Cu Dublu Tais (Jumatatea Perfecta, #1)

Book Description

Kate îi permite prietenei sale să o convingă să încerce un site de matrimoniale pe Internet unde întâlnește un bărbat extrem de interesant, dar care este o enigmă pentru ea. Kate este capabilă să citească gândurile oamenilor, dar nu ale lui.

Jumatatea Perfecta Cartea I

Book Description

Savurati aceste doua romane din seria Jumatatea Perfecta, ambele fiind despre iubire, aventura si conspiratii. In fiecare dintre ele, un barbat dur, de actiune, musca tarana (figurativ vorbind) si isi pierde inima. Daca va place un roman de suspans si de dragoste, atunci aceasta este cartea perfecta. Personaje puternice si suspans va asteapta sa va farmece dupa-mesele. Seria Jumatatea Perfecta va fi alcatuita din patru romane si veti intalni toate personajele masculine in primele doua romane, care se gasesc in Cartea Intai. Cu Dublu Tais, un roman despre iubire, aventura si a doua sansa, o urmareste pe Kate, proprietara unui mic magazine in cautarea iubirii si fericirii. In ciuda propriei judecati, impotriva dorintelor sale, ii permite prietenei sale sa o impinga in lumea matrimonialelor pe internet, unde intalneste pe cel mai enervant, straniu, si in acelasi timp, cel mai interesant barbat pe care l-a cunoscut vreodata. Dupa cateva luni de corespondenta, Kate devine implicata intr-o aventura globala alaturi de un barbat despre care nu stie foarte multe. Descoperiti aceasta poveste de iubire, prima din seria inspirationala si cu nunti Jumatatea Perfecta, care descrie relatii contemporane, iubire, aventura si conspiratii. Ochi In Intuneric prezinta doua personaje interesante, Diane si Adam. Ea vrea sa-si gaseasca linistea, iar el cauta razbunarea. Amandoi obtin ce doresc, dar cu o surpriza. Diane este pictorita si a fost crescuta la oras. Mosteneste ferma matusii sale si se muta acolo pentru a se redescoperi pe sine insasi. Dar mai intai, descopera ca mostenirea vine cu anumite conditii si ca sunt oameni dornici sa ucida pentru a o obtine. Adam, fost soldat si mercenar, vrea sa razbune moartea fratelui sau. Diane reprezinta pentru el numai un mijloc de a-si atinge scopul - sau asa crede el. Cand lucrurile se inrautatesc, Adam descopera ca unii oameni pot sa ti se strecoare in suflet pentru totdeauna.

Trezirea Beckăi

Book Description

Becka dorea puterea si banii. In schimb, si-a pierdut inima. Becka este o vrajitoare si nu una foarte buna. Blestemata de catre strabunica ei, nu are nici cea mai mica idee cum sa scape de soarta ei. Cand isi varsa cafeaua pe un barbat strain, afla ca viata inseamna mai mult decat credea ea. Dar este ea pregatita pentru aceasta? Trezirea Beckai este prima carte din seria Familiei Winston scrisa de Rowena Dawn. Daca iti place o poveste de dragoste cu paranormal, atunci iti va place si aceasta serie care prezinta personaje convingatoare. Cumpara astazi acest roman de dragoste cu paranormal plin de caldura senzuala!

Know Doubt

Book Description

Ortberg demonstrates how doubt is very much a part of faith and how uncertainty can lead to trust. "The beliefs that really matter," he writes, "are the ones that guide our behavior. We cannot hope without faith, and so we must not hope for something but someone--Jesus Christ.

The Secret History of the World

Book Description

THE INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER The complete history of the world, from the beginning of time to the present day, based on the beliefs and writings of the secret societies. Jonathan Black examines the end of the world and the coming of the Antichrist. Or is the Antichrist already here? How will he make himself known and what will become of the world when he does? Willl it be the end of Time? Having studied theology and learnt from initiates of all the great secret societies of the world, Jonathan Black has learned that it is possible to reach an altered state of consciousness in which we can see things about the way the world works that hidden from our everyday commonsensical consciousness. This history shows that by using secret techniques, people such as Leonardo da Vinci, Isaac Newton and George Washington have worked themselves into this altered state - and have been able to access supernatural levels of intelligence. This book will leave you questioning every aspect of your life and spotting hidden messages in the very fabric of society and in life itself. It will open your mind to a new way of living and leave you questioning everything you have been taught - and everything you've taught your children.

The Story of Inventions

Book Description

"The Story of Inventions provides concise and reliable information on key cultural and historical topics. Highlights: Chronological presentation of the most important themes More than 150 illustrations with detailed explanations Supplementary cards on special related themes and the history of the events Time lines, illustrations, and maps Index of subjects and names"

Exploring the Fourth Dimension

Book Description

Everybody's Normal Till You Get to Know Them

Book Description

Normal? Who's normal? Not you, that's for sure! No one you've ever met, either. None of us are normal according to God's definition, and the closer we get to each other, the plainer that becomes. Yet for all our quirks, sins, and jagged edges, we need each other. Community is more than just a word--it is one of our most fundamental requirements. So how do flawed, abnormal people such as ourselves master the forces that can drive us apart and come together in the life-changing relationships God designed us for? In Everybody's Normal Till You Get to Know Them, teacher and bestselling author John Ortberg zooms in on the things that make community tick. You'll get a thought-provoking look at God's heart, at others, and at yourself. Even better, you'll gain wisdom and tools for drawing closer to others in powerful, impactful ways. With humor, insight, and a gift for storytelling, Ortberg shows how community pays tremendous dividends in happiness, health, support, and growth. It's where all of us weird, unwieldy people encounter God's love in tangible ways and discover the transforming power of being loved, accepted, and valued just the way we are.

The Playboy King

Book Description

King Carol II of Romania, the notorious "Playboy King" who gave up his right to rule for the woman he loved, is the subject of this biography.

The Black Book of Communism

Book Description

This international bestseller plumbs recently opened archives in the former Soviet bloc to reveal the accomplishments of communism around the world. The book is the first attempt to catalogue and analyse the crimes of communism over 70 years.