Edge Of Deception (Mills & Boon Vintage 90s Modern)

Book Description

I'm Getting Married! While Tara wished her ex-husband well in his intended marriage, she couldn't deny her attraction to him. There was just no future in it - Sholto had made it clear that he couldn't forgive or forget her, and the edge of deception that colored their past seemed a chasm neither one of them could bridge.

A Passionate Deceit (Mills & Boon Vintage 90s Modern)

Book Description

"Play with fire and you're bound to get burned... ." Tessa couldn't reveal to famous film director Sandro Lambert that she had a burning desire to become a journalist. He was a very private person who jealously guarded the secret of his past.

Mistress Of Deception (Mills & Boon Vintage 90s Modern)

Book Description

Escape from obsession! Ebony is an Australian supermodel. She is also Alan Carstairs's ward. Once they were close, but now it is no secret in Sydney's glamorous fashion world that Ebony and Alan are openly hostile toward each other. Why? What nobody knows is that Ebony and Alan are caught up in an obsession for each other.

Imperfect Stranger (Mills & Boon Vintage 90s Modern)

Book Description

Appearances can be deceptive... As a stranger, Flynn had just one imperfection: an overriding obsession with secrecy. Danielle was intrigued - dangerously sexy, Flynn had awakened more than her journalistic curiosity. She sensed a story; she also sensed trouble.

A Marriage Betrayed (Mills & Boon Vintage 90s Modern)

Book Description

He was driven by vengeance... Adopted but now alone, Kristy went in search of her natural family. When Armand Dutournier burst into her life, accusing her of betrayals she had not committed, Kristy could only wonder - did she have a perfect double? Could she possibly have a twin?