Department of the Air Force Supporting Data for Amended Fiscal Year 1988/89 Biennial Budget Estimates Submitted to Congress February 1988. Descriptive Summaries, Research, Development, Test and Evaluation

Book Description

This document has been prepared to provide information on the United States Air Force Research, Development, Test and Evaluation Program to Congressional Committee during the Fiscal Year 1989 hearings. This information is in addition to the testimony given by DOD witnesses. The Descriptive Summaries provide narrative information on all RDT & E program elements and projects, except those listed in paragraph 4b, within the USAF FY 1989 RDT & E Program. A Test and Evaluation section is provided for major weapon systems. The formats and contents of this document are in accordance with the guidelines and requirements of the Congressional Committee insofar as possible. The 'RESOURCES' portion of the Descriptive SUmmaries includes, in addition to RDT & E funds, procurement funds and quantities, Military Construction Appropriation funds on specific development programs, Operation and Maintenance Appropriation funds where they are essential to the development effort described, and, where appropriate, Department of Energy (DOE) costs. The section of the Amended Fiscal Year 1988/1989 Biennial Budget Descriptive Summaries entitled 'Facilities Exhibits' contains information on major improvements to and construction of government owned facilities funded by RDT & E.A direct comparison of Fiscal Years 1987, 1988, and 1989 data shown in this document with corresponding data in the Program Element Descriptive Summaries dated January 1987 will reveal significant differences.

Department of the Air Force Supporting Data for Fiscal Year 1988/89 Budget Estimates Submitted to Congress. Descriptive Summaries. Research, Development, Test and Evaluation

Book Description

This document has been prepared to provide information on the United States Air Force (USAF) Research, Development, Test and Evaluation (RDT & E) Program to Congressional Committees during the Fiscal Year 1988/89 hearings. This information is in addition to the testimony given by DOD witnesses. The Descriptive Summaries provide narrative information all RDT & E program elements and projects, except those listed in para 4b, within the USAF FY 1988/89 RDT & E Program. A Test and Evaluation section is provided for major weapon systems. The formats and contents of this document are in accordance with the guidelines and requirements of the Congressional Committees insofar as possible. The RESOURCES portion of the Descriptive Summaries includes, in addition to RDT & E funds, procurement funds and quantities, Military Construction Appropriation funds on specific development programs, Operation and Maintenance Appropriation funds where they are essential to he developement effort described, and, where appropriate, Department of Energy (DOE) costs. Keywords: technology base; advanced technology; strategic program; tactical programs; intelligence & communications; and defense-wide mission support.

Department of the Air Force Justification of Amended Fiscal Years 1988/ 1989 Biennial Budget Estimates Submitted to Congress February 1988. Operation and Maintenance, Air Force

Book Description

Contents: Summary of Price and Program Changes, Summary of Increases and Decreases, Audiovisual Services, Civilian Personnel Budget Calculations, Depot Level Maintenance, Headquarters Operations and Administration, Summary of Legislative Activities, Maintenance of Real Property Facilities, Changes in Manpower End Strength, Military Bands, Appropriated Fund support of Morale, Welfare and Recreation Activities, Public Affairs, Reimbursable Program, Claims, Summary of Asset Capitalization Program, Asset Capitalization Program Justification Sheet, Summary of Contractor Support for Weapon Systems, Contracts in Excess of $50 Million.

Department of the Air Force Justification of Amended Fiscal Years 1988/1989 Biennial Budget Estimates Submitted to Congress February 1988. Air Force Stock Fund

Book Description

The Air Force Stock Fund consists of six divisions: Systems Support, General Support, Medical-Dental, Fuels, Commissary, and Air Force Academy Cadet Store. These divisions provide for the financial management, inventory control, and distribution of consumable items of supply and low-cost equipment to support both peacetime and wartime operations. The stock fund operates under a revolving fund concept. The corpus of the stock fund consists of inventory and cash. Each division buys and holds inventory for sale to authorized customers (primarily operation and maintenance funded activities and the Air Force Industrial Fund) on demand. Sales of stock fund inventory generate cash that is used to replenish inventory levels. In a static environment, this sale and replenishment cycle is self-sustaining. However, introduction of new weapon systems, modification of existing systems, and increased levels of peacetime operation require expansion or augmentation of stock fund inventories to assure proper levels of support and readiness. Keywords: Air force budgets. (SDW).

Department of the Air Force Justification of Amended Fiscal Years 1988/1989 Biennial Budget Estimates Submitted to Congress February 1988. Other Procurement, Air Force

Book Description

For procurement and modification of equipment (including ground guidance and electronic control equipment, and ground electronic and communication equipment), and supplies, materials, and spare parts therefore, not otherwise provided for; for the purchase of not to exceed five hundred and nineteen passenger motor vehicles of which four hundred and five shall be for replacement only; and expansion of public and private plants. Government-owned equipment, and installation thereof in such plants, erection of structures, and acquisition of land, for the foregoing purposes, and such lands and interests therein may be acquired, and construction prosecuted thereon, prior to approval of title; reserve plant and Government and contractor-owned equipment layaway; $8,393,500,000 of which $124,200,000 shall be available only for the Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve, to remain available for obligation. Contents: Munitions & Associated Equipment; Vehicular Equipment; Electronics & Telecommunications Equipment; Other Base Maintenance & Support Equipment. Keywords: Air Force budgets, Air Force procurement, Financial management. (sdw).

Department of the Air Force Justification of Amended Fiscal Years 1988/1989 Biennial Budget Estimates Submitted to Congress February 1988. Operation and Maintenance, Air National Guard

Book Description

For operation and maintenance of the Air National Guard, including medical and hospital treatment and related expenses in non-Federal hospitals; maintenance, operation, repair, and other necessary expenses of facilities for the training and administration of the Air National Guard, including repair of facilities, maintenance, operation, and modification of aircraft. Contents: Mission Forces; Depot Maintenance; Other Support; Training and Organization of Mission Forces - Stock Fund Refunds; Appropriation Summary of Price/Program Growth; Civilian Personnel Budget Calculations; Depot Maintenance Program Summary; Headquarters Operations and Administration; Maintenance and Repair of Real Property; Manpower Changes in End Strength; Military Bands; Reimbursable Program; Aircraft Operations--Flying Hours; Cumulative Monthly Civilian Employment Plan. Keywords: Air Force budgets.

Department of the Air Force Justification of Amended Fiscal Years 1988/1989 Biennial Budget Estimates Submitted to Congress February 1988. National Guard Personnel, Air Force

Book Description

This appropriation provides military personnel funds for the Air National Guard (ANG). The Amended FY 1988/FY 1989 Biennial Budget request is based on an average of 113,700 Guardsmen in FY 1989 who will be assigned to ANG flying and mission support units. In addition to annual 15-day tours and 48 drill periods, additional flying training periods and school and special tours of active duty will provide additional training for a limited number of personnel. This appropriation also includes funds for ANG personnel called to full-time active duty. Keywords: Air Force budgets, Reserve component, Flight training, Selected reserves, Military pay, Retirement, Air Force training, Individual training, Enlisted personnel, Bonuses, Officer personnel. (sdw).

Department of the Air Force Justification of Amended Fiscal Years 1988/1989 Biennial Budget Estimates Submitted to Congress February 1988. Operation and Maintenance, Air Force

Book Description

The Operation and Maintenance, Air Force appropriation supports combat readiness and sustainability of Air Force operations through the financing of the day-to-day costs of operating and maintaining the Air Force (excluding military pay and allowances). This appropriation provides the money needed to buy fuels, lubricants and expendable parts for aircraft, missiles, and vehicles. It is also used to support space programs, maintain runaways and facilities, operate the physical plants, train and provide health care to personnel, pay civilian employees, maintain worldwide communications and to support combat related activities such as intelligence, logistics, weather, air traffic control, and search and rescue operations. Contents: Detail by Air Force Budget Activity and Activity Groups: Strategic Force; General Purpose Forces; Intelligence and COmmunications; Airlift and Sealift; Central Supply and Maintenance; Training, Medical and Other General Personnel Activities; Support and Other Nations; Special Operations Forces. (sdw).

Department of the Air Force Justification of Amended Fiscal Years 1988/ 1989 Biennial Budget Estimates Submitted to Congress February 1988. Operation and Maintenance, Air Force Reserve

Book Description

The funds requested for this program are required by the Air Force Reserve to maintain and train units in reserve status to assure their readiness for immediate mobilization, and to provide administrative support for the Air Reserve Personnel Center. This estimate provides for the operation and training of all Air Force Reserve units, consisting in FY 1989 of 59 flying units, 179 mission support units, 11 Air Force Reserve flying installations, and the flying and mission training end strength of 83,600 Reserve Component personnel in the Selected Reserve. Activities supported include aircraft operations, ground training, base level aircraft maintenance, maintenance of other equipment, supply activities, and security for Air Force Reserve resources.

Department of the Air Force Supporting Data for Fiscal Year 1986 Budget Estimates Submitted to Congress February 1985, Descriptive Summaries, Research, Development, Test and Evaluation

Book Description

This document has been prepared to provide information on the United States Air Force (USAF) Research, Development, Test and Evaluation (RDT & E) Program to Congressional Committees during the Fiscal Year 1986 hearings. This information is in addition to the testimony given by DOD witnesses. The Descriptive Summaries provide narrative information on all RDT & E program elements and projects, except those lite din para 4b, within the USAF FY 1986 RDT & E Program. A Test and Evaluation section is provided for major weapons systems. The formats and contents of this document are in accordance with the guidelines and requirements of the Congressional Committee insofar as possible. The 'RESOURCES' portion of the Descriptive Summaries includes, in addition to RDT & E funds, procurement funds and quantities, Military Construction Appropriation funds on specific development programs, Operation and Maintenance Appropriation funds where they are essential to the development effort described, and, where appropriate, Department of Energy (DOE) costs. The section fo the Fiscal Year 1986 Descriptive Summaries, entitled 'Facilities Exhibits' (pages 1061-1094) contains information on major improvements to and construction of government owned facilities funded by RDT & E.