ABA Journal

Book Description

The ABA Journal serves the legal profession. Qualified recipients are lawyers and judges, law students, law librarians and associate members of the American Bar Association.

Cyberterrorism: The Legal And Enforcement Issues

Book Description

Cyberterrorism in the 21st century is now one of the greatest threats to global security and information. It transcends national borders (and by extension national legal systems), making it difficult for individual countries to formulate a cohesive defence plan against it. The world has yet to see any serious acts of cyberterrorism targeting multiple countries at once, but there's a need for countries to develop legal precedents to deal with this should it happen. This book investigates cyberterrorism in terms of the conventions and legislation developed in response to the growing need to protect the digital infrastructure and information of citizens, companies and governments. It looks at the challenges faced by international organisations in first defining then responding to and curbing cyberterrorism. Following this is analysis of legal provisions, with case studies of enforcement and of jurisdiction of these provisions.Unique in the way that all aspects of cyberterrorism are considered, from initial infringement to eventual prosecution, this book provides recommendations and guidance to law-based post-graduates and professionals working on digital crime, and to those interested in national and international legal legislation against it.

Cyber Law and Ethics

Book Description

A primer on legal issues relating to cyberspace, this textbook introduces business, policy and ethical considerations raised by our use of information technology. With a focus on the most significant issues impacting internet users and businesses in the United States of America, the book provides coverage of key topics such as social media, online privacy, artificial intelligence and cybercrime as well as emerging themes such as doxing, ransomware, revenge porn, data-mining, e-sports and fake news. The authors, experienced in journalism, technology and legal practice, provide readers with expert insights into the nuts and bolts of cyber law. Cyber Law and Ethics: Regulation of the Connected World provides a practical presentation of legal principles, and is essential reading for non-specialist students dealing with the intersection of the internet and the law.

International Encyclopaedia of Laws

Book Description

The introduction of new digital information and communications technologies has given birth to a new legal domain, commonly called Information and Communication Technology Law or more fashionable - Cyber Law. Electronic commerce has led to specific legal problems, for example with regard to evidence, liability, consumer protection or payment. The convergence between broadcasting, telecommunications and digital information technology has created a new platform for public information with all the related legal issues. Practically every country in the world has issued specific legislation or developed case law in this area. The domain has acquired sufficient stability to fit into a common structure. A logical consequence of this evolution is the publication of an International Encyclopaedia of Cyber Law. The Encyclopaedia consists primarily in a series of national monographs, treating the different legal subjects related to information and communication technology on the basis of a common standard outline. The outline contains, besides a general introduction, seven main parts: Regulation of the ICT Market; Protection of Intellectual Property in the ICT Sector; IICT Contracts; Electronic Transactions; Non-Contractual Liability; Privacy Protection: and, Computer-Related Crime. Besides the national monographs, this Encyclopaedia also contains monographs on supranational and international cyber law issues. Examples are the monographs on European Union Cyber Law or on International and Global Telecommunications Law. The Encyclopaedia provides further an International Cyber Law Codex with important international texts in this field. The initial volume of the Encyclopaedia contains information about cyber laws in Australia, Hong Kong, Cyprus, Greece, Ireland, Japan, U.K., Portugal, South Africa and Spain. Other countries will be incorporated as the Encyclopaedia matures.


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Advancements in Global Cyber Security Laws and Regulations

Book Description

"This book offers significant research on global cybersecurity laws and regulations focusing on issues such as global regulations, global regimes, and global governance of the Internet as well as legal issues related to digital evidence, computer forensics, and cyber prosecution and convictions"--

The Transnational Dimension of Cyber Crime and Terrorism

Book Description

In December 1999, more than forty members of government, industry, and academia assembled at the Hoover Institution to discuss this problem and explore possible countermeasures. The Transnational Dimension of Cyber Crime and Terrorism summarizes the conference papers and exchanges, addressing pertinent issues in chapters that include a review of the legal initiatives undertaken around the world to combat cyber crime, an exploration of the threat to civil aviation, analysis of the constitutional, legal, economic, and ethical constraints on use of technology to control cyber crime, a discussion of the ways we can achieve security objectives through international cooperation, and more. Much has been said about the threat posed by worldwide cyber crime, but little has been done to protect against it. A transnational response sufficient to meet this challenge is an immediate and compelling necessity—and this book is a critical first step in that direction.

Cyber Crime

Book Description

Cyber Crime is an evil having its origin in the growing dependence on computers in modern life. In a day and age when everything from microwave ovens and refrigerators to nuclear power plants is being run on computers, Cyber Crime has assumed rather sinister implications. Cyber Crime poses great challenges for law enforcement and for society in general. To understand why this is true, it is necessary to understand why, and how, cybercrime differs from traditional, terrestrial crime. Net-crime refers to criminal use of the Internet. Cyber-crimes are essentially a combination of these two elements and can be best defined as "e;Offences that are committed against individuals or groups of individuals with a criminal motive to intentionally harm the reputation of the victim or cause physical or mental harm to the victim directly or indirectly using modern telecommunication networks such as the Internet (Chat rooms, e-mails, notice boards and groups) and mobile phones (SMS/MMS)"e;. Since Cyber Crime is a newly specialized field, growing in cyber laws, there is absolutely no comprehensive law on Cyber Crime anywhere in the world. This is precisely the reason why investigating agencies are finding cyberspace to be an extremely difficult terrain to handle. This book explores technical, legal, and social issues related to Cyber Crime. Cyber Crime is a broad term that includes offences where a computer may be the target, crimes where a computer may be a tool used in the commission of an existing offence, and crimes where a computer may play a subsidiary role such as offering evidence for the commission of an offence.


Book Description

In Russia, there are people who earn their living trading in personal information belonging to American citizens. They maintain websites where one can buy names, addresses, and Social Security and credit card numbers. Cybercrime flourishes? Both transnationally and within our own borders. It is time to arm ourselves with the information we need to remain safe. Cybercrime: Criminal Threats from Cyberspace is intended to explain two things: what cybercrime is and why the average citizen should care about it. To accomplish that task, the book offers an overview of cybercrime and an in-depth discussion of the legal and policy issues surrounding it. Enhancing her narrative with real-life stories, author Susan W. Brenner traces the rise of cybercrime from mainframe computer hacking in the 1950s to the organized, professional, and often transnational cybercrime that has become the norm in the 21st century. She explains the many different types of computer-facilitated crime, including identity theft, stalking, extortion, and the use of viruses and worms to damage computers, and outlines and analyzes the challenges cybercrime poses for law enforcement officers at the national and international levels. Finally, she considers the inherent tension between improving law enforcement`s ability to pursue cybercriminals and protecting the privacy of U.S. citizens.