Cubical Homotopy Theory

Book Description

A modern, example-driven introduction to cubical diagrams and related topics such as homotopy limits and cosimplicial spaces.

Homotopy Theory of C*-Algebras

Book Description

Homotopy theory and C* algebras are central topics in contemporary mathematics. This book introduces a modern homotopy theory for C*-algebras. One basic idea of the setup is to merge C*-algebras and spaces studied in algebraic topology into one category comprising C*-spaces. These objects are suitable fodder for standard homotopy theoretic moves, leading to unstable and stable model structures. With the foundations in place one is led to natural definitions of invariants for C*-spaces such as homology and cohomology theories, K-theory and zeta-functions. The text is largely self-contained. It serves a wide audience of graduate students and researchers interested in C*-algebras, homotopy theory and applications.

Nonabelian Algebraic Topology

Book Description

The main theme of this book is that the use of filtered spaces rather than just topological spaces allows the development of basic algebraic topology in terms of higher homotopy groupoids; these algebraic structures better reflect the geometry of subdivision and composition than those commonly in use. Exploration of these uses of higher dimensional versions of groupoids has been largely the work of the first two authors since the mid 1960s. The structure of the book is intended to make it useful to a wide class of students and researchers for learning and evaluating these methods, primarily in algebraic topology but also in higher category theory and its applications in analogous areas of mathematics, physics, and computer science. Part I explains the intuitions and theory in dimensions 1 and 2, with many figures and diagrams, and a detailed account of the theory of crossed modules. Part II develops the applications of crossed complexes. The engine driving these applications is the work of Part III on cubical $\omega$-groupoids, their relations to crossed complexes, and their homotopically defined examples for filtered spaces. Part III also includes a chapter suggesting further directions and problems, and three appendices give accounts of some relevant aspects of category theory. Endnotes for each chapter give further history and references.

Cubical Homotopy Theory and Monoidal Model Categories

Book Description

Suppose [Special characters omitted.] is a combinatorial symmetric monoidal model category. Dan Dugger has shown that [Special characters omitted.] may be realized as a left Bousfield localization of the projective model structure on simplicial presheaves on a small site. However, if [Special characters omitted.] is not already simplicially enriched, this presentation will not respect the monoidal structure of [Special characters omitted.] . In this paper we will construct a symmetric cubical site [Special characters omitted.] extending the classical cubical site. By replacing the category of simplicial sets with the category of presheaves of sets over [Special characters omitted.] we can use Dugger's methods to produce a presentation of [Special characters omitted.] as presheaves of spaces on a monoidal site retaining the monoidal structure in [Special characters omitted.] as the convolution product.

Abstract Homotopy And Simple Homotopy Theory

Book Description

The abstract homotopy theory is based on the observation that analogues of much of the topological homotopy theory and simple homotopy theory exist in many other categories (e.g. spaces over a fixed base, groupoids, chain complexes, module categories). Studying categorical versions of homotopy structure, such as cylinders and path space constructions, enables not only a unified development of many examples of known homotopy theories but also reveals the inner working of the classical spatial theory. This demonstrates the logical interdependence of properties (in particular the existence of certain Kan fillers in associated cubical sets) and results (Puppe sequences, Vogt's Iemma, Dold's theorem on fibre homotopy equivalences, and homotopy coherence theory).

Abstract Homotopy and Simple Homotopy Theory

Book Description

"This book provides a thorough and well-written guide to abstract homotopy theory. It could well serve as a graduate text in this topic, or could be studied independently by someone with a background in basic algebra, topology, and category theory."

From Categories to Homotopy Theory

Book Description

Category theory provides structure for the mathematical world and is seen everywhere in modern mathematics. With this book, the author bridges the gap between pure category theory and its numerous applications in homotopy theory, providing the necessary background information to make the subject accessible to graduate students or researchers with a background in algebraic topology and algebra. The reader is first introduced to category theory, starting with basic definitions and concepts before progressing to more advanced themes. Concrete examples and exercises illustrate the topics, ranging from colimits to constructions such as the Day convolution product. Part II covers important applications of category theory, giving a thorough introduction to simplicial objects including an account of quasi-categories and Segal sets. Diagram categories play a central role throughout the book, giving rise to models of iterated loop spaces, and feature prominently in functor homology and homology of small categories.