Croesi Llinell

Book Description

Safon Uwch Daearyddiaeth Meistroli'r Testun: Lleoedd Newidiol

Book Description

Master the in-depth knowledge and higher-level skills that A-level Geography students need to succeed; this focused topic book extends learning far beyond your course textbooks. Blending detailed content and case studies with questions, exemplars and guidance, this book: - Significantly improves students' knowledge and understanding of A-level content and concepts, providing more coverage of Changing Places than your existing resources - Strengthens students' analytical and interpretative skills through questions that involve a range of geographical data sources, with guidance on how to approach each task - Demonstrates how to evaluate issues, with a dedicated section in every chapter that shows how to think geographically, consider relevant evidence and structure a balanced essay - Equips students with everything they need to excel, from additional case studies and definitions of key terminology, to suggestions for further research and fieldwork ideas for the Independent Investigation - Helps students check, apply and consolidate their learning, using end-of-chapter refresher questions and discussion points - Offers trusted and reliable content, written by a team of highly experienced senior examiners and reviewed by academics with unparalleled knowledge of the latest geographical theories

Mab y Cychwr

Book Description

Nofel hanesyddol sydd a llinyn storiol ddychmygol yn dilyn hanes bywyd y bardd Sion Phylip ar ddechrau'r 17eg ganrif.

Y Castell ar y Dwr

Book Description

'Fe wna i adeiladu castell yma i ti, i dy gadw'n ddiogel am byth.' Teyrnas beryglus yw Brycheiniog y ddegfed ganrif – mor beryglus fel bod rhaid cuddio chwaer y brenin o'r golwg. Nid yw Elwedd wedi cael gadael y castell ar y dŵr am ddeuddeng mlynedd. Ar yr ynys, mae'n ddiogel. Wrth geisio darganfod y gwir am y castell ar y dŵr, daw Elwedd i ganol brwydr am Frycheiniog gyfan.

Diawl y Wasg

Book Description

Y noson ar ol traddodi beirniadaeth cystadleuaeth y Gadair o lwyfan y Brifwyl, mae Meurig Selwyn - bardd a phennaeth Gwasg Gwenddwr - yn cael ei lofruddio. Dyma gychwyn achos dyrys arall i Gareth Prior a'i dim o dditectifs. Cawn ein harwain o Aberystwyth i strydoedd cefn Napoli, i fyd gamblo ar-lein ac i bentref bach tawel yn ardal Brycheiniog.

Cymry Mentrus

Book Description

Hanes rhai o anturiaethwyr mwyaf mentrus Cymru, fel Owen Glynne Jones, Richard Parkes ac Eric Jones, y dringwyr; Robin Jac a'r rasys TT; Tom Pryce a enillodd ras Formula 1 a merched dewr fel Lowri Morgan ac Elin Haf Davies. Yn y gyfrol hon cawn hanes rhai o arwyr y gorffennol aAr presennol, a rhyfeddu at eu menter aAu dewrder.

Sgiliau Hanfodol ar gyfer TGAU Ffiseg (Essential Skills for GCSE Physics: Welsh-language edition)

Book Description

This book is the Welsh Language edition. Build essential maths, literacy and working scientifically skills to boost marks in GCSE Physics and ensure that students reach their full potential. Suitable for all specifications, this skills book provides additional support and will help to: - Sharpen mathematical skills with plenty of practice questions and coverage of all the maths techniques needed for the exams. - Improve literacy skills with tips on how to write longer answers, plus peer-assessment marking activities. - Develop the working scientifically skills needed to plan, carry out and evaluate practical experiments, in order to secure the maximum number of marks. - Build confidence by putting skills into practice; using our three-step formula students will progress from worked examples to guided questions and exam-style questions, with fully-worked solutions in the book. - Raise performance in the exams with practical advice on how to revise effectively and tips on understanding the questions, command words and assessment objectives.

George North

Book Description

Hanes cyfnod cyffrous y chwaraewr rygbi dawnus o Sir Fon, George North - ei atgofion, ei gemau cofiadwy a'r bobol a gafodd ddylanwad arno.

Sgiliau Hanfodol ar gyfer TGAU Gwyddoniaeth (Dwyradd)

Book Description

WELSH EDITION Build essential maths, literacy and working scientifically skills to boost marks in GCSE Science and ensure that students reach their full potential with this Welsh edition skills book. Suitable for all specifications, this skills book provides additional support and will help to: - Sharpen mathematical skills with plenty of practice questions and coverage of all the maths techniques needed for the exams. - Improve literacy skills with tips on how to write longer answers, plus peer-assessment marking activities. - Develop the working scientifically skills needed to plan, carry out and evaluate practical experiments, in order to secure the maximum number of marks. - Build confidence by putting skills into practice; using our three-step formula students will progress from worked examples to guided questions and exam-style questions, with fully-worked solutions in the book. - Raise performance in the exams with practical advice on how to revise effectively and tips on understanding the questions, command words and assessment objectives.

Dwayne Peel - Hunangofiant

Book Description

Hunangofiant y mewnwr rhyngwladol, Dwayne Peel. Ar ol ennill 76 cap rhyngwladol a chael ei ddewis i'r Llewod mae bellach yn chwarae ei rygbi gyda Sale Sharks.