Der Diskurs und die Diagonale

Book Description

Essay aus dem Jahr 2003 im Fachbereich Philosophie - Theoretische (Erkenntnis, Wissenschaft, Logik, Sprache), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Um epistemologische Möglichkeitsbedingungen mannigfacher Verkürzung im und des Denkens durch das Denken wird es im Folgenden gehen sowie dessen Raum der diagonalen Verknappung als topologischer Eigenschaft des diskursiven Denkens überhaupt – das Denken in Propositionen und Sätzen. Ein solcher Begriff der Verknappung ist topologisch analysierbar. Topologisch stabilisiert werden die etablierten diskursiven Räume des abendländischen Denkens durch je irgendetwas aussagende Assoziationen des denkenden Subjekts. In dieser Ortschaft der Faltungen bewegt sich das Denken von Foucault und Deleuze. Neben den Grundaussagen über Historie, Diachronie und Genealogie, sind vor allem Foucaults methodische Axiome seiner Diskurstheorie von Bedeutung als Spielregeln und Prinzipien der Seinsweise des Diskurses.

Aufmass und Diskurs

Book Description


Book Description

This book tries to bring together the work of Marx, Freud and Lacan. It does this not by enumerating what might stereotypically be considered to be the central theses of these authors and then proceeding to combine them – a method that is inevitably doomed to failure – but instead by confronting each one of their oeuvres with what might best be described as its extimate core. The work of Marx is confronted with a problematic that implicitly, and at times even explicitly, runs throughout it: that of the splitting, dividing and doubling (or, perhaps better, knotting) of the (proletarian) subject. The work of Freud is confronted – following on from this analysis of Marx – with the hidden social and historical determination of its own most revolutionary insight, that »the nucleus of the ego is unconscious«; and this social and historical determination itself in turn allows for a reinscription of the three fundamental categories of Lacanian psychoanalysis: the symbolic, the imaginary and the real.

Die Ordnung des Standard und die Differenzierung der Diskurse

Book Description

Dieser Band versammelt 80 Beiträge, entstanden aus Vorträgen beim 41. Linguistischen Kolloquium, das im September 2006 an der Universität Mannheim stattfand. Das Thema «Die Ordnung des Standard und die Differenzierung der Diskurse» spannt sich auf zwischen zwei komplementären Erfahrungen: Zum einen werden in verschiedensten Handlungsfeldern Standardisierung und Normierung gefordert. Standards ermöglichen Identifikationen und werden auch von Personen anerkannt, die sie nicht genau kennen. Für viele Sprachen bedeutet dies, dass sie mit ihrer standardisierten und kodifizierten Version identifiziert werden. Zum anderen entwickeln sich in modernen Gesellschaften unablässig Ausdifferenzierungen, die durch sprachliche Differenzen subtil markiert oder überhaupt erst hergestellt werden. Sprecher setzen Zeichen, um Differenzen und Ähnlichkeiten zwischen Personen, Medien, Handlungssituationen und Sprachkulturen zu demonstrieren. Neuartige Sprech- und Schreibweisen erhalten ihre Funktionen und Bedeutungen in erster Linie aus dem Kontrast zu den standardisierten Sprachformen und des Weiteren aus ihren je eigenen Gebrauchsgeschichten. Die daraus resultierenden Entwicklungen belegen die Beiträge dieses Bandes in eindrucksvoll vielfältigen linguistischen Perspektiven.

Cultural Techniques

Book Description

In a crucial shift within posthumanistic media studies, Bernhard Siegert dissolves the concept of media into a network of operations that reproduce, displace, process, and reflect the distinctions fundamental for a given culture. Cultural Techniques aims to forget our traditional understanding of media so as to redefine the concept through something more fundamental than the empiricist study of a medium’s individual or collective uses or of its cultural semantics or aesthetics. Rather, Siegert seeks to relocate media and culture on a level where the distinctions between object and performance, matter and form, human and nonhuman, sign and channel, the symbolic and the real are still in the process of becoming. The result is to turn ontology into a domain of all that is meant in German by the word Kultur. Cultural techniques comprise not only self-referential symbolic practices like reading, writing, counting, or image-making. The analysis of artifacts as cultural techniques emphasizes their ontological status as “in-betweens,” shifting from firstorder to second-order techniques, from the technical to the artistic, from object to sign, from the natural to the cultural, from the operational to the representational. Cultural Techniques ranges from seafaring, drafting, and eating to the production of the sign-signaldistinction in old and new media, to the reproduction of anthropological difference, to the study of trompe-l’oeils, grids, registers, and doors. Throughout, Siegert addresses fundamental questions of how ontological distinctions can be replaced by chains of operations that process those alleged ontological distinctions within the ontic. Grounding posthumanist theory both historically and technically, this book opens up a crucial dialogue between new German media theory and American postcybernetic discourses.

Transformations of Musical Modernism

Book Description

This collection brings fresh perspectives to bear upon key questions surrounding the composition, performance and reception of musical modernism.

A Theory of Intergenerational Justice

Book Description

This highly accessible book provides an extensive and comprehensive overview of current research and theory about why and how we should protect future generations. It exposes how and why the interests of people today and those of future generations are often in conflict and what can be done. It rebuts critical concepts such as Parfits' non-identity paradox and Beckerman's denial of any possibility of intergenerational justice. The core of the book is the lucid application of a veil of ignorance to derive principles of intergenerational justice which show that our duties to posterity are stronger than is often supposed. Tremmel's approach demands that each generation both consider and improve the well-being of future generations. To measure the well-being of future generations Tremmel employs the Human Development Index rather than the metrics of utilitarian subjective happiness. The book thus answers in detailed, concrete terms the two most important questions of every theory of intergenerational justice: what to sustain? and how much to sustain?

Clothing Sacred Scriptures

Book Description

According to a longstanding interpretation, book religions are agents of textuality and logocentrism. This volume inverts the traditional perspective: its focus is on the strong dependency between scripture and aesthetics, holy books and material artworks, sacred texts and ritual performances. The contributions, written by a group of international specialists in Western, Byzantine, Islamic and Jewish Art, are committed to a comparative and transcultural approach. The authors reflect upon the different strategies of »clothing« sacred texts with precious materials and elaborate forms. They show how the pretypographic cultures of the Middle Ages used book ornaments as media for building a close relation between the divine words and their human audience. By exploring how art shapes the religious practice of books, and how the religious use of books shapes the evolution of artistic practices this book contributes to a new understanding of the deep nexus between sacred scripture and art.