Cutting the Root of Samsara

Book Description

This is the third volume in a new series of Lama Zopa Rinpoche's teachings given during the 24th Kopan lam-rim course in 1991. The series will consist of four volumes of lightly edited transcripts that we hope will convey the feeling of being in Nepal for the one-month Kopan course. The first volume is titled Practicing the Unmistaken Path and the 2nd volume is titled Creating the Causes of Happiness. This 3rd volume presents a clear discussion on sexual misconduct, an explanation of how karmic appearance and emptiness are intertwined and a multifaceted commentary on the eight Mahayana precepts motivation. You can also find many other Kopan teaching course transcripts published on our website for reading online or for downloading as a pdf for offline study. This book is made possible by kind supporters of the Archive who, like you, appreciate how we make these teachings available in so many ways, including in our website for instant reading, listening or downloading, and as printed and electronic books. Our website offers immediate access to thousands of pages of teachings and hundreds of audio recordings by some of the greatest lamas of our time. Our photo gallery and our ever-popular books are also freely accessible there. Please help us increase our efforts to spread the Dharma for the happiness and benefit of all beings. You can find out more about becoming a supporter of the Archive and see all we have to offer by visiting our website. Thank you so much, and please enjoy this e-book.

Sun of Devotion, Stream of Blessings

Book Description

The key to happiness is the mind. With the mind, we can switch our life to suffering or we can switch it to happiness, just as we change television channels, choosing to watch programs about fighting and war, or peaceful things, like the nature programs people seem to enjoy. Experiencing happiness or suffering depends entirely on what we do with our mind. -Lama Zopa Rinpoche in Sun of Devotion, Stream of Blessings Sun of Devotion, Stream of Blessings is the record of a remarkable series of powerful and clear Dharma teachings given by Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche in 2014 to students at Leeds and London in the United Kingdom. Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archive⿿s editor Gordon McDougall was present throughout these teachings and has now skillfully edited them into written form that retains the flavor of a great master giving precise instructions to the students sitting before him. In Sun of Devotion, Stream of Blessings, Rinpoche explains how to take care of our minds so that our happiness is in our own hands, gives profound teachings on the Buddhist philosophy of emptiness, discusses the need for ethics and a solid refuge, shows us how to cut the root of samsara, explores why practicing certain tantras is important and especially emphasizes how the guru is the most powerful object of our Dharma practice. Gordon has presented the subjects taught by Rinpoche in the order in which they were given, beginning with a deep commentary on the meaning of sang-gyä, the Tibetan term usually translated as "buddha," and retaining the powerful method by which Rinpoche would repeatedly reinforce and expand upon earlier topics. Rinpoche also spends much time discussing the great qualities of Khadro-la (Rangjung Neljorma Khadro Namsel Drolma), the incredible being who has become so important to Tibetan Buddhism, FPMT and the world.

The Adornment of the Middle Way

Book Description

In the Madhyamakalankara, Shantarakshita synthesized the views of Madhyamaka and Yogachara, the two great streams of Mahayana Buddhism. This was the last great philosophical development of Buddhist India. In his brilliant and searching commentary, Mipham re-presented Shantarakshita to a world that had largely forgotten him, defending his position and showing how it should be understood in relation to the teaching of Chandrakirti. To do this, he subtly reassessed the Svatantrika-Prasangika distinction, thereby clarifying and rehabilitating Yogachara-Madhyamaka as a bridge whereby the highest philosophical view on the sutra level flows naturally into the view of tantra. Mipham’s commentary has with reason been described as one of the most profound examinations of Madhyamaka ever written.

The Path of Individual Liberation

Book Description

The foundational teachings of Buddhism—presented here in volume one of Chögyam Trungpa's magnum opus, which offers a systematic overview of the entire path of Tibetan Buddhism This three-volume collection presents in lively, relevant language the comprehensive teachings of the Tibetan Buddhist path of the hinayana, mahayana, and vajrayana. Considered Chögyam Trungpa’s masterpiece, The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma will resonate with new and senior students of Buddhism. Chögyam Trungpa begins his study by presenting the teachings of the hinayana. The hinayana introduces core Buddhist teachings on the nature of mind, the practice of meditation, the reality of suffering, and the possibility of liberation. It examines the nature of suffering, impermanence, and egolessness, with an emphasis on personal development through meditative discipline and study. The formal entry into the hinayana and the Buddhist path altogether is the refuge vow, in which a student goes for refuge to the Buddha, or the teacher; the dharma, or the teachings; and the sangha, or the community. The hinayana path is based on training in mindfulness and awareness, cultivating virtue, and cutting grasping. Topics covered in detail in this volume include the four noble truths, karma, the four foundations of mindfulness, meditation practice, the refuge vows, the three jewels, the five skandhas, the five precepts, twofold egolessness, and more.

Steps on the Path to Enlightenment

Book Description

The third volume of Steps on the Path to Enlightenment, Geshe Sopa's commentary on Tsongkhapa's Lamrim Chenmo, introduces the reader to the path of the bodhisattvas. The volume begins with an explanation of what distinguishes the Mahayana practitioner from all other Buddhists-bodhicitta, the desire to attain enlightenment in order to benefit other sentient beings. The nature of bodhicitta, an essential practice for persons of great spiritual capacity, is described in depth, and Geshe Sopa then provides a detailed, contemporary commentary on the two methods to develop this attitude: the "sevenfold cause-and-effect personal instructions" based on the teachings of the lineage descended from Atisa, and the "training to exchange self and other" based on Santideva's Engaging in the Bodhisattva's Deeds. Bodhicitta is an incredibly important attitude, but the attitude alone is not enough to attain enlightenment; a practitioner must perform actions motivated by bodhicitta, in other words, the six bodhisattva perfections. After a general introduction, this volume contains a detailed explanation of the first four perfections: generosity, ethical discipline, patience, and joyful perseverance. Here we find only a brief summary of the final two perfections, meditative stabilization and wisdom, to prepare the reader for the detailed discussion of these topics in the last two volumes of the series. To tie all these practices together, the volume concludes with an explanation of how Mahayana practitioners help others to mature spiritually: the four ways to gather disciples.

Sun of Devotion, Stream of Blessings

Book Description

(This title is also available as an ebook on the GooglePlay Store) The key to happiness is the mind. With the mind, we can switch our life to suffering or we can switch it to happiness, just as we change television channels, choosing to watch programs about fighting and war, or peaceful things, like the nature programs people seem to enjoy. Experiencing happiness or suffering depends entirely on what we do with our mind. -Lama Zopa Rinpoche Sun of Devotion, Stream of Blessings is the record of a remarkable series of powerful and clear Dharma teachings given by Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche in 2014 to students at Leeds and London in the United Kingdom. Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archive's editor Gordon McDougall was present throughout these teachings and has now has skillfully edited them into written form that retains the flavor of a great master giving precise instructions to the students sitting before him. Lama Zopa Rinpoche explains how to take care of our minds so that our happiness is in our own hands, gives profound teachings on the Buddhist philosophy of emptiness, discusses the need for ethics and a solid refuge, shows us how to cut the root of samsara, explores why practicing certain tantras is important and especially emphasizes how the guru is the most powerful object of our Dharma practice. The subjects taught by Rinpoche are presented in the order in which they were given, beginning with a deep commentary on the meaning of sang-gya, the Tibetan term usually translated as "buddha," and retaining the powerful method by which Rinpoche would repeatedly reinforce and expand upon earlier topics. Rinpoche also spends much time discussing the great qualities of Khadro-la (Rangjung Neljorma Khadro Namsel Drolma), the incredible being who has become so important to Tibetan Buddhism, FPMT and the world. This book is made possible by kind supporters of the Archive who, like you, appreciate how we make these teachings freely available in so many ways, including in our website for instant reading, listening or downloading, and as printed and electronic books. Our website offers immediate access to thousands of pages of teachings and hundreds of audio recordings by some of the greatest lamas of our time. Our photo gallery and our ever-popular books are also freely accessible there. Please help us increase our efforts to spread the Dharma for the happiness and benefit of all beings. You can find out more about becoming a supporter of the Archive and see all we have to offer by visiting Thank you so much.

Joyful Path of Good Fortune

Book Description

Joyful Path of Good Fortune presents the complete Buddhist path to enlightenment in a form that is easy to understand and put into practice. Enriched with stories and illuminating analogies, it presents the essential meaning of all Buddha`s teachings in the order in which they are to be practised, giving step-by-step guidance on all the meditations leading to full enlightenment.

Symphony of Philosophy & Education in Bhagavad Gita – Volume 2

Book Description

The book, Symphony of Philosophy & Education in Bhagavad Gita, presents how the flows of the sublime philosophical thoughts and practical instructions merge themselves in the Bhagavad Gita. The philosophical and educational aspects are blended to create a symphony. It shows how the inner harmony and the outer world combine to create a great symphony in life. The book presents the Bhagavad Gita as a practical treatise on the educational system. Thus, it is relevant for the teachers, the trainers, the educationists, the policymakers, etc. It provides them a fresh perspective on how education can be scientifically imparted with core human values as demonstrated in the Bhagavad Gita. It may help spread the messages of the Bhagavad Gita through structured educational techniques through the widespread labyrinth of the schools, colleges and educational institutions – the arms of our educational system. Of course, the common readers and the public at large would see the Bhagavad Gita in a new light.

Enjoy Life Liberated from the Inner Prison

Book Description

When terrible things happen in life and there’s little we can do to change them, the only option seems to be either anger or despair. This is the reality for prison inmates. They have no power over their circumstances. Many have long sentences, some have been wrongly accused and some even await execution. Their environment is often overcrowded, ugly, violent and full of noise, “like being in a rock concert all day,” as one man reported. There is nothing to look forward to and often no one to turn to. For the past twenty-five years, Liberation Prison Project has been a lifeline for prisoners, first in the United States and also in Australia, Italy, Mongolia, New Zealand and other countries, who turned to LPP, asking for Buddhist books and spiritual advice in an effort to find meaning in life when everything else has been lost. This book is a compilation of advice from Lama Zopa Rinpoche, the spiritual director of LPP, in response to letters from more than one hundred prisoners, mainly in the USA, edited into a coherent narrative. Rinpoche’s advice is that, actually, their prison “is nothing in comparison with their inner prison—the prison of anger, the prison of attachment, the prison of ignorance.” That prison, Rinpoche says, they can definitely change. And why should they? Because, simply put, happiness and suffering come from the mind, not the external world. The extent of the heartfelt compassion and love that Rinpoche offers the men who write to him is incredible. He empowers them to never give up on the development of their potential and their ability to help others. The advice in the book is not just for prisoners. It is for all of us.

The Royal Seal of Mahamudra, Volume One

Book Description

This guidebook for cultivating the meditative practices of stability and insight—the first major work from the Drukpa Kagyu lineage to become available in English—stands out among works of its kind as one of the clearest and most comprehensive presentations of coemergence, or mahamudra. In it, the eighteenth-century Tibetan master Ngawang Kunga Tenzin, the Third Khamtrul Rinpoche, details a step-by-step program of spiritual exercises that bring the meditator directly to clear realization of the fully perfect, ever-present, nondual nature of mind. Beginning with the close relationship between phenomena and mind and the immense benefits of meditating on the nature of mind, the Third Khamtrul Rinpoche offers careful instructions on the four yogas of mahamudra together with advice on how to recognize genuine progress and how to remove obstacles that arise during meditation. Characteristic of the Drukpa Kagyu approach is that, even from the earliest stages of training, the author explains how all experience, thoughts, and perceptions may be used as the path to enlightenment from the perspective of insight into the nature of mind.