Data Analysis for Nuclear Materials Accounting

Book Description

Materials accounting for special nuclear material in future fuel cycle facilities will draw heavily on sophisticated data-analysis techniques. Decision analysis, which combines elements of estimation theory, decision theory, and systems analysis, can be used to reduce errors caused by subjective data evaluation and to condense large collections of data to a smaller set of more descriptive statistics. The methods and requirements of decision analysis are discussed and illustrated by a conceptual design example of an advanced materials accounting system for a plutonium nitrate-to-oxide conversion facility.

Efficient Analysis of Dynamic Materials Accounting Data

Book Description

Current trends in safeguarding special nuclear materials (SNM) in nuclear fuel cycle facilities portend increasing emphasis on timely collection and analysis of materials accounting data. The availability of more and better data argues for an organized framework of techniques to ensure efficient and complete extraction of information concerning possible diversion of SNM. This paper describes such a framework and presents results obtained by analyzing simulated data from a large nuclear fuel cycle facility.

Safeguards Systems Analysis

Book Description

Adequate verification is the key issue not only in today's arms control, arms limitation, and disarmament regimes, but also in less spectacular areas like auditing in economics or control of environmental pollution. Statistical methodologies and system analytical approaches are the tools developed over the past decades for quantifying those components of adequate verification which are quantifiable, i. e. , numbers, inventories, mass transfers, etc. , together with their uncertainties. In his book Safeguards Systems Analy sis, Professor Rudolf Avenhaus condenses the experience and expertise he has gained over the past 20 years, when his work was mainly related to the development of the IAEA's system for safeguarding nuclear materials, to system analytical studies at IIASA in the field of future energy requirements and their risks, and to the application of statistical techniques to arms control. The result is a unified and up-to-date presentation and analysis of the quantitative aspects of safeguards systems, and the application of the more important findings to practical problems. International Nuclear Material Safeguards, by far the most advanced verification system in the field of arms limitation, is used as the main field of application for the game theoretical analysis, material accountancy theory, and the theory on verification of material accounting data developed in the first four chapters.

Implementing Advanced Data Analysis Techniques in Near-real-time Materials Accounting

Book Description

Materials accounting for special nuclear material in fuel cycle facilities is implemented more efficiently by applying decision analysis methods, based on estimation and detection theory, to analyze process data for missing material. These methods are incorporated in the computer program DECANAL, which calculates sufficient statistics containing all accounting information, sets decision thresholds, and compares these statistics to the thresholds in testing the hypothesis H0 of no missing material against the alternative H1 that material is missing. DECANAL output provides alarm charts indicating the likelihood of missing material and plots of statistics that estimate materials loss. This program is a useful tool for aggregating and testing materials accounting data for timely detection of missing material.

Nuclear Materials

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