Demolition and the Shrinking City

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Census' American Community Survey. The aim of answering the questions is central to understanding how actual demolition work and policy discourse stack up against each other, even within this short timeframe. The hope is that officials, researchers, and other scholars will see the importance of knowing both the short- and long-term impacts of demolition in shrinking cities, and how policies have shaped demolition practices, or how policies should be reworked to better reflect a city's goals. Camden suffers from mismanagement on the municipal, county, and state levels, which is reflected in both the GIS and regression analyses. Despite the optimistic rhetoric of recent policies, it appears that any demolition strategy fall to the wayside when funds are extremely limited and irregular, and when the city must respond to a great number of imminently dangerous buildings. Philadelphia, on the other, having fully addressed shrinkage, appears to have taken a two-pronged demolition strategy, which aims to address both public safety (imminently dangerous buildings) and site preparation and assemblage for future development.

Safety First and Foremost

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Report to Philadelphia Mayor Michael A. Nutter by a Special Independent Advisory Commission (Commission) he appointed to review and evaluate the Department of Licenses and Inspections (L&I) following a horrific building collapse, caused by demolition of the adjacent building, that killed six people and injured 13 others. L&I is the City agency tasked with ensuring building safety and issuing demolition permits. The Commission found that L&I is fragmented by divergent mandates accumulated over decades of mission expansion, chronic underfunding and leadership with differing goals and methods. L&I resources are too often spent racing from emergency to emergency with little lasting impact or focus on long-term safety or solutions. The Commission recommends that L&I should be divided into two cabinet-level departments: a Department of Buildings and a Department of Business Compliance, each focused on ensuring that safety is first and foremost. Figures and tables. This is a print on demand report.