De l’âge du Bronze à l’âge du Fer en France et en Europe occidentale (Xe-VIIe siècle av. J.-C.)

Book Description

Les actes du XXXe colloque de l’Association Française pour l’Étude de l’Âge du Fer (A.F.E.A.F.) - Saint-Romain-en-Gal, 2006 - rassemblent en un seul volume les 16 communications du thème régional et les 28 du thème spécialisé, co-organisé avec l’Association pour la Promotion des Recherches sur l’âge du Bronze (A.P.R.A.B.). La question du territoire est la trame de fond de la partie régionale, suscitée par le dynamisme et les résultats de l’archéologie à Lyon et dans la région (du Mâconnais à la Loire et aux Alpes). Cette question est abordée par l’examen des sources écrites, d’utiles synthèses et la présentation de sites remarquables, en contexte d’habitat ou funéraire. L’enjeu du thème spécialisé était s’éclaircir la difficile question du passage de l’âge du Bronze à l’âge du Fer. Comment cerner les signes du changement, l’expliquer, en saisir le moment ? La plupart des auteurs ont choisi une fourchette chronologique large et se sont placés dans l’optique d’une évolution d’ordre endogène. Le critère du métal n’apparaît pas comme le plus pertinent. La fragmentation des faciès céramiques, la rupture de l’unité culturelle prévalant entre le XIIe et le VIIe siècles, des comportements nouveaux constatés dans les habitats et les pratiques funéraires : la situation est contrastée dans une Europe étudiée ici avec des exemples allant de l’Espagne à l’Italie, de la Grande-Bretagne à la Bohême.

De l'âge du Bronze à l'âge du Fer en France et en Europe occidentale (Xe-VIIe siècle av. J.-C.)

Book Description

So dynamic was archaeology in Lyon and its surrounding region (Macon, the Loire Country and the Alps), that focus was kept on regional topics and that the question of «territory» was kept as the main line of research. The question has been tackled from many angles: written sources, enlightening summaries and synthetized works, presentation of quite remarkable sites, whether settlement sites or burial sites. The whole point was to shed light on the transitional phase between the Bronze Age and the Iron Age. What are the signs of a change, how to explain them, how to pinpoint them? Most scientists have led their research on a fairly large time span, always in the perspective of an endogenous evolution. The metal criterion do not come up as the most relevant factor anymore. Differenciation in pottery groups and disruption in the cultural cohesion prevail between the XIIthand the VIIth centuries. New practices arise in settlement patterns as well as funeral rites: the situation in Europe here under study, is richly contrasted and documented with case studies coming from a zone spreading from Spain to Italy, from Great Britain to Bohemia. The records of the 30th «A.F.E.A.F., Association Française pour l'Étude de l'Âge du Fer» 'symposium - Saint-Romain en Gal, 2006 - gather in one single volume the 16 papers on regional issues, as well as 28 papers on more specific issues, organized in collaboration with the Association pour la Promotion des Recherches sur l'âge du Bronze (A.P.R.A.B.).

Religion in Britain from the Megaliths to Arthur

Book Description

The Druids and the Arthurian legends are all most of us know about early Britain, from the Neolithic to the Iron Age (4500 BC-AD 43). Drawing on archaeological discoveries and medieval Welsh texts like the Mabinogion, this book explores the religious beliefs of the ancient Britons before the coming of Christianity, beginning with the megaliths--structures like Stonehenge--and the role they played in prehistoric astronomy. Topics include the mysterious Beaker people of the Early Bronze Age, Iron Age evidence of the Druids, the Roman period and the Dark Ages. The author discusses the myths of King Arthur and what they tell us about paganism, as well as what early churches and monasteries reveal about the enigmatic Druids.

The Arverni and Roman Wine

Book Description

Large numbers of Greco-Italic and Dressel 1 amphorae were exported to many parts of Gaul during the late Iron Age and they provide a major source of information on the development and growth of the Roman economy during the late Republican period.

At Home on the Waves

Book Description

Contemporary public discourses about the ocean are routinely characterized by scientific and environmentalist narratives that imagine and idealize marine spaces in which humans are absent. In contrast, this collection explores the variety of ways in which people have long made themselves at home at sea, and continue to live intimately with it. In doing so, it brings together both ethnographic and archaeological research – much of it with an explicit Ingoldian approach – on a wide range of geographical areas and historical periods.

Celtic from the West 3

Book Description

The Celtic languages and groups called Keltoi (i.e. ‘Celts’) emerge into our written records at the pre-Roman Iron Age. The impetus for this book is to explore from the perspectives of three disciplines—archaeology, genetics, and linguistics—the background in later European prehistory to these developments. There is a traditional scenario, according to which, Celtic speech and the associated group identity came in to being during the Early Iron Age in the north Alpine zone and then rapidly spread across central and western Europe. This idea of ‘Celtogenesis’ remains deeply entrenched in scholarly and popular thought. But it has become increasingly difficult to reconcile with recent discoveries pointing towards origins in the deeper past. It should no longer be taken for granted that Atlantic Europe during the 2nd and 3rd millennia BC were pre-Celtic or even pre-Indo-European. The explorations in Celtic from the West 3 are drawn together in this spirit, continuing two earlier volumes in the influential series.

Les âges du fer dans la vallée de la Saône (VIIe - Ier siècles avant notre ère)

Book Description

La vallée de la Saône et ses environs se distinguent par leur richesse archéologique pour les deux Ages du fer et pour les vestiges relevant de la métallurgie ancienne. La comparaison des vestiges textiles, tombes à épées et tous les aspects de la paléométallurgie du bronze : mines, minerais, techniques de fabrication apporte des précisions sur cette période.