Deep State Defector VI

Book Description

Once again Wall Street Attorney and Thought Leader Rahul Manchanda dishes out 20 more chapters devoted to recording and exposing the inner workings of the incredibly corrupt and money-fueled Deep State which threatens the American Republic and the worlds' people. With this latest book series installation, Attorney Manchanda details how Global Communism has now merged with Global Oligarchy, to create a top-down detention camp on the worlds' people while progressively eliminating their freedoms, one by one. Culprits are also once again, named, shamed, and exposed. A must read!

Deep State Defector VI

Book Description

Once again Wall Street Attorney and Thought Leader Rahul Manchanda dishes out 20 more chapters devoted to recording and exposing the inner workings of the incredibly corrupt and money-fueled Deep State which threatens the American Republic and the worlds’ people. With this latest book series installation, Attorney Manchanda details how Global Communism has now merged with Global Oligarchy, to create a top-down detention camp on the worlds’ people while progressively eliminating their freedoms, one by one. Culprits are also once again, named, shamed, and exposed. A must read!

Deep State Defector III

Book Description

In this third installment of Attorney Rahul Manchanda’s expose of deep-state corruption in the United States and beyond, the author takes us into the first few years of the Trump presidency and the obstacles and impediments faced by him in his struggles against the deep-state, entrenched powers therein.

Deep State Defector

Book Description

Rahul Manchanda spent his entire life within the belly of the proverbial beast—that is, within the secret power structure of the United States and the international community, where he was culled and prepped for bigger and better things within a leadership role in the Deep State/New World Order. Along the way, he grew both alarmed and shocked at just how myopic and short-sighted these Deep State/New World Order types really were and how either inadvertently or purposefully the results of their clandestine and secretive plans of global “divide and conquer” often led to misery, genocide, death, racism, destruction of the family unit, wasted money, constant warfare, terrorism, and a frustration of the ideals of America as enshrined by the Founding Fathers within the U.S. Constitution. A philosophical and ideological founder of the Anonymous movement, with one of his own Associate Attorneys going on to start/lead the Occupy Wall Street/99% Movement at Zuccotti Park in Lower Manhattan, he published vast amounts of political/deep state exposing articles anonymously until he was targeted by federal/state/local government mixed in conjunction with organized crime/foreign/domestic espionage and Edward Snowden revealed that there was no anonymity on the internet, whereupon Mr. Manchanda started writing and publishing his essays using his real name and identity. The articles contained in this book are some of those articles written under his real name. His book takes us on a journey to expose some of these conspiracies and plots within the U.S. Judicial Court and Legal System, foreign and domestic policy, non-governmental organizations, finance and economics, international relations, history, and religion while sometimes analyzing many of the leading culprits in their ruthless and bloodthirsty quests for a Deep State New World Order, and tries to bring attention to the plots and plans, cautioning the governed about their governors. History only repeats itself if the people are uninformed, and his book tries to ensure that we as the human race do not fall into the existential pitfalls of ignorance but rather move into a future of enlightenment and learning from past historical mistakes in order to strengthen and preserve our freedoms into eternity.

Deep State Defector Iv

Book Description

In this latest FOURTH installment in the Deep State Defector series, Attorney Rahul Manchanda brings his most brazen, illuminating and controversial findings to light, guaranteed to offend the powers that be. As a well trained and extremely experienced lawyer for 20 years in Manhattan New York City, the Author never makes statements or claims that can't be backed up by fact, which make his revelations all the more shocking. Indeed, the power structures that be, globally, are getting ready to consolidate their grip on power all around the world, and will have little to no use for the vast majority of the world population. That is why it is absolutely essential that the people of the world wake up before it's too late. Only by becoming aware of the conspiracies and secret cabals around the planet, will the people take back their autonomy, sovereignty, and self-empowerment.

Deep State Defector V

Book Description

Now with the author's previous four books "Deep State Defector" I through IV being banned by Amazon Books and Kindle, obviously for offending the "powers that be," that is the wealthy corrupt global oligarchs, plutocrats, communists, and other control freaks of the world, who want nothing more than to keep the world's people ignorant and under their control, Rahul Manchanda still plows forward, issuing his now FIFTH book in his Deep State Defector series. Readers would do well to read and heed the secrets that Mr. Manchanda has researched and published, in order to try and save humanity from losing its freedom, autonomy, and collective soul in the coming New World Order.

American Resistance

Book Description

It could have been so much worse: a deeply reported, insider story of how a handful of Washington officials staged a daring resistance to an unprecedented presidency and prevented chaos overwhelming the government and the nation. Each federal employee takes an oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic,” but none had imagined that enemy might be the Commander-in-Chief. With the presidency of Donald Trump, a fault line between the president and vital forces within his government was established. Those who honored their oath of office, their obligation to the Constitution, were wary of the president and they in turn were not trusted and occasionally fired and replaced with loyalists. American Resistance is the first book to chronicle the unprecedented role so many in the government were forced to play and the consequences of their actions during the Trump administration. From Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman and his brother Yevgeny, to Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch, to Bill Taylor, Fiona Hill, and the official who first called himself “Anonymous”—Miles Taylor, among others, Rothkopf examines the resistance movement that slowly built in Washington. Drawing from first hand testimonies, deep background and research, American Resistance shows how when the President threatened to run amok, a few key figures rose in defiance. It reveals the conflict within the Department of Justice over actively seeking instances of election fraud and abuse to help the president illegally retain power, and multiple battles within the White House over the influence of Jared and Ivanka, and in particular the extraordinary efforts to get them security clearances even after they were denied to them. David Rothkopf chronicles how each person came to realize that they were working for an administration that threatened to wreak havoc – one Defense Secretary was told by his mother to resign before it was too late – in an intense drama in which a few good men and women stood up to the tyrant in their midst.

The American Deep State

Book Description

Now in a new edition updated through the unprecedented 2016 presidential election, this provocative book makes a compelling case for a hidden “deep state” that influences and often opposes official U.S. policies. Prominent political analyst Peter Dale Scott begins by tracing America’s increasing militarization, restrictions on constitutional rights, and income disparity since World War II. With the start of the Cold War, he argues, the U.S. government changed immensely in both function and scope, from protecting and nurturing a relatively isolated country to assuming ever-greater responsibility for controlling world politics in the name of freedom and democracy. This has resulted in both secretive new institutions and a slow but radical change in the American state itself. He argues that central to this historic reversal were seismic national events, ranging from the assassination of President Kennedy to 9/11. Scott marshals compelling evidence that the deep state is now partly institutionalized in non-accountable intelligence agencies like the CIA and NSA, but it also extends its reach to private corporations like Booz Allen Hamilton and SAIC, to which 70 percent of intelligence budgets are outsourced. Behind these public and private institutions is the influence of Wall Street bankers and lawyers, allied with international oil companies beyond the reach of domestic law. Undoubtedly the political consensus about America’s global role has evolved, but if we want to restore the country’s traditional constitutional framework, it is important to see the role of particular cabals—such as the Project for the New American Century—and how they have repeatedly used the secret powers and network of Continuity of Government (COG) planning to implement change. Yet the author sees the deep state polarized between an establishment and a counter-establishment in a chaotic situation that may actually prove more hopeful for U.S. democracy.

The Deep State

Book Description

Beneath the outward appearance of legitimate government and accountable officials there lurk hidden agendas, shadowy personalities and special interest groups seeking to seize control of the nation for their own ends. These 'states within a state', unfettered by legal norms and unworried by public opinion, are known as 'deep states'. In this fascinating account, Ian Fitzgerald examines what a deep state really is and how they have emerged in various places across the world and throughout history. Ranging from the police state of East Germany in the 1950s to the narco states of Latin America in the 1970s to the institutional corruption of 21st century Nigeria, he explores the many ways people have sought to seize the apparatus of power for themselves while remaining out of sight. Now the subject of modern conspiracy theories the world over as a worrying trend toward unelected power emerges, this book is more timely than ever, and helps separate fact from fiction. Looks at deep state conspiracies around the world, including: • the narco-states of Colombia and Mexico - where legitimate institutions have been corrupted by the power and wealth of the illegal drug trade • the illicit tax haven of Panama and the 2016 "Panama Papers", history's biggest data leak • the United Fruit Company's involvement in the 1954 coup d'état in Guatemala • the robber barons of the late 19th- and early 20th- century America • the role of intelligence services such as the CIA, FBI and NSA in the US deep state, at home and abroad • the extent to which social media sites such as Facebook influence voters

Proof of the Existence of the Deep State

Book Description

This book provides hard evidence such as a copy of a illegal martial law order, which shows that The Deep State is real and it is engaged in criminal activity.