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Derechos humanos y transformación política en contextos de violencia

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Análisis crítico con un enfoque multidisciplinario, único hasta ahora en México, de las oportunidades y desafíos de los derechos humanos. Los autores aquí reunidos analizan los derechos humanos como una práctica social que se realiza en medio de relaciones asimétricas de poder, en el marco del ya convulsionado siglo xxi. Pensados como un discurso que se convierte en práctica social y en campo de disputa para la definición de significados, los derechos humanos pueden generar marcos de oportunidad para la transformación político-social pero, también, pueden constituir un obstáculo para el cambio y la construcción de subjetividades emancipadas.

The Rocky Road to Reform

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These case studies provide valuable insights into the difficulty of establishing answers to the fundamental question of why nations grow at different rates, with inequitable patterns of wealth and income distribution.

The International Political Economy of Transformation in Argentina, Brazil and Chile Since 1960

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This book is about how the three most important countries in South America have responded to the challenges of globalization since the mid-1960s, the first OPEC price hike, the Third World debt crisis leading to the 'lost-decade' for the continent, and finally bold, but often ill-planned, neo-liberal reforms of the 1990s. Latin America will experience another cycle of structural changes in the coming decades, as the reforms of the 1980s and 1990s failed to produce the desired effects; social justice, fair income distribution, sustainable growth, and consolidation of democracy.


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Changes, Conflicts and Ideologies in Contemporary Hispanic Culture

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This book is formed by various chapters studying the manner in which conflicts, changes and ideologies appear in contemporary Hispanic discourses. The contributions analyze a wide variety of topics related to the manner in which ideological and epistemological changes of the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries are reflected in, and shape, Spanish language, literature, and other cultural expressions in both Spain and Latin America. The 19th century was conducive to various movements of independence, while, in Europe, radical changes of different types and in all contexts of life and knowledge occurred. Language was certainly affected by these changes resulting in new terminology and discourse strategies. Likewise, new schools of thought such as idealism, dialectic materialism, nihilism, and nationalism, among others, were established, in addition to new literary movements such as romanticism, evocative of (r)evolution, individualism and realism, inspired by the social effects of capitalism. Scientific and technological advances continued throughout the 20th century, when the women’s liberation movement consolidated. The notion of globalization also appears, simultaneously to various crises, despotism, wars, genocide, social exclusion and unemployment. Together, these trends give rise to a vindicating discourse that reaches large audiences via television. The classic rhetoric undergoes some changes given the explicit suasion and the absence of delusion provided by other means of communication. The 21st century is defined by the flood of information and the overpowering presence of mass communication; so much so, that the technological impact is clear in all realms of life. From the linguistic viewpoint, the appearance of anglicisms and technicalities mirrors the impact of post-modernity. There is now a need to give coherence to a national discourse that both grasps the past and adapts itself to the new available resources with the purpose of conveying an effective and attractive message to a very large audience. Discourse is swift, since society does not seem to have time to think, but instead seeks to maintain interest in a world filled with stimuli that, in turn, change constantly. Emphasis has been switched to a search for historical images and moments that presumably explain present and future events. It is also significant that all this restlessness is discussed and explained via new means such as the world-wide-web. The change in communication habits (e-mail, chats, forums, SMS) and tools (computers, mobile phones) that was initiated in the 20th century has had a net effect on the directness and swiftness of language.

Simplemente Qi

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Simplemente Qi, empieza con una exploracion etimologica del caracter Qi y sigue con los origenes de este concepto. A continuacion, se adentra en el concepto de Qi, en sus mecanismos de generacion, en sus funciones, en las formas que puede adquirir y en los movimientos que puede emprender. Se centra en la identificacion de patrones del Qi, desde los ocho principios hasta las visceras y las entranas. Sigue con un desarrollo de los principios y los metodos de tratamiento que corresponden a los diferentes desordenes del Qi, continua con los remedios medicinales, con las formulas y las prescripciones para dichos desordenes. Simplemente Qi sale a la luz a traves del impulso de y de su pagina hermana Es un libro monografico sobre este aspecto basico de la medicina china, desarrollado con un notable grado de profundidad y de globalidad, lo que hace de el un instrumento util de estudio y de consulta para estudiantes y terapeutas.

Relations Between Cultures

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