Book Description
Crystals and Crystal Structures is an introductorytext for students and others who need to understand the subjectwithout necessarily becoming crystallographers. Using the book willenable students to read scientific papers and articles describing acrystal structure or use crystallographic databases with confidenceand understanding. Reflecting the interdisciplinary nature of the subject the bookincludes a variety of applications as diverse as the relationshipbetween physical properties and symmetry, and molecular and proteincrystallography. As well as covering the basics the book containsan introduction to areas of crystallography, such as modulatedstructures and quasicrystals, and protein crystallography, whichare the subject of important and activeresearch. A non-mathematical introduction to the key elements of thesubject Contains numerous applications across a variety ofdisciplines Includes a range of problems and exercises Clear, direct writing style "…the book contains a wealth of information and itfulfils its purpose of providing an interesting and broadintroduction to the terpenes." CHEMISTRY WORLD, February2007