Deliverance from Demonic Covenants and Curses

Book Description

Rev. James A. Solomon is the President of Jesus People's Revival Ministries Inc., as well as the General Overseer and Senior Pastor of Jesus Family Chapel, with 28 branches in Nigeria, the United Kingdom and several other countries. The international headquarters for both ministries is based in Atlanta, Georgia, in the United States of America. Rev. Solomon is a man who is truly gifted with an extraordinary anointing on the subject of Spiritual Warfare, Healing and Deliverance. In his efforts to serve the body of Christ beyond his own ministries, he also serves as director for the West African Regional Directorate of the International Accelerated Missions (I.A.M.), a network of missionary churches based in New York. Rev. Solomon started from very humble beginnings in his native country of Nigeria, West Africa, way back in the 1980s. With his team of ministers and due to popular demand, he has taken the revelation of Spiritual Warfare and Deliverance to massive venues such as the stadium domes in the major cities of Nigeria. He has also conducted a series of conferences, and organizes quarterly Deliverance Night Services in the United Kingdom, Europe, Canada, Japan and all over the United States. Many have received freedom from satanic bondage and oppression at these quarterly deliverance services. He is in high demand as a guest minister in many crusades and conferences. He currently resides in Atlanta, Georgia with his family. He is married to Rev. Mrs. Florence A. James and they are blessed with 4 children

Release From Destructive Covenants

Book Description

This book discusses six powerful topics that are fundamental to man; particularly the Blackman Twenty-one hidden covenants, Collective Captivity Release from curses attached to Evil Covenants Prisoners of Local Altars Deliverance From Evil Altars The Blood Covenant Trap Many believers discover to their chagrin that inspite of their claims to salvation, they are still engulfed in a cycle of spiritual paralysis and unfulfillment. This book explains the reasons and profers divine solutions to being fulfilled.

How to Break Evil Covenants and Curses: Self Deliverance

Book Description

There are different kind of curses and covenant which a lot of people are suffering ignorantly because of it; Ancestral covenants are the covenants that were made by our ancestors, either fourth, third, second, or first generation; whichever generation it is, the covenant flows through the family lineage. There are various covenants made by our ancestors, some are good while others are bad. Some of our ancestors made covenant to worship and serve only the living and true God, which is good one; others made covenant with the spirit of the devil to worship a particular deity or idol with an oath of daily, weekly, monthly or yearly sacrifice of blood either human or animal. Which is the wrong and bad covenant because it has negative impact that flows through the family linage to seek vengeance for the life of those human used for their sacrifice.These are mistakes made by the ancestors which they are ignorant of its future consequences to their children.Some of these covenants were also made by our direct parents; while some covenants you made by yourself and some covenants, somebody made on your behalf. These covenants have their consequences and a lot of people are suffering because of it ignorantly. Many curses and hindrances exist as a result of the direct evil done by our ancestors, direct parents or ourselves.Many families contributed in the killing of innocent people, inflicted illnesses and incurable diseases to people, including giving poison to people because of envy; they collected peoples

Dealing with Hidden Curses

Book Description

A curse is a counter force that fights blessings. A curse is being greeted with failure where success is smiling at others. A curse is a sentence calling for punishment, injury or destruction on a person, place or thing. A curse is a satanic mandate given to demons to wreck havocs on a person, place or thing. A curse is labouring under the burden of backwardness and stagnancy. A curse is labouring under a closed heaven. This book teaches you the operation, mechanism, manifestation, detection and destruction of curses. It is time for you to learn how to speak destruction unto any curse under which you are labouring.

Demons Defeated

Book Description

Faces the question of whether a Christian can have a demon, examines various methods of deliverance, and teaches how deliverance can be maintained. This book describes how people can be released from demonic oppression. It includes prayers for deliverance, release from curses, soul ties and Freemasonry.

How to Expel Demons, Break Curses and Release Blessings

Book Description

This practical guide to deliverance from demons discusses seven commonly asked questions and how to receive and minister deliverance.

The Advance Deliverance Spiritual Warfare Prayers

Book Description

This is a unique book because it is written under the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit. The prayer points are backed up with the word of God that relates to such prayers. This prayer points are directed to Satan and his demonic agents. It creates confusion and tremendous Holy Ghost fire in the spiritual realm, that Satan and his demons cannot contain, and they will flee from you and your family. Pray with aggression, violence, in your spirit, Pray with determination, faith, and expectations breakthrough will be yours. Enforce your rights as a child of God, use the whole armor of God, and sword of the Spirit, which you know is the word of God. Pray with power in your tongue fearlessly. Light will overcome darkness TOPICS WARFARE ON EVIL SPIRITS Evil spirits of possession and oppression Spirit of the dead operating in my life. Evil spiritual nets and pits Evil properties and stolen properties. WARFARE ON DEMONS Imported Demons(International Demons) Demons of Accident Demons of retrenchments and retirement Demons that break families. WARFARE ON EVIL CURSES Breaking curses, covenants,initiations and yokes. Breaking evil powers and loose yourself Breaking Satanic curses into blessings Breaking evil blood covenants .

Deliverance Prayers

Book Description

Prayers for use by the laity in waging spiritual warfare from the public domain and the Church's treasury.

Destroying the Spirit of Delay

Book Description

Are you in search of powerful prayers to break evil bondage in your life?Are you suffering from, delays, stagnation and hindrances? This book is a powerful prayer guide written to stop the evil forces in your life. It contains powerful prayers that will overcome demonic forces, witchcraft attack, afflictions, hindrances, delay and stagnation. It serves as a deliverance manual for anyone under the influence of evil forces.This book reveals to you;-How to pray against evil situations -Spiritual warfare prayers against spirit husbands and wives-Prayers for financial breakthrough-Powerful prayers against the spirit of delay and hindrances in your lifeThis deliverance manual is a must have for anyone suffering from demonic and witchcraft attack. Get a copy of this book and watch the hand of God perform wonders in your life.

Unmasking and Defeating Demons

Book Description

The New and Complete Edition Unmasking and defeating Demons forever! Demons have been prowling the earth since creation, tormenting humanity under the cloak of invincibility and darkness. Their ultimate goal is the utter destruction of human beings to spite God, their creator, and this they go about accomplishing in so many different ways. We cannot see or sense demons, yet they are there among us, everywhere, always working to destroy the lives of innocent people. They are humanity's worst enemy, but so many people are ignorant of their existence and evil activities! Our sufferings are so much, the pain, the misfortunes, diseases, and illnesses. We pray to God for help but get no answers. We're baffled by the nature and origin of these strange problems, and soon, disaster and death follow. People ask... Are demons real? What do they do to me? How do they do it? Are my loved ones affected? How and when does a demon attack? How do I avoid such attacks? What signs do I look out for? Who can save me? This book, Unmasking and Defeating Demons, provides a wealth of information in a series of questions and answers that fill you with knowledge and understanding about the activities of these vile supernatural creatures battling humanity. You'll learn about the ancient demons in the Bible, unmasking the devil and demons in the world today, deliverance prayers that rout demons and break curses, and much more. Below is a summary... Unmasking and defeating demons Unmasking the devil (the chief demon) Origin and nature of demons and angels Demon facts Demon attack patterns and tricks Demonic possessions and exorcism Identifying false prophets, pastors and churches Deliverance from evil spirits and demons Deliverance prayers that rout demons Deliverance from demonic covenants and curses Spiritual warfare for every Christian The secret of deliverance by music and songs Prayers against generational curses Prayers against evil altars and delay Prayers against the powers of darkness Over 50 dedicated prayers for all conditions Deliverance from evil undefined (all evil) Humanity is at war with powerful supernatural enemies, and the key to victory in any war is to understand your enemy, his nature, thinking, and strategy: his weapons and his actions. This book gives you all that information plus spiritual and practical strategies for deliverance from the powers of darkness - demonic attacks and every demonic bondage. This is your go-to book on everything about demons and evil spirits - what they do and how they do it. It lists everything in detail, giving in-depth explanations and solutions to the strange problems these cunning supernatural creatures create in your life. Unmasking and Defeating Demons: Questions, Answers, and Prayers Against The powers of Darkness (Deliverance series book 2) The knowledge herein is especially for you. That you may have life and live it. Don't hesitate anymore, get your copy right now!