Legal Aspects of Autonomous Systems

Book Description

As computational power, the volume of available data, IT systems’ autonomy, and the human-like capabilities of machines increase, robots and AI systems have substantial and growing implications for the law and raise a host of challenges to current legal doctrines. The main question to be answered is whether the foundations and general principles of private law and criminal law offer a functional and adaptive legal framework for the “autonomous systems” phenomena. The main purpose of this book is to identify and explore possible trajectories for the development of civil and criminal liability; for our understanding of the attribution link to autonomous systems; and, in particular, for the punishment of unlawful conduct in connection with their operation. AI decision-making processes – including judicial sentencing – also warrant close attention in this regard. Since AI is moving faster than the process of regulatory recalibration, this book provides valuable insights on its redesign and on the harmonization, at the European level, of the current regulatory frameworks, in order to keep pace with technological changes. Providing a broader and more comprehensive picture of the legal challenges posed by autonomous systems, this book covers a wide range of topics, including the regulation of autonomous vehicles, data protection and governance, personality rights, intellectual property, corporate governance, and contract conclusion and termination issues arising from automated decisions, blockchain technology and AI applications, particularly in the banking and finance sectors. The authors are legal experts from around the world with extensive academic and/or practical experience in these areas.

Criminal Law-Making

Book Description

This book intends to contribute to the consolidation of the new approach to lawmaking that has taken place in the last 20 years in legal philosophy and legal theory, spreading to other legal fields, especially criminal law. This new legislation science focusing on criminal problems has triggered a growing interest in the field, a dynamic which has led to a long-needed convergence of disciplines such as administrative law, criminal law, criminology, political science, sociology and, of course, legal philosophy to contribute to a more rational decision-making process for the construct of criminal laws. With the intention to continue on with the building of a solid “Criminal Legislation Science”, this work presents scholars, lawmakers and students various emblematic approaches to enrich the discussion about different and promising tools and theoretical frameworks.

Derechos, Libertades y Sociedad de la Información

Book Description

Los vertiginosos avances que en muy pocas décadas han alcanzado las nuevas tecnologías destinadas a facilitar la comunicación entre las personas y el flujo de informaciones, y muy en particular el espectacular desarrollo que ha tenido internet desde su creación relativamente reciente, plantean retos complejos y novedosos a nuestras sociedades, desde los más diversos puntos de vista. La presente obra colectiva pretende dar al lector una perspectiva multidisciplinaria de los retos arriba mencionados.

Health at Work, Ageing and Environmental Effects on Future Social Security and Labour Law Systems

Book Description

This volume analyses the most important problems and challenges that health, age and the environment introduce in the labour market, and how these factors affect both the way people work and their rights. The contributions here focus on the main challenges for social security systems, lawmakers and trade unions, and provide important solutions to improve workers’ rights and guarantee the viability of public social security systems. Other topics analysed here include dress-codes and whistleblowing in companies. From the labour point of view, workers’ representatives and trade unions must take action in collective bargaining to deal with these topics and adequately protect the workforce. The authors here are drawn from countries such as Hungary, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Poland, Brazil and Colombia, providing a global perspective. The book will appeal to lawyers, legal and human resources experts, economists, judges, academics and staff from trade unions and employers’ representation. The volume features insights and contributions in different languages, with chapters in Spanish (13), English (7) and Portuguese (2).

Disrupción tecnológica, transformación y sociedad

Book Description

La tercera edición de la colección "Así habla el Externado" examina el impacto que las tecnologías disruptivas y la transformación digital están teniendo sobre el conjunto de la sociedad, bajo una lente humanista e interdisciplinar, propia de nuestra institución. La Cuarta Revolución Industrial (4RI), que ha permeado todos los campos de la actividad humana y la sociedad, ofrece la inmensa oportunidad de reducir las brechas de conocimiento e ingreso económico y generar progreso social y democrático, pero puede también tener el efecto contrario. El lector y la lectora encontrarán en estos cuatro tomos reflexiones valiosas, en sus 74escritos, para comprender en todo su alcance estas innovaciones y poder contribuir así a la construcción de realidades cada vez más incluyentes y participativas. Este tomo III, titulado "Derecho, innovación y tecnología: fundamentos para una Lex Informático", tiene por objeto responder la siguiente pregunta: ¿de qué manera las nuevas tecnologías y la economía colaborativa están transformando el derecho, sus principios e instituciones? Para ello, el presente volumen estudia en detalle las promesas, retos y problemas jurídicos suscitados por la aplicación de la inteligencia artificial, el Big Data, el Blockchain y el loT en distintos ámbitos del derecho público y privado. Los diferentes capítulos presentan debates en torno a la forma en que dichas tecnologías vienen afectando profundamente al mundo del derecho, con el fin de construir un marco conceptual que no solo sirva de base para sostener una discusión académica sólidamente fundamentada sobre estos temas, sino también para despejar las dudas jurídicas que pueden existir con el fin de facilitar y acelerar el desarrollo e implementación práctica de estas tecnologías, así como de contribuir a orientar la agenda académica sobre estos asuntos en América Latina.

Estudios de Derecho Público

Book Description

Challenges of Law and Technology - Herausforderungen des Rechts und der Technologie - Retos del Derecho y de la Tecnología

Book Description

Law and technology present humanity with challenges and opportunities. This international research volume is dedicated to three of their pillars: artificial intelligence, blockchain and digital platforms. The authors' contributions analyze these topics from different perspectives of public and private law in the German, Austrian, European, American, Japanese, and Latin American contexts.

CRISPR-/Cas9 Based Genome Editing for Treating Genetic Disorders and Diseases

Book Description

The CRISPR-Cas9 genome-editing system is creating a revolution in the science world. In the laboratory, CRISPR-Cas9 can efficiently be used to target specific genes, correct mutations and regulate gene expression of a wide array of cells and organisms, including human cells. CRISPR-/Cas9 Based Genome Editing for Treating Genetic Disorders and Diseases is a unique reading material for college students, academicians, and other health professionals interested in learning about the broad range of applications of CRISPR/Cas9 genetic scissors. Some topics included in this book are: the role of the CRISPR/Cas9 system in neuroscience, gene therapy, epigenome editing, genome mapping, cancer, virus infection control strategies, regulatory challenges and bioethical considerations.