Cutting Costs in Chemicals Management How OECD Helps Governments and Industry

Book Description

As government regulators are facing tighter budgets and chemical companies need to cut costs, this report describes how, by working together through the OECD, governments and industry save about EUR 150 million each year, while still ensuring that chemical products are properly assessed and managed.

Saving Costs in Chemicals Management How the OECD Ensures Benefits to Society

Book Description

The chemical industry is one of the largest industrial sectors in the world and is expected to grow fourfold by 2060. Indeed modern life without chemicals would be inconceivable. Given the potential environmental and human health risks from exposure to chemicals, governments and industry have a ...

Saving Costs in Chemicals Management

Book Description

The chemical industry is one of the largest industrial sectors in the world and is expected to grow fourfold by 2060. Indeed modern life without chemicals would be inconceivable. Given the potential environmental and human health risks from exposure to chemicals, governments and industry have a major responsibility to ensure that chemicals are produced and used safely. The OECD assists countries in developing and implementing policies and instruments that protect human health and the environment, and in making their systems for managing chemicals as efficient as possible. To eliminate duplication of work and avoid non-tariff barriers to trade, emphasis has been on developing shared frameworks for gathering and assessing information on potential chemical risks. The time-tested OECD Mutual Acceptance of Data (MAD) system provides a major basis for generating savings to governments and industry. This report provides an overview of the benefits and estimates the total savings from OECD work to be more than EUR 309 million per year.

OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Japan 2010

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This 2010 review of Japan's environmental conditions and policies evaluates progress in reducing the pollution burden, improving natural resource management, integrating environmental and economic policies, and strengthening international co-operation.

International Regulatory Co-operation in Competition Law and Chemical Safety

Book Description

This report showcases international regulatory co-operation (IRC) in the areas of competition law and chemicals safety. These two studies – covering very different subjects – are rare examples of areas where complex legal and institutional frameworks have been created at the domestic and/or international level to ensure effective IRC.

International Regulatory Co-operation and International Organisations The Cases of the OECD and the IMO

Book Description

This publication presents findings and two case studies from an April 2014 meeting on the roles of the OECD and the IMO in international international regulatory co-operation as well as a contribution from K. W. Abbott on the links between the two.

International Regulatory Co-operation Addressing Global Challenges

Book Description

The world is becoming increasingly global. This raises challenges for regulatory processes which still largely emanate from domestic jurisdictions. Governments increasingly seek to better articulate regulations across borders and to ensure greater enforcement of rules.

Harmonisation of Regulatory Oversight in Biotechnology Safety Assessment of Transgenic Organisms, Volume 3 OECD Consensus Documents

Book Description

These OECD Biosafety Consensus Documents identify elements of scientific information used in the environmental safety and risk assessment of transgenic organisms which are common to OECD member countries and some non members associated with the work.

Harmonisation of Regulatory Oversight in Biotechnology Safety Assessment of Transgenic Organisms, Volume 4 OECD Consensus Documents

Book Description

These OECD Biosafety Consensus Documents identify elements of scientific information used in the environmental safety and risk assessment of transgenic organisms which are common to OECD member countries and some non members associated with the work.