Decoder-learning Based Distributed Source Coding for High-efficiency, Low-cost and Secure Multimedia Communications

Book Description

Conventional multimedia compression leverages the source statistics at the encoder side. This is not suitable for some emerging applications such as wireless sensor networks, where the encoders usually have limited functionalities and power supplies, therefore it is desired to shift the bulk of computational burden to the decoder side. The resulting new coding paradigm is called distributed source coding (DSC). Most practical DSC schemes only achieve good results when a priori knowledge about the source statistics is assumed. For DSC of real-world sources such as images and videos, such knowledge is not really available. In this dissertation, we focus on designing decoder-side learning schemes for better understanding of the source statistics, based on which practical DSC systems can be built for high-efficiency, low-cost, and secure multimedia communications. We have studied distributed video coding and compression of encrypted images and videos. We propose to enable partial access to the current source through progressive decoding, such that the decoder's knowledge about the source statistics can be progressively refined. The resulting schemes have achieved significant improvement in coding efficiency. We also studied the rate allocation problem to optimize the power consumption in transmitting multiple correlated sources over a wireless sensor network. The framework developed in this dissertation will provide significant insights and become important building blocks in distributed video applications, including those that are of significant importance to the national security, agriculture, economy, and healthcare.

Distributed Source Coding

Book Description

Distributed source coding is one of the key enablers for efficient cooperative communication. The potential applications range from wireless sensor networks, ad-hoc networks, and surveillance networks, to robust low-complexity video coding, stereo/Multiview video coding, HDTV, hyper-spectral and multispectral imaging, and biometrics. The book is divided into three sections: theory, algorithms, and applications. Part one covers the background of information theory with an emphasis on DSC; part two discusses designs of algorithmic solutions for DSC problems, covering the three most important DSC problems: Slepian-Wolf, Wyner-Ziv, and MT source coding; and part three is dedicated to a variety of potential DSC applications. Key features: Clear explanation of distributed source coding theory and algorithms including both lossless and lossy designs. Rich applications of distributed source coding, which covers multimedia communication and data security applications. Self-contained content for beginners from basic information theory to practical code implementation. The book provides fundamental knowledge for engineers and computer scientists to access the topic of distributed source coding. It is also suitable for senior undergraduate and first year graduate students in electrical engineering; computer engineering; signal processing; image/video processing; and information theory and communications.

Distributed Source Coding

Book Description

The advent of wireless sensor technology and ad-hoc networks has made DSC a major field of interest. Edited and written by the leading players in the field, this book presents the latest theory, algorithms and applications, making it the definitive reference on DSC for systems designers and implementers, researchers, and graduate students. This book gives a clear understanding of the performance limits of distributed source coders for specific classes of sources and presents the design and application of practical algorithms for realistic scenarios. Material covered includes the use of standard channel codes, such as LDPC and Turbo codes, to DSC, and discussion of the suitability of compressed sensing for distributed compression of sparse signals. Extensive applications are presented and include distributed video coding, microphone arrays and securing biometric data. Clear explanation of the principles of distributed source coding (DSC), a technology that has applications in sensor networks, ad-hoc networks, and distributed wireless video systems for surveillance Edited and written by the leading players in the field, providing a complete and authoritative reference Contains all the latest theory, practical algorithms for DSC design and the most recently developed applications

Network-aware Source Coding and Communication

Book Description

An introduction to the theory and techniques for achieving high quality network communication with the best possible bandwidth economy, this book focuses on network information flow with fidelity. Covering both lossless and lossy source reconstruction, it is illustrated throughout with real-world applications, including sensor networks and multimedia communications. Practical algorithms are presented, developing novel techniques for tackling design problems in joint network-source coding via collaborative multiple description coding, progressive coding, diversity routing and network coding. With systematic introductions to the basic theories of distributed source coding, network coding and multiple description coding, this is an ideal self-contained resource for researchers and students in information theory and network theory.

Joint Source-Channel Coding

Book Description

Consolidating knowledge on Joint Source-Channel Coding (JSCC), this book provides an indispensable resource on a key area of performance enhancement for communications networks Presenting in one volume the key theories, concepts and important developments in the area of Joint Source-Channel Coding (JSCC), this book provides the fundamental material needed to enhance the performance of digital and wireless communication systems and networks. It comprehensively introduces JSCC technologies for communications systems, including coding and decoding algorithms, and emerging applications of JSCC in current wireless communications. The book covers the full range of theoretical and technical areas before concluding with a section considering recent applications and emerging designs for JSCC. A methodical reference for academic and industrial researchers, development engineers, system engineers, system architects and software engineers, this book: Explains how JSCC leads to high performance in communication systems and networks Consolidates key material from multiple disparate sources Is an ideal reference for graduate-level courses on digital or wireless communications, as well as courses on information theory Targets professionals involved with digital and wireless communications and networking systems

Adaptive Distributed Source Coding

Book Description

Distributed source coding, the separate encoding and joint decoding of statistically dependent sources, has many potential applications ranging from lower complexity capsule endoscopy to higher throughput satellite imaging. This dissertation improves distributed source coding algorithms and the analysis of their coding performance to handle uncertainty in the statistical dependence among sources. We construct sequences of rate-adaptive low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes that enable encoders to switch flexibly among coding rates in order to adapt to arbitrary degrees of statistical dependence. These code sequences operate close to the Slepian-Wolf bound at all rates. Rate-adaptive LDPC codes with well-designed source degree distributions outperform commonly used rate-adaptive turbo codes. We then consider distributed source coding in the presence of hidden variables that parameterize the statistical dependence among sources. We derive performance bounds for binary and multilevel models of this problem and devise coding algorithms for both cases. Each encoder sends some portion of its source to the decoder uncoded as doping bits. The decoder uses the sum-product algorithm to simultaneously recover the source and the hidden statistical dependence variables. This system performs close to the derived bounds when an appropriate doping rate is selected. We concurrently develop techniques based on density evolution to analyze our coding algorithms. Experiments show that our models closely approximate empirical coding performance. This property allows us to efficiently optimize parameters of the algorithms, such as source degree distributions and doping rates. We finally demonstrate the application of these adaptive distributed source coding techniques to reduced-reference video quality monitoring, multiview coding and low-complexity video encoding.

Joint Source-Channel Decoding

Book Description

Treats joint source and channel decoding in an integrated way Gives a clear description of the problems in the field together with the mathematical tools for their solution Contains many detailed examples useful for practical applications of the theory to video broadcasting over mobile and wireless networks Traditionally, cross-layer and joint source-channel coding were seen as incompatible with classically structured networks but recent advances in theory changed this situation. Joint source-channel decoding is now seen as a viable alternative to separate decoding of source and channel codes, if the protocol layers are taken into account. A joint source/protocol/channel approach is thus addressed in this book: all levels of the protocol stack are considered, showing how the information in each layer influences the others. This book provides the tools to show how cross-layer and joint source-channel coding and decoding are now compatible with present-day mobile and wireless networks, with a particular application to the key area of video transmission to mobiles. Typical applications are broadcasting, or point-to-point delivery of multimedia contents, which are very timely in the context of the current development of mobile services such as audio (MPEG4 AAC) or video (H263, H264) transmission using recent wireless transmission standards (DVH-H, DVB-SH, WiMAX, LTE). This cross-disciplinary book is ideal for graduate students, researchers, and more generally professionals working either in signal processing for communications or in networking applications, interested in reliable multimedia transmission. This book is also of interest to people involved in cross-layer optimization of mobile networks. Its content may provide them with other points of view on their optimization problem, enlarging the set of tools which they could use. Pierre Duhamel is director of research at CNRS/ LSS and has previously held research positions at Thomson-CSF, CNET, and ENST, where he was head of the Signal and Image Processing Department. He has served as chairman of the DSP committee and associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing and Signal Processing Letters, as well as acting as a co-chair at MMSP and ICASSP conferences. He was awarded the Grand Prix France Telecom by the French Science Academy in 2000. He is co-author of more than 80 papers in international journals, 250 conference proceedings, and 28 patents. Michel Kieffer is an assistant professor in signal processing for communications at the Université Paris-Sud and a researcher at the Laboratoire des Signaux et Systèmes, Gif-sur-Yvette, France. His research interests are in joint source-channel coding and decoding techniques for the reliable transmission of multimedia contents. He serves as associate editor of Signal Processing (Elsevier). He is co-author of more than 90 contributions to journals, conference proceedings, and book chapters. Treats joint source and channel decoding in an integrated way Gives a clear description of the problems in the field together with the mathematical tools for their solution Contains many detailed examples useful for practical applications of the theory to video broadcasting over mobile and wireless networks

Source Coding Theory

Book Description

Source coding theory has as its goal the characterization of the optimal performance achievable in idealized communication systems which must code an information source for transmission over a digital communication or storage channel for transmission to a user. The user must decode the information into a form that is a good approximation to the original. A code is optimal within some class if it achieves the best possible fidelity given whatever constraints are imposed on the code by the available channel. In theory, the primary constraint imposed on a code by the channel is its rate or resolution, the number of bits per second or per input symbol that it can transmit from sender to receiver. In the real world, complexity may be as important as rate. The origins and the basic form of much of the theory date from Shan non's classical development of noiseless source coding and source coding subject to a fidelity criterion (also called rate-distortion theory) [73] [74]. Shannon combined a probabilistic notion of information with limit theo rems from ergodic theory and a random coding technique to describe the optimal performance of systems with a constrained rate but with uncon strained complexity and delay. An alternative approach called asymptotic or high rate quantization theory based on different techniques and approx imations was introduced by Bennett at approximately the same time [4]. This approach constrained the delay but allowed the rate to grow large.

Iterative Decoding for Trellis Based Codes in Wireless Communications

Book Description

Abstract: In this dissertation, we focus on three issues of the trellis based iterative decoding: First, the complexity issue of Turbo code is considered. We propose a constrained iterative decoder to reduce the decoding complexity. An additional interleaver is introduced at the encoder. At the decoder, we first use Cyclic Redundance Code (CRC) to detect which bits are already correctly decoded during early iterations. With knowledge of the positions of these correct bits, the constrained decoding algorithm is designed to reduce the number of the state transitions in the component code trellis and help the decoding of other bits in later iterations. In this way, the constrained iterative decoder achieves significant complexity reduction and still satisfying performance. Second, the iterative decoding algorithm is redesigned for Turbo code implemented Distributed Source Coding (DSC). When used in DSC, the Turbo decoder encounters a combined Binary Symmetric Channel (BSC) and Addictive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) distortion. The existing iterative decoding algorithm based on AWGN distortion assumption causes performance degradation. By redefining the channel reliability values, the modified iterative decoding algorithm matches the BSC-AWGN scenario well and improves the performance. Third, we propose a reliable source transmission coding and decoding scheme. A serially concatenated source and space time modulated coding structure is used. Variable Length Code (VLC) with error resilient capability is adopted at the application layer. Space Time Trellis Code (STTC) is used to provide high bandwidth efficiency at the physical layer. An iterative joint source space time decoder is designed including the symbol level space time Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) decoder, the bit level VLC MAP decoder and the Viterbi VLC decoder. Critical issues such as STTC MAP algorithm with nonseparable systematic information, VLC MAP algorithm in absence of channel output, VLC Viterbi algorithm based on the bit level trellis and extrinsic information conversion and exchange between bit domain and symbol domain are addressed. The decoding performance of different frame sizes and different component VLCs and STTCs, the rate allocation between the source code and the space time code and the performance in presence of channel estimation errors are discussed in this dissertation.


Book Description

This book presents the journey of Turbo-Codes from their first invention and initial design as error correcting codes to their application as video compression tools. This journey is presented in three milestones. First, Turbo-Codes are introduced as a channel coding tool. Different encoding structures and decoding algorithms are discussed from theoretical and practical aspects, for binary and non-binary Turbo-Codes. Slepian-Wolf and Wyner-Ziv theorems are then discussed, as they constitute the main theory behind distributed source coding (DSC). Turbo-Codes are then presented as a practical tool for distributed source compression. The study of Turbo-Codes application in DSC is also extended to the case of joint source-channel coding (JSCC), where these codes are jointly used for both source compression and error correction. Theoretical models for DSC and JSCC are thoroughly discussed along with the necessary modifications to the initial turbo encoder-decoder system. Different simulation setups are considered and results are presented and analyzed. Finally, Turbo-Code-based distributed video coding (DVC) techniques are discussed. The motivation behind DVC is first presented, followed by a general description of the DVC system model. Different techniques used to generate the side information needed for practical DVC systems are then discussed. Theoretical compression bounds are derived for both error-free and erroneous transmissions. Applications of DVC in the context of single user and multiuser setups are finally presented with different simulation scenarios and performance analysis.