Cuentos de terror y misterio

Book Description

El lado oscuro ha ejercido siempre un gran atractivo en los seres humanos. Es el lado del mal, pero también el lado de lo desconocido, de los espíritus, de los vampiros, de todo aquello que, en definitiva, nos sitúa en las fronteras de la muerte, territorio habitado por muertos vivientes o por espíritus errantes a la espera de su definitiva redención. Es a finales del siglo XVIII cuando lo siniestro deja ya de ser espacio para la fascinación, o ámbito propicio para ritos esotéricos en los que se conjuran el peligro que siempre nos acecha o se pacta con las fuerzas malignas, y pasa a ser tema literario y artístico en general. Nace entonces un género literario propio centrado en relatos que ahondan en seres de ultratumba, en vampiros y personajes que irrumpen en nuestra vida rompiendo cualquier posible explicación científica, y que nos sitúa ante algo desconocido y aterrador. Los 8 relatos incluidos en esta selección nos invitan a dar un paseo por ese mundo, a dejarnos atraer por su inquietante fascinación y a dejar deambular nuestra imaginación por lugares y situaciones que forman parte de nuestros sueños y pesadillas cotidianas. Se cumple en ellos esa advertencia que aparece en muchas películas: «Cualquier parecido con la realidad…». O quizá no sea así, quizá son estos relatos precisamente los que, como toda gran obra de ficción, más nos acercan a los últimos parajes de la realidad.

Tales of Terror / Cuentos de Terror

Book Description

This is a very useful bilingual version English-Spanish to improve your Spanish and learn new vocabulary. At least we hope you will enjoy these amazing tales by Conan-Doyle. Every paragraph is connected by links so that you can read quickly the English and Spanish text. ANTES DE CONTINUAR, ¿conoces La bandera verde y otros relatos? Aquí tienes el enlace: CUENTOS DE TERROR está en Español y en Inglés para que puedas practicar y aprender. El maestro del suspense nos sorprende con estos 6 fantásticos relatos con final sorprendente. La traducción se ha llevado a cabo con el mimo y el respeto al texto original que se merece una obra como ésta. Son relatos para disfrutar de esa manera de narrar que sólo posee Conan Doyle.

Spanish Gothic

Book Description

This book presents the first English introduction to the broad history of the Gothic mode in Spain. It focuses on key literary periods, such as Romanticism, the fin-de-siècle, spiritualist writings of the early-twentieth century, and the cinematic and literary booms of the 1970s and 2000s. With illustrative case studies, Aldana Reyes demonstrates how the Gothic mode has been a permanent yet ever-shifting fixture of the literary and cinematic landscape of Spain since the late-eighteenth century. He proposes that writers and filmmakers alike welcomed the Gothic as a liberating and transgressive artistic language.

H. P. Lovecraft and Lovecraft Criticism

Book Description

This is Lovecraft scholar Joshi's definitive annotated bibliography to works by and about H.P. Lovecraft.

In the Wake of the Tiger

Book Description

The field of Irish Studies has undergone a period of great fruitfulness over the last decade. Concurrent with the economic revolution and subsequent financial crash, an immense interest in the island of Ireland and her cultural practices has been apparent from parts of the globe, and academic debate on Irish culture and society has been intense and prosperous. This volume contains a number of essays which approach a variety of issues raised within the framework of post-“Celtic Tiger” Ireland, with contributions from scholars working in Europe. The book is divided into four sections: on Trauma Studies, on the relationship between Ireland with Europe and the rest of the world, on Audiovisual Studies and on Ireland and the Celtic Tiger. The essays reflect a variety of issues which are of great relevance to an understanding of the world of Irish Studies at the end of the first decade of the twenty-first century.

Haunted Families and Temporal Normativity in Hispanic Horror Films

Book Description

This book examines the interactions between ghosts and families in three recent horror films from the Spanish-speaking world that, rather than explicitly referencing recent political violence, speak to the societal conditions and everyday normative violence that serve as preconditions for political violence. This study deconstructs intersectional processes of racially and sexually normative subject formation—and its oppositional other, ghostly erasure—that are framed by a common temporal logic, wherein full citizenship is contingent upon a nation's dominant notions of contemporaneousness and whether individuals properly inhabit prescriptive timelines of (re)productivity. St-Georges’s study explores ways in which ghosts and families are manipulated in each national imaginary as a strategy for negotiating volatility within symbolic order: a tactic that can either naturalize or challenge normative discourses. As a literary and cinematic trope, ghosts are particularly useful vehicles for the exploration of national imaginaries and the dominant or competing cultural attitudes towards a country's history, and thus, the articulation of a present political reality. The rhetorical figure of the family is also key in this process as a mechanism for expressing national allegories, for expressing generational anxieties about a nation's relationship to time, and for organizing societies and social subjects as such, interpellating them into or excluding them from national imaginaries. By proposing these specific coordinates—ghosts and families—and by mapping their relationship between Spain and Latin America, Troubling Timelines proposes a study of a temporal framework that, besides bridging the traditional area-studies divide across the Atlantic, creates a space for interdisciplinary inquiry while also responding to increasing demand for studies that focus on intersectionality.

Gran Libro de Los Mejores Cuentos: Volumen 6

Book Description

Este libro contiene 70 cuentos de 10 autores clásicos, premiados y notables. Los cuentos fueron cuidadosamente seleccionados por el crítico August Nemo, en una colección que encantará a los amantes de la literatura. Para lo mejor de la literatura mundial, asegúrese de consultar los otros libros de Tacet Books. Este libro contiene: Rabindranath Tagore: - El héroe. - La patria del proscrito. - Nubes y olas. - El cortejo invisible. - El fin. - La ladrona del sueño. - BendiciónAlexander Puchkin: - La Dama de Espadas. - El pescador y el pez dorado. - El jefe de posta. - El fabricante de ataúdes. - El disparo memorable. - La tempestad de nieve. - La zarevna muerta y los siete guerreros.Katherine Mansfield: - Las hijas del difunto coronel. - La mosca. - Felicidad. - Fiesta en el jardín. - Vida de Ma Parker. - Sopla el viento. - La señorita BrillJack London: - El silencio blanco. - Encender una hoguera. - Odisea en el norte. - El diente de ballena. - Amor a la vida. - Un buen bistec. - El pagano.Alejandro Dumas: - Deseo y posesión. - La Dama Negra. - Historia de un muerto contada por él mismo. - Las tumbas de Saint Denis. - Los caballeros templarios. - Un alma por nacer. - Lo que es ignorar la lengua del país.Virginia Woolf: - El vestido nuevo - Un resumen - El cuarteto de cuerdas - El foco - La casa encantada - La duquesa y el joyero - Lunes o martesF. Scott Fitzgerald: - Berenice se corta el pelo - Diamante Dick y el primer derecho de la mujer - El diamante tan grande como el Ritz - La tarde de un escritor - Último beso - Uno de mis más viejos amigos - Volver a BabiloniaRudyard Kipling: - El Hombre que pudo reinar - El gato que caminaba solo - El jardineiro - El judío errante - Georgie Porgie - La Casa de los Deseos - Rikki tikki taviJosé Enrique Rodó: - Cuento simbólico - El monje Teótimo - Hylas - Peer Gynt - Ariel - Mi retablo de Navidad - La inscripción del Faro de AlejandríaFelisberto Hernández: - Cartas a los muertos. - El acomodador. - La envenenada. - Muebles "El canario". - Nadie encendía las lámparas. - Elsa. - El corazón verde.

Julio Cortázar

Book Description

This study of of the short fiction by Julio Cortazar - ten collections in all - is considered here as a part of the enormous body of Latin American literature which began to be discovered in this country in the 1960s. By showing the reader Cortazar's relation to other writers in this genre Garcia Marquez, Fuentes, Borges, and others, the author provides a platform for critical exploration into Cortazar's work.

The Reception of H.G. Wells in Europe

Book Description

H.G. Wells was described by one of his European critics as a 'seismograph of his age'. He is one of the founding fathers of modern science fiction, and as a novelist, essayist, educationalist and political propagandist his influence has been felt in every European country. This collection of essays by scholarly experts shows the varied and dramatic nature of Wells's reception, including translations, critical appraisals, novels and films on Wellsian themes, and responses to his own well-publicized visits to Russia and elsewhere. The authors chart the intense ideological debate that his writings occasioned, particularly in the inter-war years, and the censorship of his books in Nazi Germany and Francoist Spain. This book offers pioneering insights into Wells's contribution to 20th century European literature and to modern political ideas, including the idea of European union. Reception of H.G. Wells in Europe Review