Critical Properties of the Band-insulator-to-Mott-insulator Transition in the Strong-coupling Limit of the Ionic Hubbard Model

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We investigate the neutral-to-ionic insulator-insulator transition in one-dimensional materials by treating a strong-coupling effective model based on the ionic Hubbard model using the density-matrix renormalization group and finite-size scaling. The effective model, formulated in a spin-one representation, contains a single parameter. We carry out an extensive finite-size scaling analysis of the relevant gaps and susceptibilities to characterize the two zero-temperature transitions. We find that the transition from the ionic band-insulating phase to an intermediate spontaneously dimerized phase is Ising, and the transition from the dimerized phase to the Mott-insulating phase is Kosterlitz-Thouless, in agreement with the field-theory-based predictions.

Transport Properties in the Vicinity of Mott Insulators

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Understanding the states in the vicinity of the Mott insulator is crucial to understanding both the physics of the transition between a Mott insulating phase and a metallic phase and the physics of the cuprate high-temperature superconductors. In this thesis, we start from the standard Mott insulating regime of the two dimensional Hubbard model. We then study the physics of nearby states where transport has been restored. First we consider doping of the Hubbard model in the strong coupling limit, i.e. the t-J model. Using the variational Monte Carlo technique, we study Gutzwiller projected states. In particular, studying the projected BCS quasiparticles, we calculate the renormalization of the quasipaticle current and the spectral weight. Both are investigated as a function of momentum and doping. Finally, we discuss the relation between this model and the cuprate superconductors. In the second half of this thesis, we return to the half-filled Hubbard model but now at intermediate values of U/t. In this regime, we study the spin liquid phase, a state that possibly lives between the Mott insulator and the normal metal. Motivated by the recently created organic compound r-(BEDT-TTF)2- Cu2(CN)3, we study a particular spin liquid where there is a spinon Fermi surface coupled to a U(1) gauge field. While still a charge insulator, this model has many metallic-like properties. We first develop a quantum Boltzmann equation for this model from which we calculate the spin resistivity and the more experimentally accessible thermal conductivity. We then proceed to consider spinon pairing and calculate the gauge field contribution to the spin susceptibility. We find that the theoretical result is consistent with experiments giving further evidence that at low temperatures this compound is described by this particular U(1) spin liquid.

Mott Insulators

Book Description

"There have been many recent developments in the physics and materials science of Mott insulators, especially their recognition as emergent materials for important and innovative device applications such as information processing and storage, and the possibilities of even further applications in optical and thermal switches, thermo-chromic devices, gas sensors and even solar cell applications. Aimed at advanced undergraduate students of physics, chemistry, materials science, and electrical and electronics engineering, this book introduces the subject and reviews present knowledge in the field, enabling students and researchers to get acquainted with this very interesting and emerging area of science and technology. Professional researchers in academic institutions and industries already engaged in the programmes of correlated electron materials and devices will also find this title of use." -- Prové de l'editor.

Topological Insulators

Book Description

In the chapter, we review two proto-type models of topological insulators, namely the Bernevig-Hughes-Zhang model for HgTe quantum wells and the four band model for family of materials. Based on these two simple models, we discuss helical edge/surface states of topological insulators, as well as their exotic physical properties, including total angular momentum, spin and orbital textures, topological stability, and topological response of the surface states. Moreover, we summarize the basic principle to search for topological insulators from these two models and discuss the related topological materials.

Hubbard Model, The: Recent Results

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This collection of articles provides authoritative and up-to-date reviews on the Hubbard Model. It will be useful to graduate students and researchers in the field.

Physics Briefs

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Mott Insulators

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