Cybercrimes and Financial Crimes in the Global Era

Book Description

This book presents the latest and most relevant studies, surveys, and succinct reviews in the field of financial crimes and cybercrime, conducted and gathered by a group of top professionals, scholars, and researchers from China, India, Spain, Italy, Poland, Germany, and Russia. Focusing on the threats posed by and corresponding approaches to controlling financial crime and cybercrime, the book informs readers about emerging trends in the evolution of international crime involving cyber-technologies and the latest financial tools, as well as future challenges that could feasibly be overcome with a more sound criminal legislation framework and adequate criminal management. In turn, the book highlights innovative methods for combating financial crime and cybercrime, e.g., establishing an effective supervision system over P2P; encouraging financial innovation and coordination with international anti-terrorism organizations and multiple countries; improving mechanisms for extraditing and punishing criminals who defect to another country; designing a protection system in accordance with internationally accepted standards; and reforming economic criminal offenses and other methods that will produce positive results in practice. Given its scope, the book will prove useful to legal professionals and researchers alike. It gathers selected proceedings of the 10th International Forum on Crime and Criminal Law in the Global Era (IFCCLGE), held on Nov 20–Dec 1, 2019, in Beijing, China.

Derecho penal, ciberseguridad, ciberdelitos e Inteligencia Artificial

Book Description

La generalización de las TIC como motor del desarrollo en las modernas sociedades y la aparición de la robótica y de los sistemas de inteligencia artificial (IA) ha permitido la identificación o la ampliación de nuevos escenarios de interés para el Derecho. En estos ámbitos tecnológicos se involucran bienes jurídicos tales como el patrimonio, la intimidad personal y familiar, los datos personales, la capacidad competitiva de la empresa y otros que afectan a la seguridad nacional del Estado, de manera que buena parte de las relaciones sociales de naturaleza muy variada han pasado a depender de estas tecnologías, que se han mostrado altamente vulnerables. De este modo, nociones como la ciberseguridad han saltado a un primer plano y se ha planteado la necesidad de estudiar cómo debería tener cabida en el sistema penal. También se ha intensificado la urgencia de precisar legalmente el ciberespacio y revisar los llamados ciberdelitos de lege lata y de lege ferenda. -- Este primer volumen se dedica a los puntos señalados, mientras que el segundo se centra diversas cuestiones que genera la IA al Derecho Penal, en el cual se incluyen los resultados y conclusiones del conjunto de esta monografía.

Derecho penal, ciberseguridad, ciberdelitos e Inteligencia Artificial

Book Description

Con este segundo volumen se da continuidad al primero (Ciberseguridad y ciberdelitos), constituyendo ambos una extensa monografía sobre Derecho Penal, ciberseguridad, ciberdelitos e inteligencia artificial. La IA está siendo objeto de utilización y desarrollo en actividades cada vez más complejas y variadas. Parece lógico que también desde el Derecho, en este caso desde el Derecho Penal, se proceda al examen del tratamiento de datos masivos (big data), especialmente en el ámbito de la salud; de la atribución de responsabilidad penal, tanto de las personas físicas y jurídicas (diseñadores informáticos, fabricantes, usuarios) como de los propios robots y sistemas de inteligencia artificial, debatiendo sobre la posibilidad de responsabilidad directa de estos últimos; asimismo, de las aportaciones de la IA en la predicción delictiva; sin olvidar la normativa en preparación por la Unión Europea sobre estas materias. La obra (los dos volúmenes) se cierra destacando los aspectos más significativos de los diversos capítulos y estableciendo conclusiones, en algunos casos como propuestas que se dirigen tanto al lector como a las autoridades correspondientes.

Heritable Human Genome Editing

Book Description

Heritable human genome editing - making changes to the genetic material of eggs, sperm, or any cells that lead to their development, including the cells of early embryos, and establishing a pregnancy - raises not only scientific and medical considerations but also a host of ethical, moral, and societal issues. Human embryos whose genomes have been edited should not be used to create a pregnancy until it is established that precise genomic changes can be made reliably and without introducing undesired changes - criteria that have not yet been met, says Heritable Human Genome Editing. From an international commission of the U.S. National Academy of Medicine, U.S. National Academy of Sciences, and the U.K.'s Royal Society, the report considers potential benefits, harms, and uncertainties associated with genome editing technologies and defines a translational pathway from rigorous preclinical research to initial clinical uses, should a country decide to permit such uses. The report specifies stringent preclinical and clinical requirements for establishing safety and efficacy, and for undertaking long-term monitoring of outcomes. Extensive national and international dialogue is needed before any country decides whether to permit clinical use of this technology, according to the report, which identifies essential elements of national and international scientific governance and oversight.

Data Protection on the Move

Book Description

This volume brings together papers that offer methodologies, conceptual analyses, highlight issues, propose solutions, and discuss practices regarding privacy and data protection. It is one of the results of the eight annual International Conference on Computers, Privacy, and Data Protection, CPDP 2015, held in Brussels in January 2015. The book explores core concepts, rights and values in (upcoming) data protection regulation and their (in)adequacy in view of developments such as Big and Open Data, including the right to be forgotten, metadata, and anonymity. It discusses privacy promoting methods and tools such as a formal systems modeling methodology, privacy by design in various forms (robotics, anonymous payment), the opportunities and burdens of privacy self management, the differentiating role privacy can play in innovation. The book also discusses EU policies with respect to Big and Open Data and provides advice to policy makers regarding these topics. Also attention is being paid to regulation and its effects, for instance in case of the so-called ‘EU-cookie law’ and groundbreaking cases, such as Europe v. Facebook. This interdisciplinary book was written during what may turn out to be the final stages of the process of the fundamental revision of the current EU data protection law by the Data Protection Package proposed by the European Commission. It discusses open issues and daring and prospective approaches. It will serve as an insightful resource for readers with an interest in privacy and data protection.

Ethics and Law for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear & Explosive Crises

Book Description

This book provides a current analysis of the legal and ethical challenges in preparing for and responding to chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive (CBRNE) crises. From past events like the Chernobyl nuclear incident in Russia or the Bhopal chemical calamity in India, to the more recent tsunami and nuclear accident in Japan or the Ebola crisis in Africa, and with the on-going threat of bioterrorism, the need to be ready to respond to CBRNE crises is uncontroversial. What is controversial is whether we are on a path that adequately prepares us for the next event. The ethical and legal scholars in this volume hold that much work remains to be done and offer this book to stimulate further reflection and dialogue around CBRNE crises. This is an indispensable book for both students and scholars of bioethics, international law, public health, as well as for regulators and administrators developing policy and legislation related to public health planning and emergency responses.

Ciberseguridad y derecho penal

Book Description

Este libro, resultado de una estancia de investigación en la Universidad de Oxford, sienta las bases conceptuales necesarias para el estudio de la ciberseguridad desde la perspectiva del Derecho penal. Tras un profundo análisis de las normas que la configuran tanto a nivel internacional (Convenio sobre la Ciberdelincuencia de Budapest de 23 de noviembre de 2001) como comunitario (entre otras, Directiva UE 2016/1148 relativa a las medidas destinadas a garantizar un elevado nivel común de seguridad de las redes y sistemas de información de la Unión, o Directiva NIS) con objeto de valorar la adecuación del Derecho penal español a las mismas, incluye un estudio de derecho comparado orientado a identificar los aspectos destacables de las normas jurídico-penales relativas a la ciberseguridad de países a la vanguardia del desarrollo científico y tecnológico como el Reino Unido, los Estados Unidos de América, Australia, Nueva Zelanda o Suiza. Su núcleo se centra, sin embargo, en un análisis de distintos delitos del Código Penal español para determinar su relación con la ciberseguridad y su posible categorización, centrándose en el delito de acceso ilícito a un sistema de información y desarrollando, en relación con el mismo, una audaz propuesta de lege ferenda orientada, en última instancia, al reconocimiento de la ciberseguridad como un bien jurídico autónomo protegido por el Derecho penal español. Concluye la obra analizando las aplicaciones prácticas de la ciberseguridad en el ámbito de las tecnologías emergentes sanitarias, llevando a cabo un estudio pionero pero de sólida base científica que abarca desde la inteligencia artificial, la robótica o los hospitales inteligentes hasta la ciberbioseguridad, la computación cuántica y el metaverso.

Human Germline Genome Modification and the Right to Science

Book Description

The advent of the CRISPR/Cas9 class of genome editing tools is transforming not just science and medicine, but also law. When the genome of germline cells is modified, the modifications could be inherited, with far-reaching effects in time and scale. Legal systems are struggling with keeping up with the CRISPR revolution and both lawyers and scientists are often confused about existing regulations. This book contains an analysis of the national regulatory framework in eighteen selected countries. Written by national legal experts, it includes all major players in bioengineering, plus an analysis of the emerging international standards and a discussion of how international human rights standards should inform national and international regulatory frameworks. The authors propose a set of principles for the regulation of germline engineering, based on international human rights law, that can be the foundation for regulating heritable gene editing both at the level of countries as well as globally.

Precision Medicine for Investigators, Practitioners and Providers

Book Description

Precision Medicine for Investigators, Practitioners and Providers addresses the needs of investigators by covering the topic as an umbrella concept, from new drug trials to wearable diagnostic devices, and from pediatrics to psychiatry in a manner that is up-to-date and authoritative. Sections include broad coverage of concerning disease groups and ancillary information about techniques, resources and consequences. Moreover, each chapter follows a structured blueprint, so that multiple, essential items are not overlooked. Instead of simply concentrating on a limited number of extensive and pedantic coverages, scholarly diagrams are also included. - Provides a three-pronged approach to precision medicine that is focused on investigators, practitioners and healthcare providers - Covers disease groups and ancillary information about techniques, resources and consequences - Follows a structured blueprint, ensuring essential chapters items are not overlooked