Cutting, One Run at a Time

Book Description

Cutting, One Run At A Time is a new, reliable personal cutting resource guide cutters can take with them anywhere, anytime. Plus, riders of any discipline will benefit from the first five chapters which cover everything from goal setting to basic riding skills and incorporate her Mentally Tough program. These chapters are designed to help all riders master high-performance skills. It contains all the information, tips, pictures, illustrations, and quotes the cutter needs to develop new cutting skills or brush up on their current skills. The last five chapters cover all the information for riding and showing a cutting horse.

Cutting Myself in Half

Book Description

At age fourteen, Taylor LeBaron was nearly 300 pounds. He had difficulty just getting to the mailbox without becoming short of breath. A chubby kid from birth who was prone to obesity, Taylor allowed his weight to skyrocket through mindless 'whatever' eating and his sedentary techie lifestyle. But a membership to the Y, a keen imagination, and an indomitable spirit changed all that. Approaching proper eating and weight loss as he would a new video game, Taylor made fitness into a fun challenge with his creation of THE ULTIMATE FITNESS GAME (UFG)—a method of tracking calories, avoiding pitfalls, overcoming obstacles, and working out by following hard-andfast rules that literally helped him shed half of his body weight in a matter of a year and a half. Cutting Myself in Half is Taylor's motivational strategy guide to THE ULTIMATE FITNESS GAME.Taylor shows kids who are currently where he was that weight loss and fitness are within reach . . . one workout, one calorie, one 'byte' at a time.

American Lumberman

Book Description

Практика усного та писемного англійського мовлення: фразові дієслова та синоніми. Частина 1. Фразові дієслова

Book Description

Підручник призначений для тренування та контролю знань з практики усного та писемного англійського мовлення студентів старших курсів філологічних факультетів педагогічних та мовних вищих навчальних закладів III—IV рівнів акредитації. У підручнику містяться коротки анотації щодо лексичних особливостей вживання найбільш поширених фразових дієслів та синонімів сучасної англійської мови, які супроводжуються низкою вправ і тестів для закріплення вивченого матеріалу. У підручнику реалізовано комплексний підхід до пояснення словникових та контекстуальних значень синонімів, систематизовано найновіші граматичні сполучення фразових дієслів, використано інноваційні практики засвоєння мовного матеріалу. Методика викладу матеріалу, запропоновані вправи та тести відповідають вимогам, що передбачені програмою вивчення іноземної мови на рівнях Upper-Intermediate та Advanced (бакалавр та магістр). Подаються також індивідуальні навчально-дослідні та практичні завдання, спрямовані на формування вмінь у студентів моделювати та відтворювати різні комунікативні ситуації. Адресований студентам-філологам, корисним буде вчителям англійської мови, учням старших класів, усім, хто прагне оволодіти сучасною англійською мовою.

Mining Reporter

Book Description

DeGarmo's Materials and Processes in Manufacturing

Book Description

Guiding engineering and technology students for over five decades, DeGarmo's Materials and Processes in Manufacturing provides a comprehensive introduction to manufacturing materials, systems, and processes. Coverage of materials focuses on properties and behavior, favoring a practical approach over complex mathematics; analytical equations and mathematical models are only presented when they strengthen comprehension and provide clarity. Material production processes are examined in the context of practical application to promote efficient understanding of basic principles, and broad coverage of manufacturing processes illustrates the mechanisms of each while exploring their respective advantages and limitations. Aiming for both accessibility and completeness, this text offers introductory students a comprehensive guide to material behavior and selection, measurement and inspection, machining, fabrication, molding, fastening, and other important processes using plastics, ceramics, composites, and ferrous and nonferrous metals and alloys. This extensive overview of the field gives students a solid foundation for advanced study in any area of engineering, manufacturing, and technology.

Algebraic Cryptanalysis

Book Description

Algebraic Cryptanalysis bridges the gap between a course in cryptography, and being able to read the cryptanalytic literature. This book is divided into three parts: Part One covers the process of turning a cipher into a system of equations; Part Two covers finite field linear algebra; Part Three covers the solution of Polynomial Systems of Equations, with a survey of the methods used in practice, including SAT-solvers and the methods of Nicolas Courtois. Topics include: Analytic Combinatorics, and its application to cryptanalysis The equicomplexity of linear algebra operations Graph coloring Factoring integers via the quadratic sieve, with its applications to the cryptanalysis of RSA Algebraic Cryptanalysis is designed for advanced-level students in computer science and mathematics as a secondary text or reference book for self-guided study. This book is suitable for researchers in Applied Abstract Algebra or Algebraic Geometry who wish to find more applied topics or practitioners working for security and communications companies.

Mine and Quarry

Book Description