Culturally Provoked Issues. The Influence of Cultural Differences on the Effectiveness of GLOBE’s Leadership Styles in China and Germany

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Seminar paper from the year 2020 in the subject Leadership and Human Resources - Management Styles, grade: 1,7, University of Applied Sciences Münster, language: English, abstract: This paper focuses on the scope of leadership in China and Germany. This intensive investigation will be used in this paper to research Chinese and German leadership preferences and challenges that may occur when working cross-culturally in one of the two countries. Leaders must understand the differences of cultures and learn how to successfully adapt and chose adequate leadership styles since ideas of leadership differ across cultures. It is getting even more critical due to the boosted global integration and the evolving challenges of international corporation and collaboration. If international businesses ignore culturally specific needs, corporations fail because of intercultural misinterpretations. The challenges of international collaboration can be solved by addressing culturally necessary actions and managing cross-cultural relationships with suitable sets of behavioral and emotional approaches. Therefore, this paper will firstly focus on different approaches and models that compare cultures. The Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness (GLOBE) Project and its specific cultural dimensions will be introduced afterward. Secondly, leadership will be defined and viewed from the perspective of GLOBE. Thirdly, the cultural dimensions and leadership styles of GLOBE, will be applied to China and Germany. Possible issues when working in these countries, as well as proposals to prevent these obstacles, will be discussed lastly.

Culturally Provoked Issues. The Influence of Cultural Differences on the Effectiveness of GLOBE's Leadership Styles in China and Germany

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Seminar paper from the year 2020 in the subject Leadership and Human Resource Management - Management Styles, grade: 1,7, University of Applied Sciences Münster, language: English, abstract: This paper focuses on the scope of leadership in China and Germany. This intensive investigation will be used in this paper to research Chinese and German leadership preferences and challenges that may occur when working cross-culturally in one of the two countries. Leaders must understand the differences of cultures and learn how to successfully adapt and chose adequate leadership styles since ideas of leadership differ across cultures. It is getting even more critical due to the boosted global integration and the evolving challenges of international corporation and collaboration. If international businesses ignore culturally specific needs, corporations fail because of intercultural misinterpretations. The challenges of international collaboration can be solved by addressing culturally necessary actions and managing cross-cultural relationships with suitable sets of behavioral and emotional approaches. Therefore, this paper will firstly focus on different approaches and models that compare cultures. The Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness (GLOBE) Project and its specific cultural dimensions will be introduced afterward. Secondly, leadership will be defined and viewed from the perspective of GLOBE. Thirdly, the cultural dimensions and leadership styles of GLOBE, will be applied to China and Germany. Possible issues when working in these countries, as well as proposals to prevent these obstacles, will be discussed lastly.

A comparison of management styles in China and Germany

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Seminar paper from the year 2018 in the subject Business economics - Business Management, Corporate Governance, grade: 1,9, University of Cooperative Education Villingen-Schwenningen, language: English, abstract: In the following paper, important factors necessary to excel in international management with a clear focus on China will be discussed, while drawing a comparison to Germany. Throughout the examination, the way of approaching the Chinese market is described. Afterwards, culture is considered with relevant factors like power distance and the leader-follower relationship. Then, values are described with important topics like the decision making processes, meetings and negotiations and conflicts. Afterwards, key factors to success will be mentioned, including personal relationships and the feedback culture. Before drawing a conclusion, challenges likely to occur will be mentioned. Due to the increasing importance of globalization and the emergence of many competitors, management structures have become dramatically different in China. Behaviors, dynamics and team conformations change rapidly, requiring organizations to react respectively to stay competitive. Managers face the challenge to compromise different cultures within the workplace. Practical management techniques of one country cannot be easily adapted in another. They differ greatly depending on the culture. To what extent the organization benefits from a culturally diverse workforce is controversial. National values and culture are the biggest obstacle when it comes to achieving management excellence. It requires culture proficiency and responsiveness to meaningful differences in the working environment. But also other factors like the organization’s strategy, economic conditions or the labor market of the host country have an influence on how management practices should be applied. Thus, developing the ability to manage in a cross-cultural context is a prerequisite in doing business successfully in today’s world.

Cultural Differences in Managing Cross-Cultural Interaction between German and Chinese Employees

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Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2012 im Fachbereich BWL - Unternehmensführung, Management, Organisation, Note: 2,0, Technische Universität Carolo-Wilhelmina zu Braunschweig, Veranstaltung: Topics in Intercultural Communication, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: The Chinese market is one of the most successful developing regions of the world. Today, it offers enormous possibilities for (German) companies to invest in this market i. a. though the delegation employees to China as well as the integration of Chinese employees in Germany. Due to the skill shortages it will become more necessary than ever to recruit high potentials, to transfer and to share knowledge about a certain business unit.Integrity and commitment are the most essential factors for a successful cooperation and teamwork within the company as well as for company`s success. Therefore it will be necessary to have a cooperative atmosphere with a mutual cultural understanding. Every employee “must use cross-cultural skills” (Adler 2002: 136). As Adler mentioned, organizations consist of work groups which form the organization structure. The quality of these teams depends on cultural heterogeneities and its productivity and performance “depends on how well the team works together and uses its resources to accomplish the task” (Adler 2002: 139). This goal can only be reached by understanding foreign cultures and using diversity. Diversity implies differences in “preferences, habits, languages and cultures” (Guirdham 2005: 305). Multinational working groups und cultural diversity can be the key for a much higher effectiveness and success than homogenous teams. To develop an understanding for this purpose, Hofstede`s dimensions will be considered and analyzed, esp. against the background of Doing Business. Although, Hofstede`s concept of culture will be the basis for this work but moreover, the works of Adler, Guirdham, Beamer/Varner and Hall/Hall will play an additional role in this paper. This work will focus on multinational companies only, since the importance of intercultural business and cultural diversity is very high in contrast to domestic, multidomestic or multinational companies (cf. Adler 2002: 134). The following work shows the different cultural concepts in China and Germany and its relevance for a successful business, good collaboration and teamwork. Hofstede`s dimensions will be explained and applied in different contexts, by way of using different examples of employee participation, work-related behavioral patterns and conflict solving in organizations of different cultures. The examples refer to settings in organizations in Germany and China.

The Influence of Trust on Leader-Member Exchange in Culturally Diverse Leader-Member Dyads

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Along with the process of globalization, the need of multinational companies to manage business activities abroad is steadily increasing. The book "The Influence of Trust on Leader-Member Exchange in Culturally Diverse Leader-Member Dyads" addresses this need on the dyadic leadership level, examining in depth how trust is influencing working relationships and their professional output in cross-cultural leader-member dyads. Due to their greatly differing management practices, focus is laid on German-Chinese dyads, which constitute a particularly rich example of cultural diversity. Going beyond the mere importance of trust, the book identifies differences in the trust-building process between Germans and Chinese, thus highlighting the general weight of culture in international leadership practices. Through profound research and numerous references the book provides a broad overview over the areas of LMX, German and Chinese leadership practices as well as cultural diversity. It addresses both researchers and managers who deal with cultural diversity in leadership.

Managerial Styles

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Essay from the year 2009 in the subject Communications - Intercultural Communication, grade: 1,3, Furtwangen University; Villingen-Schwenningen, language: English, abstract: The paramount goal of intercultural management is to revise organizational patterns in order to provide an understanding of the different approaches used by managers worldwide. Identifying significant differences in management in Germany and China is established through comparison of socio-cultural and managerial variables. Chinese leadership is characterized by more authorial rather than participative management style. This is explained by Chinese historical and cultural background. The Confucius heritage, legacy of communism, synthetic view of the world and interrelatedness of life in China are some of the essential determinants of managerial styles and social roles at all. Rationalism and objectivism, search for certainty, traditional individualism and analytical thinking are some of the key variables to shape the German managerial styles. Socio-cultural differences are examined in terms of way of thinking and perception of the world; contextual meaning and degree of group-orientation. Managerial differences are divided into three categories: organizational structure, managing processes and interpersonal relations.

Time perception in leadership

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Seminar paper from the year 2011 in the subject Communications - Intercultural Communication, grade: 1,0, European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) (Intercultural Management), course: Leadership. An alternate take, language: English, abstract: Day by day we are woken up by the alarm. The clock schedules our daily routine. Punctuality at work is emphasized. Deadlines are considered to be accomplished on time. The clock drives us to undertake a certain amount of tasks during the day. In Western societies time is considered as resource, which can be spent, saved or lost. Thus, it represents a force, which drives our lives. Timetables and calendars create the feeling of time pressure. This phenomenon implies a big gap between the time an individual lives and the one the same person feels inside like a body clock. Hence, especially in task-oriented management, issues concerning time occur. Furthermore, cultural differences cause a variation of time perceptions. In fact, social time, as a culturally determined interpretation of time, has a great impact on business culture. On the one hand, the sense of social time influences expatriate managers going overseas, who have to adapt the local time perception; on the other hand, it concerns leaders, who have to juggle with two time perceptions in order to organize cross-border collaborations. Punctuality serves as prime example for time perception. While in Western Europe timekeeping represents a virtue, in Southern Europe dates are treated rather flexible. The time perception of cultural groups varies even more. Monochronicity and polychronicity embody the main perspectives of time. Therefore, their origin and impact will be explained in general as well as in terms of managerial behaviour. After classifying the cultural clusters established by the GLOBE study, the example of the Confucian Asia will be contrasted with Western Europe. Further on, the case study of China serves as prime example of Confucian Asia to underline the influence of the local time perception on the present leadership style. Finally, a behavioural guideline for leaders concerning time perception shall create a harmonious overall picture of this work. Since this paper does not have the extent to scrutinize the influence of all cultural dimensions on leadership style, I chose the issue of time perception, because so far this aspect has been rather neglected in research. The following investigations are supposed to give a guideline to time awareness in general. By analysing the case of China, difficulties and potentials of varying time perceptions regarding managerial success shall be examined.

Intercultural Management. Leadership styles in Germany, USA and India

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Seminar paper from the year 2012 in the subject Business economics - Business Management, Corporate Governance, grade: 1,3, University of Applied Sciences Frankfurt am Main, language: English, abstract: Today’s business environment is more global than ever. The multinational and cross-cultural business activities have increased tremendously over the last decades, a trend that is about to continue. “Global Village” is a term often used in this context. Due to the fact that people’s consume and buying preferences increasingly converge throughout the globe (manifested by the worldwide success of brands such as Apple, BMW, Coca Cola but also the entertainment industry – Holly-/Bollywood, Pop music etc.),one might get the impression that differentiation in regard to cultural differences becomes less important. The question is to what extent and in which areas this mindset is valid in business life. Is it reasonable to assume that successful leadership styles can be universally applied, no matter in which country and cultural setting the leader fulfills his/her job? The objective of this paper is to discuss, depict and elaborate on the question of appropriate leadership styles in the three different countries: USA,Germany and India. The aim is to examine – based on an analysis of the cultural differences – if and how leadership styles need to be adapted in order to be successful in each of the three countries.

The GLOBE Research Project

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Research Paper (undergraduate) from the year 2011 in the subject Business economics - Business Management, Corporate Governance, grade: 2,0, University of applied sciences, Düsseldorf, course: Soft Skills and Leadership, language: English, abstract: Executive Summary This assignment will provide a short overview about the GLOBE project and is based on different research in books, papers, master thesis and professorial dissertations. The Global Leadership and Organizational Behaviour Effectiveness Research Program has started in 1993 and continues until today. The aim of the GLOBE project was to develop societal and organisational measures of culture and leadership attributes that could be used across cultures (House, Hanges, Ruiz-Quintanilla, Dorfman, Javidan, Dickson, Gupta et al., 1999). Before starting the project a common understanding and definition of Leadership and Culture was achieved. GLOBE researchers agreed to define the LEADERSHIP: “Leadership is the ability of an individual to influence, motivate and enable others to contribute towards effectiveness and success of the organizations of which they are members” (House et al. 2004; 15). The GLOBE team used the four leadership attributes developed by Geert Hofstede: uncertainty avoidance, masculinity femininity, individualism-collectivism, and more recently future orientation (Hofstede 1980, 1991) as a basic and developed nine leadership characteristics: Performance Orientation, Uncertainty Avoidance, Humane Orientation, Institutional Collectivism, In-Group Collectivism, Assertiveness, Gender Egalitarianism, Future Orientation, Power Distance. The cultural differences of attribute influences are analysed in the research project. The questionnaire is to be answered from middle mangers and white collar workers coming of the following industries: food processing, financial services, and telecommunications services. The research was split into four parts. As first step the two pilot projects was initiated in order to prepare the questionnaire and to test the stability of the analysis method. Based on the results seven hypotheses were developed and investigated in the second step. Both first steps are finished. Depending on confirmation of all seven hypotheses the implicit leadership theory has to be developed in the third phase of project. This third phase is in the process. The last part of project must test the theory items in laboratory and in the field. Some preliminary findings are shown at the end of this assignment.

Culture Differences in Leadership

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This paper is a study of the impact culture has on leadership. It gives a comprehensive review of cultural differences in leadership and emphasizes the importance of understanding cultural differences between countries by examining the work of Geert Hofstede and the GLOBE (Global Leadership Organizational Behavioral Effectiveness). In earlier studies, Bernard Bass (1990) pointed out the different units of analysis in the study of leadership and culture: within and among countries, organizations and groups. In addition, he underscored the importance of understanding cultural differences, between countries. Studies such as Hofstede's and the GLOBE project have shown that the success of the work of one nation's individual in another culture is dependent upon understanding cultural differences, including the variations among attitudes towards and the practice of leadership styles. This article is a summary of the study of leadership in different cultures. The globalization of many organizations and the increasing interdependence of nations make the understanding of culture and its influence on leadership increasingly important.