequited love, also returns to Phoenix at the same time. Will thinks she’s finally come home and, more importantly, come home to him. However, she also returns home to Phoenix with a new friend, the beautiful and exotic Erica Xue. Have wires been crossed, signals mixed and wrong messages sent? What should have been a homecoming to remember soon turns sour. As the players begin their courtship anew, new players enter as old players exit. Why did the women show up when they did? Is there a connection between Carol and her friend and an FBI investigation headed up by Teresa Garcia? Mystery and intrigue build as new revelations come to light. Angela di Benedetto has also reappeared and, with the approval of her grandfather, Frank Scarlatti, has taken up with Will. The aging mobster has gone straight and has become great friends and a client of Will Scott. Will also became an instant billionaire when both his friend Jack Peterson, and his wife, Marla, died and left everything to him. As more and more characters get involved in the intrigue, the CIA suddenly makes an appearance and Will becomes a target of international intrigue. Always wanting to protect the family he loves, Will gets involved with the FBI, the CIA, the mob and … Russians. The novel is beautifully set in Phoenix, Arizona in the mid-nineties at the end of the Cold War. Teresa Garcia is a thriller of epic proportions.

The Lesti Queen

Book Description

About The Book This is the eighth book in the series, the Chronicles of Mattias. The war against the Xeneid immortal invaders is over and the gods have returned Mattias Denson and Lady Morona to life back at the Compound in the Southern Kingdom. Five years have passed of peace throughout the Seven Realms. Some grow weary of peace and look to Mattias as the source of new adventures. His wives and children seem to be enjoying the quiet, while in the background, new plots are hatched by characters thought to be dead. The Anorans and the Farai have risen to prominence and as all this foment, three travelers show up at his lodge. One is a Bjerne maiden. One is an avian maiden. One is a Lesti maiden' The three are able to transform, to shapeshift. The Lesti girl claims to be the hereditary Queen of the Lesti. The Lesti Queen opens a new series of novels beginning at the conclusion of the Xeneid Wars and opening a new series of adventures with new characters and challenges. Mattias will venture into new lands, find new challenges and new deceptions. The gods have decreed that the Mattias has not finished his task of bringing peace to the world, freeing the slaves under the Covenant, uniting all factions in peace and harmony. And Mattias has a new task bringing him closer than ever to what the gods really want and what his task has been all along. What do the gods want? Who or what do they fear? The saga continues.

Circle of Friends Complete Collection

Book Description

Originally published as the Positively Pregnant series! This box set includes all 6 parts of the Circle of Friends serialization. All 6 parts were previously published as full books: • Having Her Boss’ Baby (Parts 1 and 2 of Circle of Friends) • The Ladies’ Man (Parts 3 and 4 of Circle of Friends) • Her Last First Date (Parts 5 and 6 of Circle of Friends) Get by with a little help from your friends Noelle Stevenson, Rachel Harper, and Crissy Phillips found more than yarn and sweaters at their local knitting group—they found each other, the sisters they never had. Now follow their journey as they navigate love, marriage and babies—not necessarily in that order!—in the Circle of Friends! This box set is approximately 170K words


Book Description

John Dayton spent his days working at the office, wishing for a better life, but when he undergoes a shocking transformation, his tedious reality is changed forever.