Book Description

les Fatimides et la mer (909-1171)

Book Description

In The Fatimids and the Sea (909-1171), David Bramoullé shows how in medieval times an Ismaili dynasty of Caliphs used the sea to develop and justify its claims of control over the Muslim world. Dans les Fatimides et la mer (909-1171), David Bramoullé montre comment à à l’époque médiévale une dynastie musulmane de rite ismaélien utilisa la mer pour se développer et justifier ses prétentions à contrôler le monde musulman.

Autorité épiscopale et sollicitude pastorale (IIe-VIe siécles)

Book Description

The first set of articles in this collection is concerned with the nature of the bishop’s authority in the Early Church and the sources from which it was drawn. This is seen in political terms, as in the writings of Justin Martyr, as well as spiritual ones. Charles Munier singles out Tertullian as the first to formulate a doctrine of apostolic succession, but also traces his subsequent path towards the affirmation of the authority of the Holy Spirit over that embodied in the ’Orthodox Church’. The following studies turn to a complementary area of ecclesiology, that of pastoral care. The author points to the great diversity of forms of worship and rite, from the earliest days of the Church; these, he argues, reflect a constant process of adaptation, to fit particular religious needs, and to understand such divergences it is necessary to investigate the theological motives that lay behind them. Particular topics here are those of baptism and marriage, especially the still controversial question of how and with what discretion to treat divorce and remarriage. La première série d'articles de cette collection examine la nature et la source de l’autorité des évêques de l’Eglise primitive. Ceci est abordé en termes politiques, au travers d’étude sur Justin le Martyr, ainsi qu'en termes spirituels. Charles Munier, tout en reconnaissant Tertullien pour avoir été le premier à formuler la doctrine de la succession apostolique, retrace aussi la voie parcourue ultérieurement par ce dernier vers l’affirmation de la suprémacie de l’autorité du Saint Esprit sur celle répresentée par l’Eglise orthodoxe. Les études suivantes se tourent vers un domaine complémentaire de l’ecclésiologie, celui de la sollicitude pastorale. L’auteur souligne la grande diversitie de liturgies et de rites qui ont toujours eu cours au sien de l’Eglise; selon lui, on voit là le reflet d'un processus d'adaptation constant, destiné a répondre à des besoins

Europe, Cold War and Coexistence, 1955-1965

Book Description

This title examines the role of the Europeans in the Cold War during the 'Khrushchev Era'. It was a period marked by the struggle for a regulated co-existence in a world of blocs, an initial arrangement to find a temporary arrangement failed due to German desires to quickly overcome the status quo. It was only when the danger of an unintended nuclear war was demonstrated through the crises over Berlin and Cuba that a tacit arrangement became possible, which was based on a system dominated by a nuclear arms race. The book provides useful information on the role of Konrad Adenauer and the beginnings of the German 'new Eastern policy', as well as examining the Western European power policy in the era of Harold Macmillan and Charles de Gaulle.

Le Travail et ses Representations

Book Description

First Published in 1984. From Adam Smith to Karl Marx, classical economists identify work as a collection of technical operations resulting in the creation of social goods and founding value. The authors of this book deal with several societies in Asia, Africa and America. D'Adam Smith a Karl Marx, les economistes classiques identifient le travail a un emsemble d'operations techniques aboutissant a la creation de biens sociaux et fondant la valeur. Les auters de ce livre traitent de plusieurs societes d'Asie, d'Afrique at d'Amerique.

Recueil Des Cours, Collected Courses, 1932

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