Crossed Products of $C^*$-Algebras

Book Description

The theory of crossed products is extremely rich and intriguing. There are applications not only to operator algebras, but to subjects as varied as noncommutative geometry and mathematical physics. This book provides a detailed introduction to this vast subject suitable for graduate students and others whose research has contact with crossed product $C*$-algebras. in addition to providing the basic definitions and results, the main focus of this book is the fine ideal structure of crossed products as revealed by the study of induced representations via the Green-Mackey-Rieffel machine. in particular, there is an in-depth analysis of the imprimitivity theorems on which Rieffel's theory of induced representations and Morita equivalence of $C*$-algebras are based. There is also a detailed treatment of the generalized Effros-Hahn conjecture and its proof due to Gootman, Rosenberg, and Sauvageot. This book is meant to be self-contained and accessible to any graduate student coming out of a first course on operator algebras. There are appendices that deal with ancillary subjects, which while not central to the subject, are nevertheless crucial for a complete understanding of the material. Some of the appendices will be of independent interest. to view another book by this author, please visit Morita Equivalence and Continuous-Trace $C*$-Algebras.

Crossed Products of C*-Algebras, Topological Dynamics, and Classification

Book Description

This book collects the notes of the lectures given at an Advanced Course on Dynamical Systems at the Centre de Recerca Matemàtica (CRM) in Barcelona. The notes consist of four series of lectures. The first one, given by Andrew Toms, presents the basic properties of the Cuntz semigroup and its role in the classification program of simple, nuclear, separable C*-algebras. The second series of lectures, delivered by N. Christopher Phillips, serves as an introduction to group actions on C*-algebras and their crossed products, with emphasis on the simple case and when the crossed products are classifiable. The third one, given by David Kerr, treats various developments related to measure-theoretic and topological aspects of crossed products, focusing on internal and external approximation concepts, both for groups and C*-algebras. Finally, the last series of lectures, delivered by Thierry Giordano, is devoted to the theory of topological orbit equivalence, with particular attention to the classification of minimal actions by finitely generated abelian groups on the Cantor set.

Operator Algebras and Dynamics: Groupoids, Crossed Products, and Rokhlin Dimension

Book Description

This book collects the notes of the lectures given at the Advanced Course on Crossed Products, Groupoids, and Rokhlin dimension, that took place at the Centre de Recerca Matemàtica (CRM) from March 13 to March 17, 2017. The notes consist of three series of lectures. The first one was given by Dana Williams (Dartmouth College), and served as an introduction to crossed products of C*-algebras and the study of their structure. The second series of lectures was delivered by Aidan Sims (Wollongong), who gave an overview of the theory of topological groupoids (as a model for groups and group actions) and groupoid C*-algebras, with particular emphasis on the case of étale groupoids. Finally, the last series was delivered by Gábor Szabó (Copenhagen), and consisted of an introduction to Rokhlin type properties (mostly centered around the work of Hirshberg, Winter and Zacharias) with hints to the more advanced theory related to groupoids.

An Introduction to Crossed Products of C* Algebras

Book Description

In this book, we give a detailed construction of the crossed product of a C -algebra by a locally compact group. In Chapter 1, we review some preliminary results on locally compact groups and C -algebras. In Chapter 2, Haar measures on locally compact groups are studied and a brief harmonic analysis is discussed. In Chapter 3, we study vector-valued integration on groups and prove a version of the Fubini theorem for vector- valued integrals. In Chapter 4, transformation groups are considered, and C -dynamical systems and their covariant representations are investigated. Finally, we explore in Chapter 5 the construction of crossed products of C -algebras and provide some examples of crossed products. Some representations associated with crossed products are also briefly discussed"

C*-Algebras by Example

Book Description

The subject of C*-algebras received a dramatic revitalization in the 1970s by the introduction of topological methods through the work of Brown, Douglas, and Fillmore on extensions of C*-algebras and Elliott's use of $K$-theory to provide a useful classification of AF algebras. These results were the beginning of a marvelous new set of tools for analyzing concrete C*-algebras. This book is an introductory graduate level text which presents the basics of the subject through a detailed analysis of several important classes of C*-algebras. The development of operator algebras in the last twenty years has been based on a careful study of these special classes. While there are many books on C*-algebras and operator algebras available, this is the first one to attempt to explain the real examples that researchers use to test their hypotheses. Topics include AF algebras, Bunce–Deddens and Cuntz algebras, the Toeplitz algebra, irrational rotation algebras, group C*-algebras, discrete crossed products, abelian C*-algebras (spectral theory and approximate unitary equivalence) and extensions. It also introduces many modern concepts and results in the subject such as real rank zero algebras, topological stable rank, quasidiagonality, and various new constructions. These notes were compiled during the author's participation in the special year on C*-algebras at The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences during the 1994–1995 academic year. The field of C*-algebras touches upon many other areas of mathematics such as group representations, dynamical systems, physics, $K$-theory, and topology. The variety of examples offered in this text expose the student to many of these connections. Graduate students with a solid course in functional analysis should be able to read this book. This should prepare them to read much of the current literature. This book is reasonably self-contained, and the author has provided results from other areas when necessary.

An Introduction to C*-Algebras and the Classification Program

Book Description

This book is directed towards graduate students that wish to start from the basic theory of C*-algebras and advance to an overview of some of the most spectacular results concerning the structure of nuclear C*-algebras. The text is divided into three parts. First, elementary notions, classical theorems and constructions are developed. Then, essential examples in the theory, such as crossed products and the class of quasidiagonal C*-algebras, are examined, and finally, the Elliott invariant, the Cuntz semigroup, and the Jiang-Su algebra are defined. It is shown how these objects have played a fundamental role in understanding the fine structure of nuclear C*-algebras. To help understanding the theory, plenty of examples, treated in detail, are included. This volume will also be valuable to researchers in the area as a reference guide. It contains an extensive reference list to guide readers that wish to travel further.

Crossed Products of Operator Algebras

Book Description

The authors study crossed products of arbitrary operator algebras by locally compact groups of completely isometric automorphisms. They develop an abstract theory that allows for generalizations of many of the fundamental results from the selfadjoint theory to our context. They complement their generic results with the detailed study of many important special cases. In particular they study crossed products of tensor algebras, triangular AF algebras and various associated C -algebras. They make contributions to the study of C -envelopes, semisimplicity, the semi-Dirichlet property, Takai duality and the Hao-Ng isomorphism problem. They also answer questions from the pertinent literature.

Tensor Products of C*-algebras and Operator Spaces

Book Description

Presents an important open problem on operator algebras in a style accessible to young researchers or Ph.D. students.

Theory of Operator Algebras I

Book Description

Mathematics for infinite dimensional objects is becoming more and more important today both in theory and application. Rings of operators, renamed von Neumann algebras by J. Dixmier, were first introduced by J. von Neumann fifty years ago, 1929, in [254] with his grand aim of giving a sound founda tion to mathematical sciences of infinite nature. J. von Neumann and his collaborator F. J. Murray laid down the foundation for this new field of mathematics, operator algebras, in a series of papers, [240], [241], [242], [257] and [259], during the period of the 1930s and early in the 1940s. In the introduction to this series of investigations, they stated Their solution 1 {to the problems of understanding rings of operators) seems to be essential for the further advance of abstract operator theory in Hilbert space under several aspects. First, the formal calculus with operator-rings leads to them. Second, our attempts to generalize the theory of unitary group-representations essentially beyond their classical frame have always been blocked by the unsolved questions connected with these problems. Third, various aspects of the quantum mechanical formalism suggest strongly the elucidation of this subject. Fourth, the knowledge obtained in these investigations gives an approach to a class of abstract algebras without a finite basis, which seems to differ essentially from all types hitherto investigated. Since then there has appeared a large volume of literature, and a great deal of progress has been achieved by many mathematicians.