Daniel Cosío Villegas:

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Las entrevistas que el profesor de la Universidad de California en Berkeley, James J. Wilkie, y su esposa Edna Monzón Wilkie le hicieron a don Daniel en el año de 1964 no sólo constituyen un espléndido ejercicio de historia oral, a medio camino de la autobiografía y de las memorias tanto como del oficio de historiar, sino un material de lectura e investigación ineludible para quien aspire a estudiar con mayor hondura y alcance el periodo histórico en cuestión, al personaje protagonista, y a su trasfondo y paisaje. La entrevista aquí presentada, en edición y notas de Rafael Rodríguez Castañeda, Adolfo Castañón y Diego Flores Magón, formó parte en su origen de una obra de más amplia envergadura, editada hace más de quince años en 1995, en cuatro volúmenes e incluía a otros dieciséis protagonistas de aquella etapa constructiva de la Revolución Mexicana. En el curso a la par simpático y acucioso de este ensayo impecable de historia oral, pautado por las preguntas hechas por los investigadores, va reconstruyéndose el itinerario, los años de formación y de aprendizaje, las ideas rectoras y la génesis de este eminente historiador, investigador, escritor, maestro y creador de instituciones, "caudillo y empresario cultural" (para aludir a las expresiones acuñadas por su biógrafo Enrique Krauze), que fue don Daniel Cosío Villegas.

A Compact History of Mexico

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The Liberal Impulse

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American Extremes

Book Description

In this notable collection of essays, written in the middle of the twentieth century, a towering Mexican thinker discusses both Latin America's internal problems and its relations with the United States, Russia, and the rest of the world. This perceptive examination of many political and economic topics will be of interest to all readers concerned with what our southern neighbors think on subjects important to us. The author brings into particularly sharp focus the relationship of Mexico and other Latin American countries to the United States. Cosío Villegas bluntly tells the reader how much remains to be accomplished: " . . . I believe that Mexico and the United States are so far from resolving their problems that, in truth, it can be said that the process of understanding has not yet even begun." He then impartially analyzes the problems that stand in the way of improved relations, and he looks at these difficulties from an altogether fresh perspective. Another major theme is the Mexican Revolution, what it did, and what it became. In many important ways, the author feels, the Revolution failed. For the rejuvenation that Mexico needs, should it look toward the United States or toward Russia? And what resources within itself does it need to develop in order to provide the leadership that Latin America requires? Cosío Villegas evaluates the permanent impact of the Cuban Revolution on our hemisphere. He considers where Latin American interests lie in the cold war and suggests how that area may use its voice most effectively in global decisions. With the increase in world tensions and the decrease in world size, this book will be extremely valuable for every thinking citizen.

American Extremes

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Change in Latin America

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Change in Latin America

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A Companion to Mexican History and Culture

Book Description

A Companion to Mexican History and Culture features 40 essays contributed by international scholars that incorporate ethnic, gender, environmental, and cultural studies to reveal a richer portrait of the Mexican experience, from the earliest peoples to the present. Features the latest scholarship on Mexican history and culture by an array of international scholars Essays are separated into sections on the four major chronological eras Discusses recent historical interpretations with critical historiographical sources, and is enriched by cultural analysis, ethnic and gender studies, and visual evidence The first volume to incorporate a discussion of popular music in political analysis This book is the receipient of the 2013 Michael C. Meyer Special Recognition Award from the Rocky Mountain Conference on Latin American Studies.

The Roots of Lo Mexicano

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