Defense Intelligence College

Book Description

Review of the National Defense Intelligence College's Master's Degree in Science and Technology Intelligence

Book Description

The National Research Council (NRC) was asked by the National Defense Intelligence College (NDIC) to convene a committee to review the curriculum and syllabi for their proposed master of science degree in science and technology intelligence. The NRC was asked to review the material provided by the NDIC and offer advice and recommendations regarding the program's structure and goals of the Master of Science and Technology Intelligence (MS&TI) program. The Committee for the Review of the Master's Degree Program for Science and Technology Professionals convened in May 2011, received extensive briefings and material from the NDIC faculty and administrators, and commenced a detailed review of the material. This letter report contains the findings and recommendations of the committee. Review of the National Defense Intelligence College's Master's Degree in Science and Technology Intelligence centers on two general areas. First, the committee found that the biological sciences and systems engineering were underrepresented in the existing program structure. Secondly, the committee recommends that the NDIC faculty restructure the program and course learning objectives to focus more specifically on science and technology, with particular emphasis on the empirical measurement of student achievement. Given the dynamic and ever-changing nature of science and technology, the syllabi should continue to evolve as change occurs.

Learning With Professionals: Selected Works from the Joint Military Intelligence College

Book Description

Learning With Professionals: Selected Works from the Joint Military Intelligence College is a collection of writings by present or former faculty and students at the Joint Military Intelligence College. The purpose of the book is to provide an academic resource for students, teachers, and practitioners of intelligence. The growth of the field as an academic discipline has been accompanied by a growth in its body of literature, and some of the most significant writings have come from a center of excellence in the field, the Joint Military Intelligence College. Those presented here represent a cross section of subdisciplines, some with a very timely element, some timeless.This product has been reviewed by senior experts from academia and government, and has been approved for unrestricted distribution by the Directorate for Freedom of Information and Security Review, Washington Headquarters Services, Department of Defense.

Bringing Intelligence About: Practitioners Reflect on Best Practices

Book Description

This volume helps identify how to produce good or better intelligence - intelligence that is of use to policymakers. The authors have - across a range of areas of interest -identified some of the practices that work best "to bring about" good intelligence. The focus is on analysis rather than operations and includes pieces from currently serving professionals in the armed forces, CIA, and NSA. Editor Dr. Russell G. Swenson directed the Center for Strategic Intelligence Research at the Joint Military Intelligence College when this book was published by the Joint Military Intelligence College.

National Defense Intelligence College Paper

Book Description

This unique and informative paper was produced by the National Intelligence University / National Defense Intelligence College. Topics and subjects include: spying as depicted in movies and novels, spy fiction vs. spy reality, history of intelligence, John LeCarre, Tom Clancy, Robert Ludlum, Principles of Intelligence, accuracy, objectivity, usability, relevance, readiness, timeliness, Cuban missile crisis, John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, San Cristobal Trapezoid, aerial reconnaissance, Israeli recon satellite program, 1973 Yom Kippur war, Case Method, Rwanda, Tutsi and Hutu, NIMA, applications of intelligence, health and national security, intelligence support to refugee operations, religion and war in the 21st century, bioterror, narcotrafficking. If intelligence was first formally declared an instrument of U.S. national security in the National Security Act of 1947, it did not enter the mainstream of American thinking and discourse until the terrorist attacks of 2001 and their aftermath. Now, with the benefit of commission studies and recommendations and executive and legislative actions culminating in the passage of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004, good, timely, relevant intelligence is recognized as "the air the nation breathes." Soccer moms discuss intelligence. College students' interest in intelligence extends beyond the work of the classroom to the prospect of intelligence as a career. The Joint Military Intelligence College has the privilege and the trust of serving as the Federal Government's center of excellence for intelligence education and research. With teaching and research at both the classified and unclassified levels, the College awards the Master of Science of Strategic Intelligence degree and the Bachelor of Science in Intelligence degree. The College's degrees are authorized by the Congress. The College is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education and is a member of the Consortium of Universities of the Washington Metropolitan Area. The research and publications of the College's students, faculty, and research fellows are contributing to the work of intelligence and the security of the nation. They are creating the literature of intelligence. This book of readings taken from such research and writings offers a window on the incredible history and evolving work of intelligence and the contributions it is making in the early 21st century. The different chapters underscore the importance of the emergence of intelligence as a sought-after academic discipline. The Work of Intelligence * Meeting the Intelligence Community's Continuing Need for an Intelligence Literature * The Basic Tools of Writing with Intelligence * Intelligence Essentials for Everyone, Prologue, Part 1, Part 2 * On Becoming an Intelligence Analyst * Getting Intelligence Right: The Power of Logical Procedure * Opening Windows of Opportunity: The Need for Opportunities-Based Warning * Teaching Vision. * Spy Fiction, Spy Reality * Evidence Marshaling and Argument Construction * Failures of Imagination: Thoughts on the 9/11 Commission Report * Homeland Security and Intelligence: Can Oil Mix with Water in an Open Society? * The History of Intelligence * The San Cristobal Trapezoid * Israel's Quest for Satellite Intelligence * Experiences to Go: Teaching with Intelligence Case Studies * The Creation of the National Imagery and Mapping Agency: Congress's Role as Overseer * The Applications of Intelligence * Health and National Security * Intelligence Support to Refugee Operations: Who's the Expert? * Religion and War in the 21st Century * Intelligence Support to the Life Science Community: Mitigating Threats from Bioterrorism * 'SALSA for Cyber Sonics': Education and Research at the Joint Military Intelligence College * Knowledge-based Tools: A Solution for Optimizing Collection Requirements Management * Narco-Mercantilism and the War on Drugs

Quarterly Bulletin

Book Description

Learning with Professionals

Book Description

A collection of writings by present or former faculty and students at the Joint Military Intelligence College. The purpose of the book is to provide an academic resource for students, teachers, and practitioners of intelligence. The growth of the literature, and some of the most significant writings have come from a center of excellence in the field, the Joint Military Intelligence College. Those presented here represent a cross section of subdisciplines, some with a very timely element, some timeless.

National Defense Intelligence College Paper

Book Description

This unique and informative paper was produced by the National Intelligence University / National Defense Intelligence College. Topics and subjects include: CIA analysis, internet and electronic media, analytical tradecraft, process management, U.S. Coast Guard, DIA, DODIIS, COLISEUM, JWICS, SIPRNET, OSIS, DITDS, HUGIN expert, ESRI, induction, deduction, and abduction.The title chosen for this book carries two meanings. The more straightforward interpretation of "Bringing Intelligence About,'' and the principal one, refers to the book's coverage of wide-ranging sources and methods employed to add value to national security-related information--to create "intelligence.'' A second meaning, not unrelated to the first, refers to the responsible agility expected of U.S. intelligence professionals, to think and act in such a way as to navigate information collection and interpretation duties with a fix on society's shifting but consensual interpretation of the U.S. Constitution. A prominent individual and ideal intelligence professional who lived both meanings of "Bringing Intelligence About'' was the late Lieutenant General Vernon A. Walters. As an intelligence officer, defense attache, ambassador-at-large and ambassador to Germany, his combination of skills--notably his language skills--made him the epitome of a professional. Beyond intelligence service in the Departments of Defense and of State, General Walters presided as Deputy Director of Central Intelligence during the Watergate episode, where he stood on principle and at odds with political figures in the Nixon administration. His mastery of intelligence collection, analysis and politically attuned synthesis, the full story of which has not yet been told, make him a near-mythic figure for aspiring intelligence professionals. Although the talents and assignments of General Walters were extraordinary, his demonstration that intelligence aptitudes and skills are fungible across Departments and Agencies is a powerful suggestion that those separate institutions can also operate together as a professional community.This volume helps us move down the long and difficult road of helping identify how to produce good or better intelligence--by which I mean intelligence that is of use to policymakers and is better than other intelligence by being so used. The authors have--across a range of areas of interest--identified some of the practices that work best to produce--or, more aptly, "to bring about"--good intelligence. Note that the preceding sentence said "some of the practices." Few books could expect to identify all of the practices that work and, as the authors of each chapter would undoubtedly concede, there will always be some variables and intangibles at work in intelligence: vagaries of time to perform collection and analysis; the quality of sources; the quality of the analysts; the nature and personality of the policymakers. Still, it is possible to identify the practices that work and the practices that have to be altered over time as conditions change.