Deficit Irrigation Practices

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In the context of improving water productivity, there is a growing interest in deficit irrigation, an irrigation practice whereby water supply is reduced below maximum levels and mild stress is allowed with minimal effects on yield. Under conditions of scarce water supply and drought, deficit irrigation can lead to greater economic gains than maximizing yields per unit of water for a given crop; farmers are more inclined to use water more efficiently, and more water-efficient cash crop selection helps optimize returns. However, this approach requires precise knowledge of crop response to water as drought tolerance varies considerably by species, cultivar and stage of growth. The studies present the latest research concepts and involve various practices for deficit irrigation. Both annual and perennial crops were exposed to different levels of water stress, either during a particular growth phase, throughout the whole growing season or in a combination of growth stages. The overall finding, based on the synthesis of the different contributions, is that deficit or regulated-deficit irrigation can be beneficial where appropriately applied. Substantial savings of water can be achieved with little impact on the quality and quantity of the harvested yield. However, to be successful, an intimate knowledge of crop behavior is required, as crop response to water stress varies considerably.

Actual Crop Water Use in Project Countries

Book Description

This report aims to synthesize the results of a crop water use study conducted by country teams of the GEF/World Bank project, Regional Climate, Water, and Agriculture: Impacts on and Adaptation of Agro-ecological Systems in Africa. It also presents the results of the second phase of the study based on climate change scenarios, conducted by the South Africa country team. The actual evapotranspiration of five commonly grown crops-maize, millet, sorghum, groundnuts, and beans-in two selected districts were analyzed by six country teams. In addition, two country teams also analyzed other crops grown in the districts. The regional analysis shows that the actual yield of the different crops-specifically of maize and groundnuts-improves with an increase in actual evapotranspiration, although the gap remains wide between actual and potential yield and actual and maximum evapotranspiration, especially for the rainfed crops. This highlights the importance of improved water management if agriculture is to play an important role as a source of food security and better livelihoods. The report highlights the vulnerability of maize to water stress and the increased risks to the viability of rainfed farming systems based on this crop. The results of the second phase of analysis show that a 2°C increase in the temperature and a doubling of carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere will shorten the growing period of maize, which will result in decreased crop water requirement and use. The authors recommend extending this type of analysis to other crops as well as to other countries to develop a clearer picture of the changing pattern in crop water use of the major crops grown in the project countries.

Land Resources Information Systems for Food Security in SADC Countries

Book Description

The purpose of the workshop was to promote Land Resources Information Systems (LRIS) and their application in the assessment, mapping and monitoring of land in relation to food security in the South African Development Community (SADC) countries. The workshop reviewed advances made both within and outside SADC. Experiences were discussed and a plan of action prepared to promote future reporting and exchange of information, data expertise and experiences in land information using technical cooperation among developing countries


Book Description

The Proceeding contains the following sections: i) Groundwater Exploration and Exploitation; (ii) RS&GIS Applications in Water Resources; (iii) Watershed Management: Hydrological, Socio-Economic and Cultural Models; (iv) Water and Wastewater Treatment Technologies; (v) Rainwater Harvesting and Rural and Urban Water Supplies; (vi) Floods, Reservoir Sedimentation and Seawater Intrusion; (vii) Water Quality, Pollution and Environment; (viii) Irrigation Management; (ix) Water Logging and Water Productivity in Agriculture; (x) Groundwater Quality; (xi) Hydrologic Parameter Estimation and Modelling; (xii) Climate Change, Water, Food and Environmental Security; (xiii) Groundwater Recharge and Modelling; (xiv) Computational Methods in Hydrology; (xv) Soil and Water Conservation Technologies.

Water Resources System Operation

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Book Description

Setting up cropwat: conditions of use and distribution; Installation; File structure. Getting started on cropwat: Main menu; Printer setting; Default drive and path for data input and retrieval. Eto Calculations: Input climatic station; Retrieval of Eto data from disk; Output. Crop water requeriments: Input climate data; Input of crop data; Crop water requirements results; Program continuation. Rice water requirements: Input of rice data from keyboard; Saving of rice data; Retrieval ofrice data from disk; Date of transplanting; Rice irrigation calculations; Rice irrigation output; Program continuation. Irrigation Scheduling: Data input for irrigation scheduling; Irrigation Scheduling options; Irrigation Scheduling calculations; Irrigation Scheduling output; Program continuation. Scheme water supply: Data input; Calculations; Output. Calculation of reference evapotranspiration: Data collection; Data conversion; Climatic data input; Climatic data and Eto output; Climatic and Eto data saving; Processing of rainfall data: Rainfall definitions; Rain data collection; Rain data processing; Effective Rainfall method; Rain data input; Saving climatic data; Printout of climatic data. Cropping pattern and crop information: Data collection; Cropping pattern; Crop data input. Crop water requirement calculations: File input; CWR calculations; CWR field files; Summary of CWR calculations. Scheme and canal water requirements: Calculation procedures; Field file input; Scheme water requirements (SWR) results; Evaluation of SWR results. Irrigation Scheduling: Data input; Soil data collection; Soil datainput; Irrigation scheduling applications.

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Novel Measurement and Assessment Tools for Monitoring and Management of Land and Water Resources in Agricultural Landscapes of Central Asia

Book Description

The book aims to initiate a sustainable use of land and water resources in Central Asia by the transfer of scientific methods. It deals with the most advanced methods worldwide for better monitoring and management of water and land resources. We offer an array of methods of measuring, assessing, forecasting, utilizing and controling processes in agricultural landscapes. These are laboratory and field measurement methods, methods of resource evaluation, functional mapping and risk assessment, and remote sensing methods for monitoring and modeling large areas. The book contains methods and results of data analysis and ecosystem modeling, of bioremediation of soil and water, field monitoring of soils, and methods and technologies for optimizing land use systems as well. The chapter authors are inventors and advocators of novel transferrable methods. The book starts with an analysis of the current state of water and land resources. Finally concrete proposals for the applicability of novel methods are given.

Handbook of Irrigation Hydrology and Management

Book Description

Ever-increasing population growth has caused a proportional increased demand for water, and existing water sources are depleting day by day. Moreover, with the impact of climate change, the rates of rainfall in many regions have experienced a higher degree of variability. In many cities, government utilities have been struggling to maintain sufficient water for the residents and other users. The Handbook of Irrigation Hydrology and Management examines and analyzes irrigated ecosystems in which water storage, applications, or drainage volumes are artificially controlled in the landscape and the spatial domain of processes varies from micrometers to tens of kilometers, while the temporal domain spans from seconds to centuries. The continuum science of irrigation hydrology includes the surface, subsurface (unsaturated and groundwater systems), atmospheric, and plant subsystems. Further, the book includes coverage of environmental and economic impacts, water quality issues, water harvesting, satellite measurements for irrigation, and more. Features: Offers water-saving strategies to increase the judicious use of scarce water resources Presents strategies to maximize agricultural yield per unit of water used for different regions Compares irrigation methods to offset changing weather patterns and impacts of climate change

Water, Food and Welfare

Book Description

This book addresses the following topics: the contemporary model for water management and alternative approaches; the socioeconomic framework, water policy and institutions; water use for food purposes, water-resources inventory and irrigation; manifestations of welfare loss and water prices; change in dietary patterns and water security; hydrological stress and pressures on water availability; groundwater management problems; vulnerability and climate change; water demand of major crops; gray water footprint and water pollution; gray water footprint and mining; virtual water and food trade; estimates of the water footprint of four key cereals, forage, livestock and bottled drinks. It is the result of a cooperation between 16 researchers from eleven Mexican academic institutions.