Density Functional Theory Study of the Solvent Effects on Electronic Transition Energies of Porphyrins

Book Description

We have calculated the solvent effects on the ground state and the lowest triplet state absorption spectra of meso-tetraphenylporphyrin (TPP), meso-tetrakis(p-sulfonatophenyl)porphyrin (TSPP) and their diprotonated forms (H4TPP and H4TSPP) in thirty-nine different solvent using time-dependent-DFT density functional theory (TD-DFT) coupled with CPCM method. The results of the calculations show that the Q-bands and Soret-bands (or B-bands) in the absorption spectra of these compounds substantially change as function of solvent dielectric constant (Œμ) up to 20.493 (acetone), but become stabile in high polar solvents with dielectric constants Œμ¬†>¬†20. The relative shifts in the B-bands are more significant than that in the Q-bands. The magnitude of the shifts in the spectral position of the Q and B bands are in the following order: H4TSPP¬†>¬†H4TPP¬†>¬†TPP¬†>¬†TSPP for the B-bands and H4TSPP¬†>¬†H4TPP¬†>¬†TSPP > TPP for the Q-bands. We also have determined that the energy-gaps between the B/Q-bands and their nearest triplet states are also solvent dependent for Œμ¬†

Density Functional Theory

Book Description

Density Functional Theory (DFT) is a powerful technique for calculating and comprehending the molecular and electrical structure of atoms, molecules, clusters, and solids. Its use is based not only on the capacity to calculate the molecular characteristics of the species of interest but also on the provision of interesting concepts that aid in a better understanding of the chemical reactivity of the systems under study. This book presents examples of recent advances, new perspectives, and applications of DFT for the understanding of chemical reactivity through descriptors forming the basis of Conceptual DFT as well as the application of the theory and its related computational procedures in the determination of the molecular properties of different systems of academic, social, and industrial interest.

Quantum-chemical studies on Porphyrins, Fullerenes and Carbon Nanostructures

Book Description

This book presents theoretical studies of electronic structure, optical and spectroscopic properties of a number of compounds such as porphyrins, fullerenes and heteroatomic single-wall nanotubes. The book presents new, faster calculation methods for application in quantum-chemical theory of electronic structures. It addresses issues of practical importance such as the development of materials for photosensitizers, organic LEDs and solar cells.

A Chemist's Guide to Density Functional Theory

Book Description

"Chemists familiar with conventional quantum mechanics will applaud and benefit greatly from this particularly instructive, thorough and clearly written exposition of density functional theory: its basis, concepts, terms, implementation, and performance in diverse applications. Users of DFT for structure, energy, and molecular property computations, as well as reaction mechanism studies, are guided to the optimum choices of the most effective methods. Well done!" Paul von Rague Schleyer "A conspicuous hole in the computational chemist's library is nicely filled by this book, which provides a wide-ranging and pragmatic view of the subject.[...It] should justifiably become the favorite text on the subject for practioneers who aim to use DFT to solve chemical problems." J. F. Stanton, J. Am. Chem. Soc. "The authors' aim is to guide the chemist through basic theoretical and related technical aspects of DFT at an easy-to-understand theoretical level. They succeed admirably." P. C. H. Mitchell, Appl. Organomet. Chem. "The authors have done an excellent service to the chemical community. [...] A Chemist's Guide to Density Functional Theory is exactly what the title suggests. It should be an invaluable source of insight and knowledge for many chemists using DFT approaches to solve chemical problems." M. Kaupp, Angew. Chem.

Density Functional Methods in Chemistry

Book Description

Predicting molecular structure and energy and explaining the nature of bonding are central goals in quantum chemistry. With this book, the editors assert that the density functional (DF) method satisfies these goals and has come into its own as an advanced method of computational chemistry. The wealth of applications presented in the book, ranging from solid state sys tems and polymers to organic and organo-metallic molecules, metallic clus ters, and biological complexes, prove that DF is becoming a widely used computational tool in chemistry. Progress in the methodology and its imple mentation documented by the contributions in this book demonstrate that DF calculations are both accurate and efficient. In fact, the results of DF calculations may pleasantly surprise many chem ists. Even the simplest approximation of DF, the local spin density method (LSD), yields molecular structures typical of ab initio correlated methods. The next level of theory, the nonlocal spin density method, predicts the energies of molecular processes within a few kcallmol or less. Like the Hartree-Fock (HF) and configuration interaction (CI) methods, the DF method is based only on fundamental physical constants. Therefore, it does not require semiempirical parameters and can be applied to any molecular system and to metallic phases. However, DF's greatest advantage is that it can be applied to much larger systems than those approachable by tradition al ab initio methods, especially when compared with correlated ab initio methods.

Density Functional Theory of Molecules, Clusters, and Solids

Book Description

Rapid advances are taking place in the application of density functional theory (DFT) to describe complex electronic structures, to accurately treat large systems and to predict physical and chemical properties. Both theoretical content and computational methodology are developing at a pace which offers researchers new opportunities in areas such as quantum chemistry, cluster science, and solid state physics. This volume contains ten contributions by leading scientists in the field and provides an authoritative overview of the most important developments. The book focuses on the following themes: determining adequate approximations for the many-body problem of electronic correlations; how to transform these approximations into computational algorithms; applications to discover and predict properties of electronic systems; and developing the theory. For researchers in surface chemistry, catalysis, ceramics and inorganic chemistry.

Electronic Density Functional Theory

Book Description

This book is an outcome of the International Workshop on Electronic Density Functional Theory, held at Griffith University in Brisbane, Australia, in July 1996. Density functional theory, standing as it does at the boundary between the disciplines of physics, chemistry, and materials science, is a great mixer. Invited experts from North America, Europe, and Australia mingled with students from several disciplines, rapidly taking up the informal style for which Australia is famous. A list of participants is given at the end of the book. Density functional theory (DFT) is a subtle approach to the very difficult problem of predicting the behavior of many interacting particles. A major application is the study of many-electron systems. This was the workshop theme, embracing inter alia computational chemistry and condensed matter physics. DFT circumvents the more conceptually straightforward (but more computationally intensive) approach in which one solves the many-body Schrodinger equation. It relies instead on rather delicate considerations involving the electron number density. For many years the pioneering work of Kohn and Sham (the Local Density Ap proximation of 1965 and immediate extensions) represented the state of the art in DFT. This approach was widely used for its appealing simplicity and computability, but gave rather modest accuracy. In the last few years there has been a renaissance of interest, quite largely due to the remarkable success of the new generation of gradient functionals whose initiators include invitees to the workshop (Perdew, Parr, Yang).

A Study of Solvation Energy Using Molecular Dynamics and Density Functional Theory

Book Description

Chemical reactions typically take place in solvents, which can interact with reacting species and products, thereby shifting the free energy of reaction. Quantum calculations using density functional theory (DFT) are widely used to compute reaction free energies, however the calculation can only be performed in vacuum or in continuum dielectrics. Thus, DFT cannot account for solvation effects with any molecular detail. We propose to improve upon the DFT results by adding the difference in solvation free energy of reactants and products. Molecular dynamics simulations can obtain the solvation free energies by computing the work to slowly turn on interactions between a solute and surrounding solvent. We apply this approach to study the preferred state of a proton dissolved in water. First, DFT calculations were performed to obtain reaction energies for the reaction H2O + H3O+ -> H5O2+. Next, molecular dynamics simulations were performed on three aqueous solutes: H2O, H3O+, H5O2+. The reaction energy from DFT and solvation energy from simulations can then be combined to give a better estimate of the free energy of the reaction H2O + H3O+ -> H5O2+.

Recent Advances in Density Functional Methods

Book Description

Of all the different areas in computational chemistry, density functional theory (DFT) enjoys the most rapid development. Even at the level of the local density approximation (LDA), which is computationally less demanding, DFT can usually provide better answers than Hartree-Fock formalism for large systems such as clusters and solids. For atoms and molecules, the results from DFT often rival those obtained by ab initio quantum chemistry, partly because larger basis sets can be used. Such encouraging results have in turn stimulated workers to further investigate the formal theory as well as the computational methodology of DFT.This Part II expands on the methodology and applications of DFT. Some of the chapters report on the latest developments (since the publication of Part I in 1995), while others extend the applications to wider range of molecules and their environments. Together, this and other recent review volumes on DFT show that DFT provides an efficient and accurate alternative to traditional quantum chemical methods. Such demonstration should hopefully stimulate frutiful developments in formal theory, better exchange-correlation functionals, and linear scaling methodology.

Density Functional Theory Studies of Surface Interactions and Electron Transfer in Porphyrins and Other Molecules

Book Description

This thesis contains a series of density functional studies on porphyrins, surfaces and other molecules, that are of relevance to surface science and electron transfer. In chapter 1 the main concepts of the thesis and how they fit together, are outlined. Chapter 2 describes density functional theory (DFT), the principle theoretical technique used throughout. The thesis then considers two main aspects. Chapters 3, 4 and 5 look at how systems interact with surfaces and compare and contrast situations of differing interaction strengths. Chapter 3 investigates the weak interaction of a haem molecule with the Si(111):H surface and studies how this interaction can be tuned by desorbing hydrogen atoms from the surface. In chapter 4, the structure of experimentally observed Mn nanolines on the Si(001) surface is studied. How these lines self assemble and interact strongly with the surface is discussed. Elements of these two studies are then combined in chapter 5 with a study of manganese porphyrin on the Si(001) surface displaying some features common to both previous systems. In chapter 6, 7 and 8 the focus switches to electron transfer. The basics of electron transfer theory are outlined in chapter 6. Then, the difficulties faced by DFT when studying electron transfer in large systems, such as the self-interaction error and cubic scaling, are described. Chapter 7 describes the constrained DFT formalism and its implementation into the linear scaling DFT code CONQUEST. In chapter 8, this implementation is used to perform some electron transfer calculations on small organic molecules, with systems demonstrating both charge localization and charge separation investigated. Chapter 9 concludes the thesis indicating how, following this thesis, large scale electron transfer calculations of organic molecules on surfaces can be performed with some confidence and giving suggestions for future calculations.