Currency Risk Premia in Global Stock Markets

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Large fundamental imbalances persist in the global economy, with potential exchange rate implications. This paper assesses whether exchange rate risk is priced across G-7 stock markets. Given the multitude of hedging instruments available, theory suggests that stock market investors should not be compensated for currency risk. However, data covering 33 industry portfolios across seven major stock markets suggest that not only is exchange rate risk priced in many markets, but that it is time-varying and sensitive to currency-specific shocks. With stock market investors typically exhibiting "home bias," this suggests that investors are using equity asset proxies to hedge the exchange rate risks to consumption.

IMF Working Papers

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Global Risk Premia on International Investments

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Implementing unconditional as well as conditional beta pricing models, the author identifies global economic factors that affect the performance of international investments.

The World Price of Foreign Exchange Risk

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We consider a world capital market in which the investor population is heterogenous. Investors of different countries differ in the prices of goods at which they consume the income from their investments. In such a setting, the international CAPM incorporates rewards for exchange rate risk, in addition to the traditional reward for market-covariance risk. The aim of the paper is to determine whether these additional risk premia empirically playa significant role in the pricing of securities. The test being conducted is a test of a conditional version of the CAPM. It builds on the recent empirical literature which points out that stock market returns may, to some extent, be predicted on the basis of a number of instrumental variables, such as interest rates and dividend yields. All previous tests of the international CAPM with exchange risk premia have been tests of the unconditional version and have been inconclusive.

Global Price of Foreign Exchange Risk and the Local Factor

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This paper provides new evidence on the pricing of exchange risk in global stock markets. We conduct empirical tests in a conditional setting with a multivariate GARCH-in-Mean specification and time-varying prices of risk for the US and nine emerging markets to determine whether exchange risk is priced under alternative model specifications and exchange rate measures. Since inflation rates in emerging markets are high and volatile, we argue that the use of real exchange rates offer a better proxy for risk stemming from purchasing power parity deviations. In addition to using real exchange rates, the empirical model allows for partial integration by including a time-varying price of local risk. Our main results support the hypothesis of significant exchange risk premia related to both emerging and developed markets. The price of exchange risk is also significantly time-varying consistent with previous evidence for major developed markets. The empirical evidence also suggests that there is variation across countries and over time in the relative importance of exchange risk premia. However, currency risk remains an important global risk factor even after accounting for local risk.

Does Emerging Market Exchange Risk Affect Global Equity Prices?

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We provide new evidence on the pricing of exchange risk in the global stock markets. We conduct empirical tests in a conditional setting for ten developed markets and twelve emerging markets to determine whether emerging market currency risk affects emerging market equities and if it spills over into developed markets. In addition to using real exchange rates for the risk related to PPP deviations, our empirical model allows currency risk to compete with broader economic and political risks. Our main results support the hypothesis of significant exchange risk premia for both developed and emerging market assets. There is also evidence that emerging market currency risk is priced separately from other emerging market specific risks. Finally, we find that the spillover impact is heightened during crisis episodes and such information in particular affects world and major currency risks.

Global Stock Markets

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Wolfgang Drobetz provides empirical evidence on the time variation of expected stock returns over the stages of the business cycle.