Cuentos de Mitologia Vasca para Ninos

Book Description

Los mitos, las leyendas y los personajes mitológicos han servido, durante generaciones, para explicar el mundo que nos rodeaba. Gracias a la transmisión oral esos conocimientos han llegado a nuestros días. Generalmente el lenguaje utilizado para su divulgación ha sido el de adultos. En esta ocasión los cuentos se han adaptado a lenguaje infantil y se han acompañado con atractivas ilustraciones para que el acervo cultural que siempre nos ha caracterizado llegue hasta nuestros pequeños de manera natural e interesante.

Cuentos Populares de Vizcaya

Book Description

Sumérgete en el rico folclore vasco con el libro 'Cuentos Populares de Vizcaya' de Antonio de Trueba. Descubre las tradiciones y mitología vasca a través de estos cuentos tradicionales transmitidos oralmente de generación en generación. Conoce a los personajes populares de Vizcaya y su sabiduría popular. Explora las historias locales y sumérgete en las costumbres vascas. Este libro te transportará a un mundo lleno de leyendas y enseñanzas transmitidas oralmente por siglos.

Cuentos de la mitología vasca

Book Description

Una selección de cuentos de la riqueza folclórica que surgen del mundo montañoso y enigmático del País Vasco. Relatos fantásticos y atrayentes son los que integran este libro; historias que no hace mucho tiempo todavía contaban los ancianos en los caseríos, transmitidas de boca en boca desde tiempos ancestrales.

The Poisoned Water

Book Description

This first English translation makes avail­able to English-speaking readers a power­ful modern Mexican novel, first published in 1961. Fernando Benítez, well-known Mexican author, journalist, and winner of Mexico's 1968 best-book award, exploits a true but little-known incident by build­ing it into a tightly structured, tense, and tragic novel of social protest. The incident on which the novel is based is a bloody rebellion against the village feudal master touched off by joking comment on the "poisoning" of the water as one of Don Ulises's men is pushed into the plaza fountain. Feed­ing on itself, the rumor spreads that the "boss" has poisoned the local spring, and rebellion follows, with its violent and unforeseen consequences. The result is a frightening look at one of Mexico's major social problems and glaring ironies--that over fifty years after a revolution fought by the peasant and for the peasant, most rural groups are still living below the national economic standard.

To the Other

Book Description

"The best introduction available for students of one of the most important philosophers of this century."--"American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly." (Philosophy)

Judeo-Spanish Ballads from New York

Book Description

Exile and Cultural Hegemony

Book Description

After Francisco Franco's victory in the Spanish Civil War, a great many of the country's intellectuals went into exile in Mexico. During the three and a half decades of Francoist dictatorship, these exiles held that the Republic, not Francoism, represented the authentic culture of Spain. In this environment, as Sebastiaan Faber argues in Exile and Cultural Hegemony, the Spaniards' conception of their role as intellectuals changed markedly over time. The first study of its kind to place the exiles' ideological evolution in a broad historical context, Exile and Cultural Hegemony takes into account developments in both Spanish and Mexican politics from the early 1930s through the 1970s. Faber pays particular attention to the intellectuals' persistent nationalism and misplaced illusions of pan-Hispanist grandeur, which included awkward and ironic overlaps with the rhetoric employed by their enemies on the Francoist right. This embrace of nationalism, together with the intellectuals' dependence on the increasingly authoritarian Mexican regime and the international climate of the Cold War, eventually caused them to abandon the Gramscian ideal of the intellectual as political activist in favor of a more liberal, apolitical stance preferred by, among others, the Spanish philosopher Jose Ortega y Gasset. With its comprehensive approach to topics integral to Spanish culture, both students of and those with a general interest in twentieth-century Spanish literature, history, or culture will find Exile and Cultural Hegemony a fascinating and groundbreaking work.