Decay Constants of B and D Mesons from Non-pertubatively Improved Lattice QCD.

Book Description

The decay constants of B and D mesons are computed in quenched lattice QCD at two different values of the coupling. The action and operators are? (a) improved with non-perturbative coefficients where available. The results and systematic errors are discussed in detail. Results for vector decay constants, flavour symmetry breaking ratios of decay constants, the pseudoscalar-vector mass splitting and D meson masses are also presented.

B- and D-meson Decay Constants from Three-flavor Lattice QCD.

Book Description

We calculate the leptonic decay constants of B_{(s)} and D_{(s)} mesons in lattice QCD using staggered light quarks and Fermilab bottom and charm quarks. We compute the heavy-light meson correlation functions on the MILC asqtad-improved staggered gauge configurations which include the effects of three light dynamical sea quarks. We simulate with several values of the light valence- and sea-quark masses (down to m̃_s/10) and at three lattice spacings (a ̃0.15, 0.12, and 0.09 fm) and extrapolate to the physical up and down quark masses and the continuum using expressions derived in heavy-light meson staggered chiral perturbation theory. We renormalize the heavy-light axial current using a mostly nonperturbative method such that only a small correction to unity must be computed in lattice perturbation theory and higher-order terms are expected to be small. We obtain f_{B+̂} = 196.9(8.9) MeV, f_{B_s} = 242.0(9.5) MeV, f_{D+̂} = 218.9(11.3) MeV, f_{D_s} = 260.1(10.8) MeV, and the SU(3) flavor-breaking ratios f_{B_s}/f_{B} = 1.229(26) and f_{D_s}/f_{D} = 1.188(25), where the numbers in parentheses are the total statistical and systematic uncertainties added in quadrature.

B-meson Decay Constants from 2+1-flavor Lattice QCD with Domain-wall Light Quarks and Relativistic Heavy Quarks

Book Description

We calculate the B-meson decay constants fB, fBs, and their ratio in unquenched lattice QCD using domain-wall light quarks and relativistic b-quarks. We use gauge-field ensembles generated by the RBC and UKQCD collaborations using the domain-wall fermion action and Iwasaki gauge action with three flavors of light dynamical quarks. We analyze data at two lattice spacings of a ≈ 0.11, 0.086 fm with unitary pion masses as light as M[pi] ≈ 290 MeV; this enables us to control the extrapolation to the physical light-quark masses and continuum. For the b-quarks we use the anisotropic clover action with the relativistic heavy-quark interpretation, such that discretization errors from the heavy-quark action are of the same size as from the light-quark sector. We renormalize the lattice heavy-light axial-vector current using a mostly nonperturbative method in which we compute the bulk of the matching factor nonperturbatively, with a small correction, that is close to unity, in lattice perturbation theory. We also improve the lattice heavy-light current through O([alpha]sa). We extrapolate our results to the physical light-quark masses and continuum using SU(2) heavy-meson chiral perturbation theory, and provide a complete systematic error budget. We obtain fB0 = 196.2(15.7) MeV, fB+ = 195.4(15.8) MeV, fBs = 235.4(12.2) MeV, fBs/fB0 = 1.193(59), and fBs/fB+ = 1.220(82), where the errors are statistical and total systematic added in quadrature. In addition, these results are in good agreement with other published results and provide an important independent cross check of other three-flavor determinations of B-meson decay constants using staggered light quarks.

The Decay Constants F(B) and F(D+) from Three-flavor Lattice QCD.

Book Description

We present new preliminary results for the leptonic decay constants f{sub B} and f{sub D+} determined in 2+1 flavor lattice QCD at lattice spacings a = 0.09, 0.12 and 0.15 fm. Results are obtained using the MILC Collaboration gauge configuration ensembles, clover heavy quarks in the Fermilab interpretation and improved staggered light quarks. Decay constants, computed at partially quenched combinations of the valence and sea light quark masses, are used to determine the low-energy parameters of staggered chiral perturbation theory. The physical decay constants are found in an extrapolation using the parameterized chiral formula.

The Decay Constants F(B+) and F(D+) from Three-flavor Lattice QCD.

Book Description

We present new results for f{sub B+} and f{sub D+} from the MILC 2+1 flavor a = 0.09fm 'fine' lattice. We use clover heavy quarks in the Fermilab interpretation and improved staggered light quarks. Lattice results from partially quenched QCD fix the parameters of staggered chiral perturbation theory which is used in the extrapolation to the physical decay constants.

Particle Physics Reference Library

Book Description

This first open access volume of the handbook series contains articles on the standard model of particle physics, both from the theoretical and experimental perspective. It also covers related topics, such as heavy-ion physics, neutrino physics and searches for new physics beyond the standard model. A joint CERN-Springer initiative, the "Particle Physics Reference Library" provides revised and updated contributions based on previously published material in the well-known Landolt-Boernstein series on particle physics, accelerators and detectors (volumes 21A, B1,B2,C), which took stock of the field approximately one decade ago. Central to this new initiative is publication under full open access

Heavy Quark Physics

Book Description

Qcd Spectral Sum Rules

Book Description

The aim of the book is to give an introduction to the method of QCD Spectral Sum Rules and to review its developments. After some general introductory remarks, Chiral Symmetry, the Historical Developments of the Sum Rules and the necessary materials for perturbative QCD including the MS regularization and renormalization schemes are discussed. The book also gives a critical review and some improvements of the wide uses of the QSSR in Hadron Physics and QSSR beyond the Standard Hadron Phenomenology. The author has participated actively in this field since 1978 just before the expanding success of the SVZ QSSR.

B Meson Semileptonic Form Factors Using Unquenched Lattice QCD

Book Description

Abstract: We present state-of-the-art unquenched lattice QCD results for B meson semileptonic decay, B [rightarrow] [pi]lv, form factors. We use gauge configurations prepared by the MILC collaboration, which include the effects of the sea quarks, the s quark and two very light quarks (u and d). We employ the nonrelativistic NRQCD action to simulate the heavy b quark and a highly improved staggered quark action (AsqTad) to simulate the sea and valence light quarks. To reduce the uncertainties, we perform matching of the heavy-light current with these highly improved actions through one loop. The perturbative matching accounts for the effects of mixing with dimension 4 operators that are O(1/M) and O(a). We extrapolate the form factors f+(q2) and f0(q2) to their values at the physical pion mass using chiral perturbation theory formulas. Integrating this result, we obtain [integral] [from] 16 GeV2 [to] q2_max [d[gamma]/dq2]d2 (V_ub)2 = 1.46(35) ps−1. Combining this with a preliminary average by the Heavy Flavor Averaging Group (HFAG'05) of recent branching fraction data for exclusive B semileptonic decays from the BaBar, Belle and CLEO collaborations, leads to V_ub = 4.22(30)(51) x 10−3.

B and D Mesons in Lattice QCD.

Book Description

Computational and theoretical developments in lattice QCD calculations of B and D mesons are surveyed. Several topical examples are given: new ideas for calculating the HQET parameters {bar {Lambda}} and [lambda]1; form factors needed to determine {vert_bar}V{sub cb}{vert_bar} and {vert_bar}V{sub ub}{vert_bar}; bag parameters for the mass differences of the B mesons; and decay constants. Prospects for removing the quenched approximation are discussed.