Retail Supply Chain Management

Book Description

In today's retail environment, characterized by product proliferation, price competition, expectations of service quality, and advances in technology, many organizations are struggling to maintain profitability. Rigorous analytical methods have emerged as the most promising solution to many of these complex problems. Indeed, the retail industry has emerged as a fascinating choice for researchers in the field of supply chain management. In Retail Supply Chain Management, leading researchers provide a detailed review of cutting-edge methodologies that address the complex array of these problems. A critical resource for researchers and practitioners in the field of retailing, chapters in this book focus on three key areas: (1) empirical studies of retail supply chain practices, (2) assortment and inventory planning, and (3) integrating price optimization into retail supply chain decisions.

Theory and Practice of Computation

Book Description

This volume contains the papers presented at the 8th Workshop on Computing: Theory and Practice, WCTP 2018 and is devoted to theoretical and practical approaches to computation. The conference was organized by four top universities in Japan and the Philippines: the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Osaka University, the University of the Philippines Diliman, and De La Salle University. The proceedings provide a broad view of the recent developments in computer science research in Asia, with an emphasis on Japan and the Philippines. The papers focus on both theoretical and practical aspects of computations, such as programming language theory, modeling of software systems, empathic computing, and various applications of information technology. The book will be of interest to academic and industrial researchers interested in recent developments in computer science research.

Robust Demand Estimation with Customer Choice-Based Models for Sales Transaction Data

Book Description

As firms come to realize that a traditional one-size-fits-all policy may no longer be effective, they look for more innovative practices such as personalized offerings and even personalized pricing to differentiate their products and services. In such an environment, it becomes critical to understand customer preferences and estimate customer choice among a firm's portfolio of offerings when the prices of those offerings vary over time and sometimes even across different customers. We develop a novel statistical method to estimate the choice probabilities and the size of the no-purchase customer population when transaction data from a single firm's set of products is available. We propose a conditional logit model to fit this data that does not assume a constant arrival rate and allows for choice sets and product attributes that can vary across each customer arrival, unlike existing methods which require some level of aggregation across arrivals and/or choice sets. Customers independently arrive to the system through a non-stationary process to choose a product among several options or choose not to buy any product. Although the parameters of our proposed model can be consistently estimated using conventional maximum likelihood estimation, the no-purchase utility cannot be estimated without further information. We consider two additional types of information for identification of our model parameters: 1) additional assumptions on the customers' utility function, and 2) external information about a firm's market share. We then develop a robust estimation procedure that accounts for inaccuracies in either information type and lets the data determine the best approach. Computational experiments show that our approach provides promising predictions of customer choice behavior when compared with other generally used methods, and clearly outperforms those methods in scenarios where the product prices change frequently over time. Relative to existing approaches for estimating customer choice-based models, our proposed methodology better suits environments employing dynamic pricing and personalized offering practices, such as online retailing.

Channel Strategies and Marketing Mix in a Connected World

Book Description

This book aims to revisit the “traditional” interaction between channel strategies and the marketing mix in a connected world. In particular, it focuses on the following four dimensions in this context: Consumers, Products, Value Proposition and Sustainability. Keeping in mind the growing digitalization of business processes in the retail world and the move towards omni-channel retailing, the book introduces the state-of-the-art academic and practitioner studies along these dimensions that could enhance the understanding of the potential impact that new technologies and strategies can have on practice in the near future. When launching a new product/service to market, firms usually consider various components of the marketing mix to influence consumers’ purchase behaviors, such as product design, convenience, value proposition, promotions, sustainability initiatives, etc. This mix varies depending on the specific channel and consumer niche that the firm is targeting. But this book shows how channel strategy also influences the effectiveness in utilizing the marketing mix to attract potential customers.

Handbook on the Economics of Retailing and Distribution

Book Description

This Handbook explores and critically examines current research in economics and marketing science on key issues in retailing and distribution. Providing a rich perspective for the discussion of public policy, contributions from several disciplines and continents range from the history of chains and the impact of multinational retailers on international trade patterns to US merger policy in the retail context, the rise of the Internet, and consumer-to-consumer sales. The chapters address methodological issues such as the structural estimation of entry games between retailers, productivity measurement when both inputs and output are not fully observable, and demand estimation with variable assortment. Policy issues explored include mergers, zoning, and the regulation of buyer power, while other chapters address some of the recent exciting developments in technology, retail formats, and data availability. The book goes on to study the changes in online retailing and ‘big data’, and to examine competition in specific retail sectors including gasoline stations, automobile dealerships, supermarkets, and ‘big box’ retail. This state-of-the-art Handbook is an essential reference for students and academics of economics and marketing science, and offers an outsider’s perspective to specialists in operations research, data analytics, geography, and sociology.

Demand Estimation at Manufacturer-retailer Duo

Book Description

This dissertation is divided into two phases. The main objective of this phase is to use Bayesian MCMC technique, to attain (1) estimates, (2) predictions and (3) posterior probability of sales greater than certain amount for sampled regions and any random region selected from the population or sample. These regions are served by a single product manufacturer who is considered to be similar to newsvendor. The optimal estimates, predictions and posterior probabilities are obtained in presence of advertising expenditure set by the manufacturer, past historical sales data that contains both censored and exact observations and finally stochastic regional effects that cannot be quantified but are believed to strongly influence future demand. Knowledge of these optimal values is useful in eliminating stock-out and excess inventory holding situations while increasing the profitability across the entire supply chain. Subsequently, the second phase, examines the impact of Cournot and Stackelberg games in a supply-chain on shelf space allocation and pricing decisions. In particular, we consider two scenarios: (1) two manufacturers competing for shelf space allocation at a single retailer, and (2) two manufacturers competing for shelf space allocation at two competing retailers, whose pricing decisions influence their demand which in turn influences their shelf-space allocation. We obtain the optimal pricing and shelf-space allocation in these two scenarios by optimizing the profit functions for each of the players in the game. Our numerical results indicate that (1) Cournot games to be the most profitable along the whole supply chain whereas Stackelberg games and mixed games turn out to be least profitable, and (2) higher the shelf space elasticity, lower the wholesale price of the product; conversely, lower the retail price of the product, greater the shelf space allocated for that product.

Large-scale Demand Estimation with Search Data

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Many online markets are characterized by sellers that stock large numbers of products and sell each product infrequently. At the same time, consumer browsing information is typically tracked by online retailers and is much more abundant than purchase data. We propose a demand model that caters to this type of setting. Our approach, which is based on search and purchase data, is computationally light and allows for flexible substitution patterns. We apply the model to a data set containing browsing and purchase information from a retailer stocking over 500 products, recover the elasticity matrix, and solve for optimal prices for the entire assortment.

Incorporating Search and Sales Information in Demand Estimation

Book Description

We propose an approach to modeling and estimating discrete choice demand that allows for a large number of zero sale observations, rich unobserved heterogeneity, and endogenous prices. We do so by modeling small market sizes through Poisson arrivals. Each of these arriving consumers then solves a standard discrete choice problem. We present a Bayesian IV estimation approach that addresses sampling error in product shares and scales well to rich data environments. The data requirements are traditional market-level data and measures of consumer search intensity. After presenting simulation studies, we consider an empirical application of air travel demand where product-level sales are sparse. We find considerable variation in demand over time. Periods of peak demand feature both larger market sizes and consumers with higher willingness to pay. This amplifies cyclicality. However, observed frequent price and capacity adjustments offset some of this compounding effect.