Genetics, Genomics and Breeding of Forage Crops

Book Description

Forage crops include several species of grasses and legumes that are widely used as animal fodder in the form of hay, pasturage and silage, as well as for turf and erosion control. Some forage grasses are also being considered for bio-energy generation. In this book leading researchers review the latest advances in molecular genetics and genomics; they also examine the success of breeding programs for forage grasses and legume species. The book will be useful for students and young researchers with an interest in forage, turf and bio-energy crops improvements.

Land-Use Change Impacts on Soil Processes

Book Description

This book examines the effects that land-use changes (notably agricultural intensification, logging, soil erosion, urbanisation and mining) have on soil characteristics and processes in tropical and savannah environments. It covers a range of geographical regions and environments as impacts of land use change are often site specific. The effects of land use change on various aspects of the soil ecosystem from both a chemical and biological perspective will be examined.


Book Description

Identifying and naming Brachiaria species. Morphology, taxonomy, and natural distribution of Brachiaria (Trin.) Griseb. Natural variation in Brachiaria and existing germplasm collections. The agronomy and physiology of Brachiaria species. National requirementes of Brachiaria and adaptation to acid soils. Nutrient cycling and environmental impact of Brachiaria Pastures. Pests and diseases of Brachiaria species. Nutritional quality and animal production of Brachiaria pastures. Reproductive physiology, seed production, and seed quality of Brachiaria. Seed production: perspective from the Brazilian private sector. Genetic, cytogenetics, and reproductive biology of Brachiaria. Manipulation of apomixis in Brachiaria breeding. Theoretical potential of biotechniques in crop improvement. Aplication of biothecnology to Brachiaria. Regional experience with Brachiaria: Tropical America-humid lowlands. Regional experience with Brachiaria: Tropical America-savannas. Regional experience with Brachiaria: Sub-savannas Africa. Regional experience with Brachiaria: Asia, the South Pacific, and Australia. Reports of working groups.

Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 2

Book Description

Soil sampling for microbiological analysis; Statistical treatment of microbial data; Soil sterilization; Soil water potencial; Most probable number counts; Light microscopic methods for studying soil microorganisms; Viruses; Recovery and enumeration of viable bacteria; Coliform bacteria; Autotrophic nitrifying bacteria; Free-living dinitrogen-fixing bacteria; Legume nodule symbionts; Anaerobic bacteria and processes; Denitrifiers; Actiomycetes; Frankia and the actinorhizal symbiosis; Filamentous fungi; Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi; Isolation of microorganisms producting antibiotics; Microbiological procedures for biodegradation research; Algae and cyanobacteria; Marking soil bacteria with lacZY; Detection of specific DNA sequences in environmental sample via polymerase chaim reaction; Isolation and purification of bacterial DNA from soil; Microbial biomass; Soil enzymes; Carbon mineralization; Isotopic methods for the study of soil organic matter dynamics ; Practical considerations in the use of nitrogen tracers in agricultural and environmental research; Nitrogen availability; Nitrogen mineralization, immobilization, and nitrification; Dinitrogen fixation; Measuring denitrification in the field; Sulfur oxidation and reduction in soils; Iron and manganese oxidation and reduction.

Tropical Forage Legumes

Book Description

The development of legume use in agricultural production in the tropics lags far behind the temperate areas and extensive research over recent decades has aimed to rectify the lack of available leguminous fodder species available for heavy clay soils. This book draws together that research and explores the importance of heavy clay soils to agricultural productivity in the tropics and subtropics and the identification of adapted, productive forage legumes for these environments. Providing an invaluable example of how a global search for adapted and productive forage germplasm has been - and can be - undertaken, and allowing access to a significant body of knowledge that was acquired before the digitalization of reports, this book will be a key resource for new scientists and experienced researchers in the areas of agriculture and forage agronomy.

The future of livestock in Uganda

Book Description

Uganda decision makers have to deal with so many uncertainties from multiple directions that prioritizing interventions and holding a straight course prove a daunting task. In the next decades, population growth, urbanization, smart technological innovations and adoptions, increased movements of people and goods, not to mention climate change, will thoroughly transform Uganda society, in ways that are often unpredictable. This report looks out to 2050 and presents alternative scenarios, or plausible portrays, of the future of the cattle and poultry sectors in Kenya. The government of Uganda, with support from FAO and USAID, engaged a multitude of stakeholders in a conversation around the knowns and unknowns of the future, such as past and projected trends of societal and livestock dynamics, current policy priorities, technology uptake and institutional changes.

Agroforestry-Based Ecosystem Services

Book Description

As a dynamic interface between agriculture and forestry, agroforestry has only recently been formally recognized as a relevant part of land use with 'trees outside forest' in important parts of the world--but not everywhere yet. The Sustainable Development Goals have called attention to the need for the multifunctionality of landscapes that simultaneously contribute to multiple goals. In the UN decade of landscape restoration, as well as in response to the climate change urgency and biodiversity extinction crisis, an increase in global tree cover is widely seen as desirable, but its management by farmers or forest managers remains contested. Agroforestry research relates tree-soil-crop-livestock interactions at the plot level with landscape-level analysis of social-ecological systems and efforts to transcend the historical dichotomy between forest and agriculture as separate policy domains. An 'ecosystem services' perspective quantifies land productivity, flows of water, net greenhouse gas emissions, and biodiversity conservation, and combines an 'actor' perspective (farmer, landscape manager) with that of 'downstream' stakeholders (in the same watershed, ecologically conscious consumers elsewhere, global citizens) and higher-level regulators designing land-use policies and spatial zoning.

Long Distance Transport and Welfare of Farm Animals

Book Description

Around 60 billion animals are bred for food each year worldwide and more than a billion are transported, often over long distances, every week. However, awareness and understanding of animal welfare, the factors that affect it and the correlation between it and other issues such as food safety and quality are increasing. Long distance transport can cause both physical and mental problems in animals and promoting animal welfare will be beneficial to both the animals and the agricultural and processing industries. In conjunction with a global coalition of NGOs working on animal transport and welfare, this volume brings together studies from well known animal scientists and researchers to review the implications and necessity of long distance animal transport for slaughter. Authoritative reports on regional practices are combined with discussions of the science, economics, legislation and procedures involved in this practice. This review will be essential for researchers and professionals within animal production and welfare as well as veterinary science.