Democracy, Schooling and Political Education (RLE Edu K)

Book Description

The relationship between educational practice and the social principles of democracy forms an important strand in the history of educational thought, and is central to the debate on many contemporary issues in the educational field. In this concise, introductory book, Colin Wringe examines the nature of this relationship, taking account of developments in the theory of democracy and educational controversy. In particular he considers the relevance of differing interpretations of democracy to the following questions: the defence of selection, the extension of private education, the function of education as an instrument of oppression, the democratisation of educational institutions, and the development of a form of specifically political education in schools. The importance of an understanding of political and social issues for educational practice at school and classroom level is emphasized from the outset.

Educational Theory and Its Foundation Disciplines (RLE Edu K)

Book Description

At the time this book was first published the disciplines of philosophy of education, educational psychology, sociology of education and the history of education had developed rapidly. The papers in this volume outline the developments that took place. The first paper analyses the nature of a theory concerned with determining practice and the place of academic disciplines within that. What emerges is the crucial role of these disciplines, but also the need to develop much more adequately a domain of practical principles, assessed and critically reformulated in the light of those disciplines. The following papers are concerned with the contributions four of those disciplines are now making.

Towards Successful Schooling (RLE Edu L Sociology of Education)

Book Description

The editors have compiled this critical and comparative study of changes which took place in the New Zealand education system in the second half of the twentieth century. For other Western societies who have felt the impact of New Right policies the New Zealand case is interesting because it provides some indication of how policies of decentralization in education might be used to develop egalitarian and democratic educational policies. In recent years there have been major changes to educational systems in the Western world. Often these changes have been justified by reference to successful educational practices in other countries. However, it is not always possible simply to abstract educational practices from one context and apply them in another successfully. Moreover claims that policies in one country are more successful than those in another have to be treated cautiously: there are always problems in making valid comparisons between the educational performances of different countries. It is important, therefore, that critical and comparative studies are made of educational systems which take full account of the contexts in which they are embedded.

Theory & Practice in Education (RLE Edu K)

Book Description

The main concern of the volume is the relation of theory to practice in education but the book also reviews the state of educational theory, and its relation to politics. Beginning with a group of papers on specific areas of the relation between theory and practice, the book goes on to discuss aspects of the curriculum, such as curricular principles in recent official reports, the newly emerging theme of general abilities, and controversial material in the curriculum. The theme of the third group of articles is personal autonomy, one of the very few generally supported educational aims of recent years, and a final group presents a retrospective view of the Plowden Report.

The Philosophy of Education (RLE Edu K)

Book Description

There are many students who find philosophy of education difficult, because they have never received teaching in the basic essentials of general philosophy. This book begins by asking the basic question ‘what is philosophy?’ and examines a number of possible answers. Step by step the reader is introduced to the modern techniques of linguistic and concept analysis. Whenever a technical term is used it is explained and illustrated by reference to familiar situations in everyday life.

Radical Education (RLE Edu K)

Book Description

This volume is a comprehensive critique of the radical tradition in educational theory. It traces the development of the key ideas in radical literature from Rousseau to the present day. Two opening chapters set Rousseau’s educational views and arguments in their political perspective, and subject them to an extended critical treatment. Subsequent chapters provide detailed analyses and examination of the ideas of A S Neill, Paul Goodman, Ivan Illich and Everett Reimer, Charles Weingartner and Neil Postman. Each author is treated separately but certain common themes and ideas are extracted and considered without reference to any particular author. Amongst others, the concepts of nature, learning, hidden curriculum and the relativity of knowledge are examined; at the same time broader arguments about the degree and nature of freedom that should be provided to children, deschooling and assessment are pursued.

Education (RLE Edu K)

Book Description

This book discusses the very nature and purpose of education and provides a foundation upon which more specialized studies in the psychology, history and sociology of education can be based. The book therefore surveys the main problems of human life – the relation of the individual and society, freedom and authority, continuity and change (i.e.growth), and underlying them all, the paradox that aspiration and frustration are continually linked in human experience. The educational implications of these various problems are considered in such a way that the methods as well as the aims of education are discussed.

Prologue to Education (RLE Edu K)

Book Description

Many people have come to feel that the controversy on education in Britain has got bogged down in political polemics, and that common polarisations between ‘conventional’ and ‘progressive’, ‘selective’ and ‘comprehensive’, ‘elite’ and ‘democratic’ are both unrealistic and damaging. The author believes that a new educational ethic is needed now that former religious sanctions are no longer generally operative. He believes that it is possible to regard the concept of a Rational Good as a basis for educational theory and practice. The book discusses important practical issues in education: liberty and equality, use and abuse of convention, the ethical basis and occasion for coercion, the validity of co-education as an educational principle and the John Wales concludes that the correspondence between the popular extremes of educational views is much more significant than their differences.

The Philosophy of Primary Education (RLE Edu K)

Book Description

This volume provides a rigorous examination of theoretical concepts such as need, interest, growth, play, experience, activity and self-expression. It also makes an important contribution towards getting a closely argued educational theory. In the first part of the book the author establishes general aims and ends with suggestions as to what the curriculum ought to be. The second part is concerned with the procedures of learning and teaching appropriate to such a curriculum.

Education (RLE Edu L Sociology of Education)

Book Description

What unites the contributors to this book is an opposition to Thatcherite policies on education and an agreement upon the need for the development of democracy in education. This volume highlights the importance of an area of neglected theoretical and practical concern: the development of a critique of the philosophy and policies of the new Right, and of credible alternative policies.