Data-driven Modeling, Prognosis, and Control of Discrete Events in Smart and Connected Systems

Book Description

The rapid advances in data acquisition, communication, storage, and processing technologies in recent years have enabled the transformation of conventional industrial equipment into smart and connected systems as well as the automation of business processes. The wealth of data extracted from these systems presents unprecedented opportunities for applying advanced data analytics to enhance industrial operations and services. Specifically, the data analytics-driven improvements in system performance can be achieved through effective monitoring of the evolution of the system's condition, modeling of complex relationships between industrial processes, accurate and individualized prognosis, and subsequently, using these insights to make intelligent optimal decisions. In this context, the proposed research focuses on a particular kind of data (known as "event data") which are commonly present in data gathered from industrial systems and processes. An event marks the occurrence of an underlying phenomenon in the temporal domain such as critical warnings, failures, maintenance actions, customer interactions, etc. From an analytics perspective, event data present several significant challenges including, but not limited to, non-normality, censoring, heterogeneity, and associations between different processes. This research simultaneously addresses multiple challenges, and the following tasks are pursued. (a) Individualized prognosis of in-field units in presence of unobserved heterogeneity - a method is proposed to dynamically update the heterogeneity parameter and make unit-specific predictions of a succeeding event, (b) Modeling and prognosis in presence of multi-type events - first, a copula-based framework is proposed for prognosis in presence of censoring, and second, a multivariate stochastic process is proposed to capture impact between event-types, (c) Monitoring of event sequences with unknown event-types - an approach utilizing multiple survival models for monitoring is proposed, and (d) Modeling, prognosis, and control of hard failures - a hidden Markov model-based degradation model is proposed for predicting hard failures. Thereafter, a partially observed Markov decision process is employed to recommend optimal maintenance actions. While these methods have been developed in the context of industrial systems and services, they can be generalized and applied to other business contexts as well.

Data-driven Prognosis and Diagnosis of Event Occurrences with Applications in Manufacturing and Healthcare Systems

Book Description

Information technology revolution is turning modern engineering systems into smart and connected systems and such systems have become increasingly available in practice. Due to the advances in implementation of smart and connected systems, we now have massive data with rich condition monitoring signals of in-situ systems and detailed records of critical events. This unprecedented data availability realized by the smart and connected systems provides significant opportunities for sophisticated data-driven prognosis and diagnosis for the underlying health status of a system in various fields. Successful prognosis and diagnosis can prevent catastrophic consequences in advance and provide meaningful information about the underlying health status of a system. However, at the same time, it also creates new challenges for research in data analytics as to how this vast and complex data could be utilized to retrieve accurate prognosis and meaningful diagnosis. Many existing techniques fall short of addressing this issue because most of them are for the cases where the data were collected in a well-controlled experimental setting. The critical event records and condition monitoring data obtained from the complex smart and connected systems often involve many factors that are uncontrollable and inevitably exhibit severe heterogeneity. This thesis addresses multiple challenges for prognosis and diagnosis based on such data by establishing a series of data-driven methodologies. (a) To build a joint model framework for both time-to-failure data and condition monitoring signals by integrating Cox regression and mixed-effects model. (b) To extend the joint model framework to address various issues in the prognosis based on the monitoring data. (c) Establishing a joint prognostic model for recurrent events by hierarchically integrating logistic regression and mixed-effects models. (d) To establish a diagnostic model based on recurrent event data using correlated Gamma-based hidden Markov model. The proposed methods can be applied to a broad range of data analytics applications, and the emerging challenges in monitoring data obtained from smart and connected systems can be effectively addressed.

Data-driven Prognosis and Diagnosis of Event Occurrences with Applications in Manufacturing and Healthcare Systems

Book Description

Information technology revolution is turning modern engineering systems into smart and connected systems and such systems have become increasingly available in practice. Due to the advances in implementation of smart and connected systems, we now have massive data with rich condition monitoring signals of in-situ systems and detailed records of critical events. This unprecedented data availability realized by the smart and connected systems provides significant opportunities for sophisticated data-driven prognosis and diagnosis for the underlying health status of a system in various fields. Successful prognosis and diagnosis can prevent catastrophic consequences in advance and provide meaningful information about the underlying health status of a system. However, at the same time, it also creates new challenges for research in data analytics as to how this vast and complex data could be utilized to retrieve accurate prognosis and meaningful diagnosis. Many existing techniques fall short of addressing this issue because most of them are for the cases where the data were collected in a well-controlled experimental setting. The critical event records and condition monitoring data obtained from the complex smart and connected systems often involve many factors that are uncontrollable and inevitably exhibit severe heterogeneity. This thesis addresses multiple challenges for prognosis and diagnosis based on such data by establishing a series of data-driven methodologies. (a) To build a joint model framework for both time-to-failure data and condition monitoring signals by integrating Cox regression and mixed-effects model. (b) To extend the joint model framework to address various issues in the prognosis based on the monitoring data. (c) Establishing a joint prognostic model for recurrent events by hierarchically integrating logistic regression and mixed-effects models. (d) To establish a diagnostic model based on recurrent event data using correlated Gamma-based hidden Markov model. The proposed methods can be applied to a broad range of data analytics applications, and the emerging challenges in monitoring data obtained from smart and connected systems can be effectively addressed.

Data-Driven Remaining Useful Life Prognosis Techniques

Book Description

This book introduces data-driven remaining useful life prognosis techniques, and shows how to utilize the condition monitoring data to predict the remaining useful life of stochastic degrading systems and to schedule maintenance and logistics plans. It is also the first book that describes the basic data-driven remaining useful life prognosis theory systematically and in detail. The emphasis of the book is on the stochastic models, methods and applications employed in remaining useful life prognosis. It includes a wealth of degradation monitoring experiment data, practical prognosis methods for remaining useful life in various cases, and a series of applications incorporated into prognostic information in decision-making, such as maintenance-related decisions and ordering spare parts. It also highlights the latest advances in data-driven remaining useful life prognosis techniques, especially in the contexts of adaptive prognosis for linear stochastic degrading systems, nonlinear degradation modeling based prognosis, residual storage life prognosis, and prognostic information-based decision-making.

Modeling and Simulation of Discrete Event Systems

Book Description

Computer modeling and simulation (M&S) allows engineers to study and analyze complex systems. Discrete-event system (DES)-M&S is used in modern management, industrial engineering, computer science, and the military. As computer speeds and memory capacity increase, so DES-M&S tools become more powerful and more widely used in solving real-life problems. Based on over 20 years of evolution within a classroom environment, as well as on decades-long experience in developing simulation-based solutions for high-tech industries, Modeling and Simulation of Discrete-Event Systems is the only book on DES-M&S in which all the major DES modeling formalisms – activity-based, process-oriented, state-based, and event-based – are covered in a unified manner: A well-defined procedure for building a formal model in the form of event graph, ACD, or state graph Diverse types of modeling templates and examples that can be used as building blocks for a complex, real-life model A systematic, easy-to-follow procedure combined with sample C# codes for developing simulators in various modeling formalisms Simple tutorials as well as sample model files for using popular off-the-shelf simulators such as SIGMA®, ACE®, and Arena® Up-to-date research results as well as research issues and directions in DES-M&S Modeling and Simulation of Discrete-Event Systems is an ideal textbook for undergraduate and graduate students of simulation/industrial engineering and computer science, as well as for simulation practitioners and researchers.

Data-driven Modeling and Prognosis of Condition Monitoring Signals in Engineering Systems

Book Description

Condition monitoring (CM) data, or simply monitoring data, is defined as a dataset that has been collected from individuals along the time, and it implicitly manifests the underlying unobservable system status. Due to the advances in sensory devices and information technology, prognosis and diagnosis in various fields can take enormous advantages from the rich condition monitoring data. However, at the same time, it also creates new challenges for research in data analytics as to how this vast and complex data could be utilized to retrieve accurate diagnosis and meaningful prognosis. Many existing techniques fall short of addressing this issue because most of them are developed when the data were collected in a well-controlled experimental setting. However, the monitoring data often involves many factors that are uncontrollable and, inevitably, has severe heterogeneity. This research simultaneously addresses multiple challenges that arise from the monitoring data. i. An Individualized model is crucial for effective diagnosis and prognosis based on the monitoring data. The primary focus of collecting the monitoring data is to understand the specific in-service unit rather than studying the population behavior. Therefore, the predictions or diagnostic decisions based on the monitoring data needs to be highly individualized. Collecting monitoring data happens in the on-line stage at the real time. Thus, the model should be able to update or adjust itself according to the newly-collected data points from the specific individual. ii. A non-parametric framework that can account for heterogeneity and handle high dimensionality in the data is needed. CM signals may not follow any parametric form, and if the specified form is far from the truth, the modeling and prognosis results will be misleading. For instance, parametric representations are typically based on physical or chemical theories; however, in most cases, such theories are unknown. Therefore, functional forms should be derived through empirical evaluation or visual observation, making them sensitive to model misspecification iii. A flexible modeling strategy that can handle multiple data types simultaneously is needed. Specifically incorporating qualitative data and introducing a distance measure between such data is essential for better prognosis. The monitoring data comes in various data types. In the literature, there are many statistical methods that are developed for a specific type of data which is not suitable for the monitoring data that includes various data types at the same time. Thus, a novel statistical model fusion needs to be investigated. iv. A scalable approach specifically when the number of CM signals/functional outputs is large. Further, the integrative analysis of multiple outputs implicitly assumes that these outputs share some commonalities. However, if this does not hold, negative transfer of knowledge may occur, which leads to decreased performance relative to learning tasks separately. Therefore, the model needs to possess excellent scalability when the number of outputs is large and simultaneously minimizes the negative transfer of knowledge between uncorrelated outputs. To address those issues listed above, four tasks are investigated in this report. (a) To build a mixture mixed effects model which is able to account for imbalance (early vs late failure) in the data. This technique greatly improves prognostics specifically for systems where most units are reliable and only few tend to fail at early stages of their life cycle. (b) To propose an alternative view on modeling CM data using multivariate Gaussian process. This view draws its roots from multitask learning and is based on treating each CM signal as an individual task. This technique is non-parametric, scalable and is able to account for heterogeneity in the data. (c) To incorporate qualitative features in non-parametric prognostics through a reparametrization technique called hypersphere decomposition. This technique allows incorporating external factors into prognostic models through defining a distance measure based on a unit hypercube. (d) To provide scalability for the multivariate Gaussian process when the number of outputs is large and to minimize the negative transfer of knowledge between uncorrelated outputs. This technique utilizes a distributed estimation scheme which allows scaling to arbitrarily large datasets through parallelization.

Modeling and Control of Logical Discrete Event Systems

Book Description

The field of discrete event systems has emerged to provide a formal treatment of many of the man-made systems such as manufacturing systems, communica tion networks. automated traffic systems, database management systems, and computer systems that are event-driven, highly complex, and not amenable to the classical treatments based on differential or difference equations. Discrete event systems is a growing field that utilizes many interesting mathematical models and techniques. In this book we focus on a high level treatment of discrete event systems. where the order of events. rather than their occurrence times, is the principal concern. Such treatment is needed to guarantee that the system under study meets desired logical goals. In this framework, dis crete event systems are modeled by formal languages or, equivalently, by state machines. The field of logical discrete event systems is an interdisciplinary field-it in cludes ideas from computer science, control theory, and operations research. Our goal is to bring together in one book the relevant techniques from these fields. This is the first book of this kind, and our hope is that it will be useful to professionals in the area of discrete event systems since most of the material presented has appeared previously only in journals. The book is also designed for a graduate level course on logical discrete event systems. It contains all the necessary background material in formal language theory and lattice the ory. The only prerequisite is some degree of "mathematical maturity".

Discrete Event Systems

Book Description

Discrete Event Systems: Diagnosis and Diagnosability addresses the problem of fault diagnosis of Discrete Event Systems (DESs). This book provides the basic techniques and approaches necessary for the design of an efficient fault diagnosis system for a wide range of modern engineering applications. This book classifies the different techniques and approaches according to several criteria such as: modeling tools (Automata, Petri nets, Templates) that is used to construct the model; the information (qualitative based on events occurrences and/or states outputs, quantitative based on signal processing, data analysis) that is needed to analyze and achieve the diagnosis; the decision structure (centralized, decentralized) that is required to achieve the diagnosis; as well as the complexity (polynomial, exponential) of the algorithm that is used to determine the set of faults that the proposed approach is able to diagnose as well as the delay time required for this diagnosis. The goal of this classification is to select the efficient method to achieve the fault diagnosis according to the application constraints. This book will include illustrated examples of the presented methods and techniques as well as a discussion on the application of these methods on several real-world problems.

Data-driven Modeling for Decision Support Systems and Treatment Management in Personalized Healthcare

Book Description

We perform our method on different small and large datasets. Finally we provide a comparative study and show that our predictive approach leads to better results in comparison with others. In the second phase, we propose a novel patient subgroup detection method, called Supervised Biclustring (SUBIC) using convex optimization and apply our approach to detect patient subgroups and prioritize risk factors for hypertension (HTN) in a vulnerable demographic subgroup (African-American). Our approach not only finds patient subgroups with guidance of a clinically relevant target variable but also identifies and prioritizes risk factors by pursuing sparsity of the input variables and encouraging similarity among the input variables and between the input and target variables. Finally, in the third phase, we introduce a new survival analysis framework using deep learning and active learning with a novel sampling strategy. First, our approach provides better representation with lower dimensions from clinical features using labeled (time-to-event) and unlabeled (censored) instances and then actively trains the survival model by labeling the censored data using an oracle. As a clinical assistive tool, we propose a simple yet effective treatment recommendation approach based on our survival model. In the experimental study, we apply our approach on SEER-Medicare data related to prostate cancer among African-Americans and white patients. The results indicate that our approach outperforms significantly than baseline models.

Supervisory Control of Discrete-Event Systems

Book Description

This book shows how supervisory control theory (SCT) supports the formulation of various control problems of standard types, like the synthesis of controlled dynamic invariants by state feedback, and the resolution of such problems in terms of naturally definable control-theoretic concepts and properties, like reachability, controllability and observability. It exploits a simple, abstract model of controlled discrete-event systems (DES) that has proved to be tractable, appealing to control specialists, and expressive of a range of control-theoretic ideas. It allows readers to choose between automaton-based and dually language-based forms of SCT, depending on whether their preference is for an internal-structural or external-behavioral description of the problem. The monograph begins with two chapters on algebraic and linguistic preliminaries and the fundamental concepts and results of SCT are introduced. To handle complexity caused by system scale, architectural approaches—the horizontal modularity of decentralized and distributed supervision and the vertical modularity of hierarchical supervision—are introduced. Supervisory control under partial observation and state-based supervisory control are also addressed; in the latter, a vector DES model that exploits internal regularity of algebraic structure is proposed. Finally SCT is generalized to deal with timed DES by incorporating temporal features in addition to logical ones. Researchers and graduate students working with the control of discrete-event systems or who are interested in the development of supervisory control methods will find this book an invaluable aid in their studies. The text will also be of assistance to researchers in manufacturing, logistics, communications and transportation, areas which provide plentiful examples of the class of systems being discussed.