Defiance! a Saga of David Crockett and the Alamo

Book Description

In 1835, David Crockett's political career crumbled and he left Tennessee in search of a new homestead in Texas. But signs of war with Mexico brought him to San Antonio de Bexar, where he died in a defiant determination to live up to his legend. This singular gesture outstripped everything his bureaucratic promoters did to extend his reputation for fearlessness and integrity, leaving the final and most decisive act of legend entirely his own.

Defiance! a Saga of David Crockett and the Alamo

Book Description

"In 1835, David Crockett's political career crumbled and he left Tennessee in search of a new homestead in Texas. But signs of war with Mexico brought him to San Antonio de Bexar, where he died in a defiant determination to live up to his legend. This singular gesture outstripped everything his bureaucratic promoters did to extend his reputation for fearlessness and integrity, leaving the final and most decisive act of legend entirely his own." This work takes you from his ancestral beginnings to his birth and early adventures; to the Creek War; to his sadness and Congress - all the way to the Alamo and beyond... It also answers two compelling questions: When did "Davy" start calling himself David? And did he surrender at the Alamo?...Also learn: How David's first wife, Polly, died... Who suggested Travis and Bowie as co-commanders of the Alamo... How many defenders really died in the final assault. And much more... Illustrated with period paintings, maps and photographs.

Defiance! a Saga of David Crockett and the Alamo - Third Edition

Book Description

In 1835, David Crockett's political career crumbled and he left Tennessee in search of a new homestead in Texas. But signs of war with Mexico brought him to San Antonio de Bexar, where he died in a defiant determination to live up to his legend. This singular gesture outstripped everything his bureaucratic promoters did to extend his reputation for fearlessness and integrity, leaving the final and most decisive act of legend entirely his own. This work takes you from his ancestral beginnings to his birth and early adventures; to the Creek War; to his sadness and Congress - all the way to the Alamo and beyond...It also answers two compelling questions: When did Davy start calling himself David? And did he surrender at the Alamo?...Also learn: How David's first wife, Polly, died...Who suggested Travis and Bowie as co-commanders of the Alamo...How many defenders really died in the final assault. And much more...Illustrated with period paintings, maps and photographs.

Jackson, Crockett and Houston on the American Frontier

Book Description

The 1813 storming of Fort Mims by Creek Indians brought to light the careers of Andrew Jackson, David Crockett and Sam Houston. All three fought the Creeks and each would have his part to play two decades later when the Alamo was stormed during the fight for Texan independence from Mexico. President Jackson was the first head of state to recognize the fledgling Republic of Texas. Colonel Crockett would be enshrined as a folk hero for his stand at the Alamo. General Houston won Texan independence at San Jacinto in 1836. This book tells the stories of the two landmark battles--at Fort Mims and the Alamo--and the interwoven lives of Jackson, Crockett and Houston, three of the most fascinating men in American history.

My Little Book of Thoughts

Book Description

As life goes on. We think. We think of our past, our present, and our future. Some are deep thoughts; others, not so much... The substance of this work first appeared in my scribbled notes over time, as I sat at me desk in the darkened clinic of over thirty years ago... The experiences gained since have served to strengthen the subjective thoughts laid down so long ago.

The Entrepreneurial Ben Franklin - Fourth Edition

Book Description

Benjamin Franklin ended his days as a beloved statesman and diplomat.... But what we are about to unfold is the story of Ben Franklin, the entrepreneur. A young man, not so dearly loved at times, who fought his way to the top commencing with little.... From his youth in Boston to his middle years in Philadelphia, he plied himself ever upward.... Often labeled a "money-grubber" by his competitors, he philosophically shook off the insult to cheerfully take away their patrons, as they were trying to take away his.... Still, belied by an outward appearance of avarice during the early days in his career, he had an inner earnestness to do his fellow man well, which surfaced as his affluence grew. "A rich rogue," he would quote in the first issue of Poor Richard's Almanack in 1733, "is like a fat hog, who never does good until dead as a log." Of his final belief in this, we shall observe in these pages....Illustrated with period drawings, artwork and paintings.

How to Use Psychology for Business Success

Book Description

All human beings are born with a mind capableof some measure of success. No matter the size of the measure, anything above total failure is success! Therefore, I beseech you to banish all negative thoughts; to be replaced by a positive, success-laden attitude. And allow me, if youwill, a new twist to an old dictum: "Failures are not people who have failed at something. Failures are people who have stopped trying anything!"....How to Use Psychology for Business Success is written for the employee, the self-employed, and those wishing self-employment. Emphasis is placed on making a success of whatever your calling through positive thinking, through experience, and through the art of dealing with people toyour best advantage....Not everyone wants to be an employee; not everyonewants to be, or can be, self-employed. Nevertheless, everyone can be a success!

Doc Jim's Book of Who Cares!?

Book Description

Sit back, dear reader, and open your mind to a world you may have once dismissed with an utterance of "Who cares!?" whenever the word "trivia" was mentioned... This work is not a modest collection of trivial data filched from an Internet search, since information of this type is not altogether accurate. Nor does it lean on circumstances thought true for years, yet found unreliable under tight examination... Rather, the author has thoroughly researched each piece of trivia enclosed within these pages, sourcing many with dates, records, photos and period artwork for the most accurate of obtainable facts... Whether or not you respect that awesome word "tivia" after reading this little volume, wouldn't it be nice to take home a lot of extra money because you knew something someone else didn't?

A Quest for Absolute Power

Book Description

From the very beginning man has struggled for truth through some form of religion. Unfortunately, one accepted creed traveled through time unacceptable to any basic truth. This religion had long ago accepted man's thoughts over God's, creating its own form of worship. This was often a deceptive, if not clearly a dishonest route to theocentric ethics - needed in a successful search for God's Truth. Clerics and prelates waved God aside as they interpreted His meaning to benefit themselves in their quest for worldly riches - for absolute power...

The Magician's Fight!

Book Description

In 2570 B.C.E., a man stood before the court of a king and performed miracles baffling the most learned men present. From a goose he removed the head, then restored it. Other decapitations and restorations followed until an ox was dismembered and, with a mighty incantation shaking even the heavens, was again made whole. This man was 110-year-old Dedi of Ded-Snefru. The king was Kheops, 2nd pharaoh, 4th Dynasty Egypt. Centuries passed. Times changed. Magic darkened synonymous with witchcraft. Sleight of hand performers, once hailed by royalty and immortalized through song and verse, were now cursed as the Devil's own... The dark ages for magic had begun! Illustrated with period facsimiles and photographs.