Daniel in the Lions' Den

Book Description


Book Description

The Book of Daniel in the Tanach (Bible) speaks of a time when the 4th kingdom, which has already come upon the earth, will be revived and arise to a place of pre-eminence over all nations. From this 4th kingdom the evil leader will come forth to rule and reign over the whole world for a short time. (Time, two times and half a time or 3 ½ years). What we now see and experience as evil and violence is but a foretaste to the time of the rule and reign of the evil leader of the 4th kingdom yet to come upon the earth. The pages within this book unveil much detail regarding world events, some of which have already occurred, others of which have been in the making for years and are about to become a full reality. Spiritual discernment and understanding of these world events and how they are being woven together by the hand of G-d are essential in order to give one a clear view of the larger picture regarding the rise and the destruction of this 4th kingdom. Before the Messiah Himself comes to destroy this 4th kingdom and its evil leader, G-d will, in His sovereignty, use this 4th kingdom to fulfill His purposes of judgment, both upon the nations and with His chosen people, the Jews. The connections between the written word of the Lord G-d and the documented course of events taking place in the world today, revealed within this book, will not leave any doubt of G-d's intentions of His heart-the redemption of His people.

The Man of Sin

Book Description

The doctrine of the Antichrist is one of the most interesting doctrines found in Scripture, says author Kim Riddlebarger. Unfortunately, it's also one which has been subject to far more speculation than sound biblical exegesis. Until now. Unlike other resources available on the Antichrist, The Man of Sin focuses on Scripture, not contemporary events, to uncover the truth about this mysterious entity. With skilled exegesis Riddlebarger asserts that, contrary to popular speculation, the Antichrist is not a singular individual but a series of beings that will arise to challenge Christ throughout the inter-advental age before culminating in an end-times Antichrist. Backing this claim first in Scripture, Riddlebarger also draws from historical teachings including those of the church fathers, the Reformation, and historic Protestantism, before contrasting this evidence to the sensational interpretations of many contemporary writers. Pastors, teachers, and study groups wanting to understand the doctrine of the Antichrist will find The Man of Sin to be a unique and comprehensive study.

Dictionary of Biblical Prophecy and End Times

Book Description

All you wanted to know about biblical prophecy from A to Z, the Dictionary of Biblical Prophecy is a comprehensive reference tool. It is targeted for those who truly desire to understand prophecy and the end-times. Starting with “Abomination of Desolation” and continuing through hundreds of articles until “Zionism,” this book provides helpful and interesting discussions of the entire range of biblical prophecy, all at your fingertips.This exhaustive work contains articles on a broad sweep of topics relevant to the study of biblical prophecy and eschatology. The articles are based on solid scholarship, yet are clear and accessible to the lay reader, illuminating even the most complicated issues. The dictionary also strives for a balanced presentation by laying out differing positions along with their strengths and weaknesses, while not pushing any specific theological or interpretive agenda other than a firm commitment to seeking to understand the Scriptures. This is a valuable tool you will refer to time and again.

Daniel: Practical Living in the Judgment Hour

Book Description

The book of Daniel has always been at the heart of studies on Bible prophecy for God's people. The name Daniel itself means God is my judge. Living in the judgment hour naturally draws students of prophecy to a book about the judgment. We live at a time when we need to draw closer to Christ more than ever. E. G. White commented, “Those who eat the flesh and drink the blood of the Son of God will bring from the books of Daniel and Revelation truth that is inspired by the Holy Spirit.” While digging deeper into the prophecies of Daniel, it is amazing to see the practicality of Christian living in this apocalyptic book. In each chapter, the author, Norman McNulty, brings out the practical message of Daniel for God's people living in these last days in addition to digging deeper into the apocalyptic passages.

Unveiling Daniel's Prophecies of End Time Events

Book Description

Here is the book you have been waiting for There is no doubt that the books of Daniel and Revelation contain some of the most difficult and complex prophesies in the entire Bible. Unveiling Daniel's Prophecies of End Time Events clarifies many of the complexities and answers some of the most challenging questions contained in these prophesies. It sets forth a new and strikingly simple prophetic explanation that allows the reader to fully understand the prophetic sequence contained in Daniel 2 and 7 in association with selected prophecies from Revelation 13 and 17. Many books have offered interpretations of the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation, but little attention has actually been given to unfolding prophetic events within the prophetic timeline. In this unique book, the author attempts to rectify this. By sequencing the prophecies of Daniel 2 and 7 along with associated prophecies from Revelation, the author is able to present the logical unfolding of prophetic events from the first world empire to the fall of Rome, to the rise of the ten-horn seven-headed beast, the wounding of the beast, to the rise of the Antichrist, to the coming of the Lord Jesus, the King of kings, and Lord of lords. Unveiling Daniel's Prophecies of End Time Events is a highly readable volume and will be a valuable resource for pastors, Christian educators, Bible students, and all who are interested or curious about the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation. Clarence Duff, ThD, PhD Dr. Duff is professor at Canada Christian College where he lectures in Christian education. He is the author of Unlocking the Mystery of Depression. He holds a MDiv, and ThD from Canada Christian College, an MA in CounsellingPsychology from Liberty University, a PhD in Religious Studies from California State Christian University, and is the candidate for the PhD in Psychology from Capella University.

A Case for Amillennialism

Book Description

Amillennialism, dispensational premillennialism, historic premillennialism, postmillennialism, preterism. These are difficult words to pronounce and even harder concepts to understand. A Case for Amillennialism is an accessible look at the crucial theological question of the millennium in the context of contemporary evangelicalism. Recognizing that eschatology--the study of future things--is a complicated and controversial subject, Kim Riddlebarger provides definitions of key terms and a helpful overview of various viewpoints. He examines related biblical topics as a backdrop to understanding the subject and discusses important passages of Scripture that bear upon the millennial question. Regardless of their stance, readers will find helpful insight as Riddlebarger evaluates the main problems facing each of the major millennial positions and cautions readers to be aware of the spiraling consequences of each view.

The Prophecy of Daniel 11 Unsealed

Book Description

More than 2500 years ago the Heavenly Messenger said the to the prophet Daniel, "Seal the book, even to the time of the end." Daniel 12: 4. By the sure word of the servant of the Lord we understand and know that the time of the end began in 1798, for since that date, "since 1798 the book of Daniel has been unsealed, knowledge of the prophecies has increased, and many have proclaimed the solemn message of the judgment near." GC 356. Chapters 10 thru 12 of the book of Daniel form a unit. The prophecy within this unit, which is primarily contained in chapter eleven, was to begin its historical fulfillment in 1798. The prophecy would thus begin to be understood, and people would be able to understand, and they would be able to understand it since that date. In Bible times, when Daniel wrote the book that bears his name, there were no verse and chapter divisions. Daniel 12 is a continuation and explanation of the prophecy of Daniel Eleven. "Let us read and study the 12th chapter of Daniel. It is a warning we shall all need to understand before the time of the end." Ellen G. White, Letter 161, July 30, 1903. A portion of chapter 12 is a recapitulation and further explanation of 11: 31. The 1290 and 1335 days of 12: 11-12 begin when 11: 31 meets its historical fulfillment, sometime in the future, when the "Sanctuary of Strength" is defiled and the "tamid" is taken away. That is to say, the "continuance" of Daniel 8: 11 (tamid ) is taken away. What happened in 66-70 A.D. when the temple in Jerusalem was under sieg and destroyed, is a miniature model, an example, of what shall take place at the time of the end-the last end-the last portion of the time of the end. This book, THE PROPHECY OF DANIEL11 "UNSEALED," is a fast-moving verse by verse interpretation of Daniel 11 and 12. There are no less than 3 charts. Of particular interest and importance is the last days' charts on pages 86A and 86B - the 1290 and 1335 days. The remaining portion of the prophecy of Dan


Book Description

Doukhan delves into the biblical text of the book of Daniel, considering its words, noting its literary movement, and listening to its echoes throughout the Scriptures. The result is a document with new information and reflection which challenges thought and nurtures hope.