Curvature and Homology

Book Description

This systematic and self-contained treatment examines the topology of differentiable manifolds, curvature and homology of Riemannian manifolds, compact Lie groups, complex manifolds, and curvature and homology of Kaehler manifolds. It generalizes the theory of Riemann surfaces to that of Riemannian manifolds. Includes four helpful appendixes. "A valuable survey." — Nature. 1962 edition.

Curvature and Homology

Book Description

Curvature and Homology

Curvature and Homology

Book Description

Curvature and Homology

Book Description

From Calculus to Cohomology

Book Description

An introductory textbook on cohomology and curvature with emphasis on applications.

Grid Homology for Knots and Links

Book Description

Knot theory is a classical area of low-dimensional topology, directly connected with the theory of three-manifolds and smooth four-manifold topology. In recent years, the subject has undergone transformative changes thanks to its connections with a number of other mathematical disciplines, including gauge theory; representation theory and categorification; contact geometry; and the theory of pseudo-holomorphic curves. Starting from the combinatorial point of view on knots using their grid diagrams, this book serves as an introduction to knot theory, specifically as it relates to some of the above developments. After a brief overview of the background material in the subject, the book gives a self-contained treatment of knot Floer homology from the point of view of grid diagrams. Applications include computations of the unknotting number and slice genus of torus knots (asked first in the 1960s and settled in the 1990s), and tools to study variants of knot theory in the presence of a contact structure. Additional topics are presented to prepare readers for further study in holomorphic methods in low-dimensional topology, especially Heegaard Floer homology. The book could serve as a textbook for an advanced undergraduate or part of a graduate course in knot theory. Standard background material is sketched in the text and the appendices.

Differential and Riemannian Manifolds

Book Description

This is the third version of a book on differential manifolds. The first version appeared in 1962, and was written at the very beginning of a period of great expansion of the subject. At the time, I found no satisfactory book for the foundations of the subject, for multiple reasons. I expanded the book in 1971, and I expand it still further today. Specifically, I have added three chapters on Riemannian and pseudo Riemannian geometry, that is, covariant derivatives, curvature, and some applications up to the Hopf-Rinow and Hadamard-Cartan theorems, as well as some calculus of variations and applications to volume forms. I have rewritten the sections on sprays, and I have given more examples of the use of Stokes' theorem. I have also given many more references to the literature, all of this to broaden the perspective of the book, which I hope can be used among things for a general course leading into many directions. The present book still meets the old needs, but fulfills new ones. At the most basic level, the book gives an introduction to the basic concepts which are used in differential topology, differential geometry, and differential equations. In differential topology, one studies for instance homotopy classes of maps and the possibility of finding suitable differentiable maps in them (immersions, embeddings, isomorphisms, etc.).

Connections, Curvature, and Cohomology

Book Description

This monograph developed out of the Abendseminar of 1958-1959 at the University of Zürich. The purpose of this monograph is to develop the de Rham cohomology theory, and to apply it to obtain topological invariants of smooth manifolds and fibre bundles. It also addresses the purely algebraic theory of the operation of a Lie algebra in a graded differential algebra.