Book Description

Book Description


Book Description

More than 1,5 million social murders, using minimum 114 genocidal methods and tools, killing even unborn babies, preventing medical treatment… Nazism copycatting… Planned for 8000 years… A neo-modern type of genocide! On July 20, 2016, the regime in Turkey was changed. This change has destroyed almost 300 hundred years of democratic heritage. Rule of law and the other founding principles of Republic which were set by Ataturk have been replaced by a permanent decree regime. Around 1,500,000 citizens from every faction of society have been made SOCIALLY DEAD. Around 100 citizens were unable to tolerate this way of living, suffering a PERMANENT SOCIAL DEATH and unfortunately chose to end their unsustainable lives. Numerous citizens have been killed in prisons, detention and torture centers as a result of the torture they were subjected to. Furthermore, the treatments of numerous citizens are being hindered. Pregnant ladies are being detained and their unborn babies are killed. The massive purge and physical killings made by the decisions of Decrees or individual ministers are shown to the public as if they were only dismissals, but the practical consequences of them are individual SOCIAL KILLINGS. The total number of SOCIAL DEATHS is around 1,500,000. Around 1,500,000 innocent citizens and their descendants have been socially killed. The practice of systematic and mass social killing is a post-modern SOCIAL GENOCIDE. After four years of research, I have identified 114 types of social killing methods and tools. I also sent numerous official claims to the various Turkish public and official institutions and told them to end committing the crime of genocide. In the meantime, the criminals who put the genocide into action also segregated the victims from the rest of society. This was done to prevent the unification of the citizens who were the individual victims of the massive genocide, and also the indirect victims of the genocide, which I estimate to be around 4,000,000. This was also done to prevent the united struggle against such atrocities. This separation allowed genocide criminals to commit the crime more easily. To those who wish, you can act jointly in the fight against these violent crimes against humanity and even against unborn babies. I appeal to you to stand by and defend the rights, dignity, and lives of innocent people against those who commit crimes against humanity.

Redescribiendo la comunidad de investigación. Pensamiento complejo y exclusión social

Book Description

En nuestra sociedad actual, es fundamental tomar en cuenta el factor de diferencia cultural o marginación social. El autor propone utilizar su experiencia personal así como sus conocimientos de filósofo para tratar esta cuestión en el ámbito de la educación.

Cohesión social en Europa y las Américas

Book Description

Recientemente, muchos observadores de políticas y prácticas de cohesión social han discutido que la globalización ha promovido la convergencia global hacia modelos neo-liberales en este campo. Similarmente, estudiosos y practicionarios de la política regional han contenido que las políticas sociales de Europa representan las "mejores prácticas" a nivel global y por ello han sido promovidas en otras regiones del mundo (por ejemplo en las recientes cumbres UE-Latinoamérica sobre cohesión social), lo que lleva también a la convergencia en la elaboración de la política. Este libro cuestiona estas afirmaciones y se pregunta si distintos enfoques regionales a la cohesión social son todavía pertinentes. El análisis trans-regional comparativo presentado en este volumen está basado en el examen de la competencia entre actores (poder), el papel de la historia y tradiciones sociales (tiempo) y la importancia de límites geográficos a la cohesión social (espacio).

Inter American Yearbook on Human Rights

Book Description

The print edition is available as a set of four volumes (9789041115171).