Decarbonization Pathways for the Western Canadian Electricity System

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Decarbonizing the electricity system (i.e. eliminating generation from fossil fuels and replacing it with non-emitting sources) is widely considered a necessary step to limiting anthropogenic emissions and minimizing the impacts of climate change. Selecting which non-emitting generators should replace existing fossil fuel sources, and when to build them, is critical to the success of this transition. The optimal pathway to decarbonisation is highly region-specific. It is impacted by both factors such as availability of renewable resources, existing generation resources, and government policy. This dissertation presents a techno-economic model that is used to assess the decarbonisation of the combined British Columbia and Alberta electricity system. It is found that high levels of decarbonisation are possible through a combination of new wind generation, particularly in Alberta, and increased trade between Alberta, British Columbia, and the United States. Following on this finding, the variability related to high penetrations of renewable generation is introduced to the model and its impact is assessed. These results indicate that variability will be an important constraint in planning decarbonized energy systems. Finally, the representation of British Columbia's existing hydroelectric resources is expanded to determine the ability to buffer variable renewable generation with these resources. This study finds that, while existing hydroelectric resources can support much of the variability in a highly renewable energy system, additional technologies and/or policies are needed to reach a fully zero-carbon system. The findings in this thesis show that British Columbia and Alberta, with an expanded interconnection between the provinces, can reach high penetrations of variable renewable energy. The majority of this generation consists of wind energy in Alberta, which is abundant and low-cost compared to other generation options. While comparatively little generation is added in British Columbia, the existing hydroelectric resources in the province provide significant flexibility to support the variability of this wind generation.

How Do We Power Decarbonization? Land and Other Resources in Canada's West

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Mitigating climate change requires elimination of fossil fuel related greenhouse gas emissions. Transitioning electricity generation to low-carbon sources and substituting fossil fuels with electricity in non-electric sectors is considered to be a key strategy. This dissertation investigates resource options to and land area impacts of decarbonizing electricity generation and electrifying adjacent sectors. Three studies analyze transition options in the western Canadian provinces of Alberta and British Columbia. The first study investigates technology transition pathways and land area impacts of reducing electricity generation related carbon emissions in fossil fuel-dominated Alberta. A final 70% share of wind, solar, and hydro power reduces emissions by 90% between 2015 and 2060. This scenario requires designating 5% additional land area to electricity generation annually. Land is largely designated to the required space between wind turbines, with smaller areas attributed to ground-mounted solar and hydro power. System planners can reduce the land area impacts by deploying more compact geothermal, rooftop solar and natural gas with carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) technologies. These technology compositions can hold land area impacts constant in time if depleted natural gas and CCS infrastructure is expediently reclaimed, but total net present system costs increase by 11% over the 45-year period. Without reclamation, fuel extraction and carbon sequestration increase land area impacts at least fourfold within this time period. The second study investigates sedimentary basin geothermal resources in northeastern British Columbia. Geothermal energy is a potentially low-cost, low-carbon, dispatchable resource for electricity generation with a relatively small land area impact. A two-step method first geospatially overlays economic and geological criteria to highlight areas favourable to geothermal development. Next, the Volume Method applies petroleum exploration and production data in Monte Carlo probability simulations to estimate electricity generation potential at the four areas with highest favourability (Clarke Lake, Jedney, Horn River, and Prophet River). The total power generation potential of all four areas is determined to be 107 MW. Volume normalized reservoir potentials range from 1.8 to 4.1 MW/km3. The required geothermal brine flow rate to produce 1 MW of electric power ranges from 27.5 to 60.4 kg/s. The third study investigates electricity impacts of electrifying space heat and road transportation using a portfolio of renewable energy sources. The Metro Vancouver Regional District in British Columbia serves as a case study. The district's 2016 fossil fuel demand is converted to an equivalent electricity demand at hourly resolution. The annual electricity demand of 30 TWh increases by 48% to 81%, depending on space heating efficiency. A one-year capacity expansion and dispatch model quantifies a broad range of feasible electricity system compositions. Results reveal that between 70 and 2203 km2 of additional land area need to be designated to electricity generation to supply the additional demand. Increasing the space heating coefficient of performance from 1.08 to 3.5 halves land area impact and electricity system costs. The maximum potential 8.8 GW of rooftop solar capacity can generate up to 23% of the district's annual electrified demand. Required electricity storage capacities range from 6 to 61 GWh.

Energy Modelling for Low Carbon Pathways for the Electricity and Transportation Systems in British Columbia and Alberta

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Currently, the electricity, heat and transport sectors are responsible for 40% of all global greenhouse gas emissions. To avoid intensification of anthropogenic climate change, emissions from these sectors must be significantly decreased in the coming decades. This dissertation focuses on pathways to low-carbon futures for the electricity and transport systems using the Canadian provinces of British Columbia and Alberta as case studies. Firstly, a model of the Alberta system is used to study coal-to-biomass conversion as a means to achieve mid term renewable energy targets at lower cost. Results show that meeting a 30% renewable energy target by 2030 with a 7% share of bioenergy leads to electricity system cost reductions of 5%, compared to a system where this target is met predominantly with wind generation. Further, it is shown that although bioenergy has a higher unit energy cost than wind, a small share of bioenergy leads to lower system cost due to lower backup capacity needs. The second study focuses on the conversion of the Alberta heavy duty transport system to battery electric or fuel cell vehicles with and without carbon taxes and assesses the impact of electrification on buildout of electricity generators, costs and emissions. It is found that without carbon taxes, electrifying the heavy duty transport sector leads to a combined electricity system and heavy duty transport system cumulative emission reduction of only 3% by 2060, in the best case, relative to a scenario where electrification does not take place. However, when a carbon tax of $150/tCO2e is applied, cumulative emission reductions of up to 43% are achieved. Further, it is found that although overall electricity demand is 10% higher in scenarios with fuel cell vehicles, compared to scenarios with battery electric vehicles, system costs may be up to 4% lower. The flexibility provided by electrolysers enables the buildout of low cost solar generators which leads to this cost savings. Finally, the third study focuses on the electrification of all modes of road transport in British Columbia with and without a 93% renewable energy penetration target. Varying levels of controlled charging are assessed as a method to manage variability of wind and solar photovoltaic generators. Model results show that the electricity system capacity doubles by 2055, relative to current values, to accommodate growing electricity demand associated with population growth, industry expansion and electric vehicles. Furthermore, use of utility controlled charging leads to a decrease in excess electricity generation and lower capacity installation, however, no further decrease in excess energy is achieved for a utility controlled charging with a participation rate of 30% of the vehicle fleet.

Deployment of Deep Decarbonization Technologies

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While progress has been made in the development of decarbonization technologies, much work remains in scale-up and deployment. For decarbonization technologies to reach meaningful scale, real-world constraints, societal, economic, and political, must be considered. To identify the primary challenges and opportunities to deploying decarbonization technologies at scale across major sectors of the U.S. economy, the Board on Energy and Environmental Systems of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine convened a workshop on July 22-23, 2019. In addition to technology-specific and sector-specific studies, the workshop considered the types of societal transformations required, as well as potential policy drivers for carbon dioxide emissions reductions. This publication summarizes the presentations and discussion of the workshop.

Accelerating Decarbonization of the U.S. Energy System

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The world is transforming its energy system from one dominated by fossil fuel combustion to one with net-zero emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), the primary anthropogenic greenhouse gas. This energy transition is critical to mitigating climate change, protecting human health, and revitalizing the U.S. economy. To help policymakers, businesses, communities, and the public better understand what a net-zero transition would mean for the United States, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine convened a committee of experts to investigate how the U.S. could best decarbonize its transportation, electricity, buildings, and industrial sectors. This report, Accelerating Decarbonization of the United States Energy System, identifies key technological and socio-economic goals that must be achieved to put the United States on the path to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. The report presents a policy blueprint outlining critical near-term actions for the first decade (2021-2030) of this 30-year effort, including ways to support communities that will be most impacted by the transition.

Decarbonizing Development

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The science is unequivocal: stabilizing climate change implies bringing net carbon emissions to zero. This must be done by 2100 if we are to keep climate change anywhere near the 2oC warming that world leaders have set as the maximum acceptable limit. Decarbonizing Development: Three Steps to a Zero-Carbon Future looks at what it would take to decarbonize the world economy by 2100 in a way that is compatible with countries' broader development goals. Here is what needs to be done: -Act early with an eye on the end-goal. To best achieve a given reduction in emissions in 2030 depends on whether this is the final target or a step towards zero net emissions. -Go beyond prices with a policy package that triggers changes in investment patterns, technologies and behaviors. Carbon pricing is necessary for an efficient transition toward decarbonization. It is an efficient way to raise revenue, which can be used to support poverty reduction or reduce other taxes. Policymakers need to adopt measures that trigger the required changes in investment patterns, behaviors, and technologies - and if carbon pricing is temporarily impossible, use these measures as a substitute. -Mind the political economy and smooth the transition for those who stand to be most affected. Reforms live or die based on the political economy. A climate policy package must be attractive to a majority of voters and avoid impacts that appear unfair or are concentrated on a region, sector or community. Reforms have to smooth the transition for those who stand to be affected, by protecting vulnerable people but also sometimes compensating powerful lobbies.

Technology and Policy Options for a Low-Emission Energy System in Canada

Book Description

Technology and Policy Options for a Low-Emission Energy System in Canada is an up-to-date, accessible review of options for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and moving Canada toward a low-emission future. It provides an overview of Canada’s energy system, an analysis of different energy sources and technologies, and an exploration of the public policies available to support a shift toward low-emission energy sources and technologies.

Electric Grid Decarbonization Pathways

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Climate change has motivated governments around the world to ratify aggressive greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets. Meeting these targets will require improved energy efficiency, behavior changes, and energy system decarbonization. Many climate change and energy policy targets imply the deployment of large amounts of low carbon, renewable energy resources like wind turbines and solar photovoltaic (PV) panels but do not specify how these resources will be sited on the landscape. The relationships between weather conditions, terrain, land cover, existing electric grid infrastructure, and electricity consumers will govern how these wind and solar PV infrastructure configurations develop and how quickly they will be implemented. This dissertation develops methods for modeling policy goal-compliant wind and solar PV infrastructure configurations and their land use requirements, extends these methods to explicitly account for the resulting land use/land cover change patterns, and concludes with a macro-scale discussion of energy system geographies and their co-evolution with the societies that rely upon them in a decarbonized electric grid future. Chapters 2 and 3 each feature a case study of Vermont and its ambitious energy and emissions-related goals. We find that Vermont can meet many of these goals with less than 1% of its land area occupied by wind and solar PV infrastructure using a wide variety of infrastructure ratios and siting strategies. Chapter 4 views energy systems through the proposed 'energyshed' lens. We define energysheds as the geographic area over which energy is produced, refined, transported, stored, distributed, and consumed. We argue that energy system decarbonization offers opportunities to democratize and decentralize energy systems physically and administratively and that the spatial relationships between energy system infrastructure, ownership, and energy consumers will dictate the trajectory of the electric grid decarbonization process.

Decarbonization of Power Systems

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Climate change poses a major challenge to society. Different sectors of society will need to respond in different ways; for the power sector, the response will require the aggressive reduction of CO2 emissions to near zero by 2050. There is no unique pathway for achieving a given level of decarbonization, and different pathways will require greater or lesser resources. In general, as the degree of carbon mitigation increases, each additional unit of reduction will become more expensive. The world has limited resources, as do national economies. Thus, whether the solution to decarbonization is achieved through markets or through centralized planning, the solution should be the one that maximizes society's welfare, i.e., that achieves the goal at minimum cost for society. This thesis explores the potential cost implications of different decarbonization pathways for the electricity generation mix in the year 2050. The impacts of different CO2 reduction targets and technological choices on the cost of decarbonization are compared. The average price of electricity is used as a metric for the cost of decarbonization to society. An important requirement of the analysis is to take account of changes in the expected cost of existing technologies over this period, as well as the possibility that new technologies will become available. This research takes a systemic view, including a detailed representation of the interactions between different types of power system technologies, taking into consideration the synergies and limitations that each asset class creates and/or imposes on others. To explore the impact of differences in system characteristics, two different U.S. power systems are analyzed: New England's power system and the Texas power system. These differ significantly in their demand profiles and in the availability of renewable resources. Cost estimates developed by the International Energy Agency and the Nuclear Energy Agency for 2020 are used as input parameters for the analysis. Uncertainty in cost estimates is addressed by a comprehensive sensitivity analysis on future cost reductions for renewables and storage systems, as well as future cost increases for nuclear technologies. Additionally, to account in part for the likelihood of future changes in the pool of available technological options, two new supply-side technologies currently under development are included in the analysis, as are new capabilities for managing demand-side resources. A novel long-term generation investment model, GenX, has been developed to determine the minimum cost generation mix subject to various emissions constraints and different technological pathways. GenX is a capacity expansion model with clustered unit commitment constraints whose main features include: 1) the ability to evaluate the impact of operating constraints with hourly resolution on investment decisions and on total generation cost; 2) the ability to account for the chronological variability of demand and renewable output, and correlations between the two; and 3) the ability to decide on power plant investments and operation at the individual plant level. Each technology is characterized by a particular set of operational and economic parameters. Additionally, GenX is capable of modeling new technological concepts {advanced nuclear (Generation IV) and heat storage{ which would support interactions between electricity and heat markets. The model is implemented in the Julia language and has been used to simulate 560 different decarbonization/technology scenarios. Key results include: (1) the importance for minimizing the cost of decarbonization of having a diversity of technological options with a range of technical and economic attributes; more specifically, (2) the central importance of having dispatchable low-carbon resources, such as nuclear power or carbon capture and sequestration systems. For example, when dispatchable low-carbon technologies are not available, the cost of achieving deep decarbonization goals is shown to triple in power systems such as New England's with lower renewables potential, and to double even in a Texas-like system with higher renewables potential; and (3) the great potential of new technological concepts for simultaneously reducing CO2 emissions and decreasing the cost of electricity considerably. An important policy implication of this work is the need to shift from technology-specific support mechanisms for decarbonization (e.g. renewable portfolio standards) to general low-carbon support mechanisms that will allow for competition between and adaptation of low-carbon technologies. The methodology developed in this research supports two important new capabilities for policy makers: (1) the ability to calculate the extra cost associated with dispensing with specific technological options {such as nuclear power{ will enable improved cost-benefit analysis of policies directed towards specific technologies; (2) the ability to model the potential impact of new technological concepts on the cost of decarbonization will help to optimize the allocation of R&D resources with respect to their potential contribution to reducing CO2 abatement costs.

Legal Pathways to Deep Decarbonization in the United States

Book Description

Legal Pathways to Deep Decarbonization in the United States provides a "legal playbook" for deep decarbonization in the United States, identifying well over 1,000 legal options for enabling the United States to address one of the greatest problems facing this country and the rest of humanity. The book is based on two reports by the Deep Decarbonization Pathways Project (DDPP) that explain technical and policy pathways for reducing U.S. greenhouse gas emissions by at least 80% from 1990 levels by 2050. This 80x50 target and similarly aggressive carbon abatement goals are often referred to as deep decarbonization, distinguished because it requires systemic changes to the energy economy. Legal Pathways explains the DDPP reports and then addresses in detail 35 different topics in as many chapters. These 35 chapters cover energy efficiency, conservation, and fuel switching; electricity decarbonization; fuel decarbonization; carbon capture and negative emissions; non-carbon dioxide climate pollutants; and a variety of cross-cutting issues. The legal options involve federal, state, and local law, as well as private governance. Authors were asked to include all options, even if they do not now seem politically realistic or likely, giving Legal Pathways not just immediate value, but also value over time. While both the scale and complexity of deep decarbonization are enormous, this book has a simple message: deep decarbonization is achievable in the United States using laws that exist or could be enacted. These legal tools can be used with significant economic, social, environmental, and national security benefits. Book Reviews "A growing chorus of Americans understand that climate change is the biggest public health, economic, and national security challenge our families have ever faced and they rightly ask, ''What can anyone do?'' Well, this book makes that answer very clear: we can do a lot as individuals, businesses, communities, cities, states, and the federal government to fight climate change. The legal pathways are many and the barriers are not insurmountable. In short, the time is now to dig deep and decarbonize." --Gina McCarthy, Former U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator "Legal Pathways to Deep Decarbonization in the United States sets forth over 1,000 solutions for federal, state, local, and private actors to tackle climate change. This book also makes the math for Congress clear: with hundreds of policy options and 12 years to stop the worst impacts of climate change, now is the time to find a path forward." --Sheldon Whitehouse, U.S. Senator, Rhode Island "This superb work comes at a critical time in the history of our planet. As we increasingly face the threat and reality of climate change and its inevitable impact on our most vulnerable populations, this book provides the best and most current thinking on viable options for the future to address and ameliorate a vexing, worldwide challenge of extraordinary magnitude. Michael Gerrard and John Dernbach are two of the most distinguished academicians in the country on these issues, and they have assembled leading scholars and practitioners to provide a possible path forward. With 35 chapters and over 1,000 legal options, the book is like a menu of offerings for public consumption, showing that real actions can be taken, now and in the future, to achieve deep decarbonization. I recommend the book highly." --John C. Cruden, Past Assistant Attorney General, Environment and Natural Resources Division, U.S. Department of Justice "This book proves that we already know what to do about climate change, if only we had the will to do it. The path to decarbonization depends as much on removing legal impediments and changing outdated incentive systems as it does on imposing new regulations. There are ideas here for every sector of the economy, for every level of government, and for business and nongovernmental organizations, too, all of which should be on the table for any serious country facing the most serious of challenges. By giving us a sense of the possible, Gerrard and Dernbach and their fine authors seem to be saying two things: (1) do something; and (2) it''s possible. What a timely message, and what a great collection." --Jody Freeman, Archibald Cox Professor of Law and Founding Director of the Harvard Law School Environmental and Energy Law Program