Derechos humanos e integración en América Latina y el Caribe

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El presente trabajo supone un análisis de los derechos humanos en el marco de los procesos de integración que tienen lugar en América Latina y el Caribe, así como de los diferentes aspectos y dimensiones que presentan los mismos, los cuales no han sido, hasta ahora, examinados, de manera profunda, por la doctrina científica. El reconocimiento y la protección de los derechos humanos en la integración latinoamericano-caribeña de alcance subregional se encuentran en un estado de permanente evolución y quedan, en la actualidad, vinculados de manera esencial a la dimensión social de la integración en el continente americano. Se observa, además, la presencia de instrumentos normativos y de acciones que, de un modo u otro, abordan las cuestiones de los derechos humanos y que era preciso, como se hace en el presente trabajo, sistematizar, analizar e interpretar. María Belén Olmos Giupponi es profesora de Derecho Internacional Público en la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid y ha desarrollado su actividad docente e investigadora en la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina), el Centro de Estudios de Iberoamérica de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, en el Instituto de Estudios Jurídicos Internacionales (Italia) y en la Universidad de Nantes (Francia).

La seguridad humana

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Rethinking Free Trade, Economic Integration and Human Rights in the Americas

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This monograph offers the first systematic overview of the protection of human rights in trade agreements in the Americas. Traditionally, trade agreements in the Americas were concerned with economic questions and paid little attention to human rights. However, in the wake of the 'new regionalism', which emerged at the end of the last century, more clauses addressing social issues such as labour rights and environmental standards were inserted in trade agreements. As economic integration increased, a framework for the protection of human rights evolved. This book argues that this framework allows for human rights protection on a transnational level, while constructing regional identities. Looking at the four key regional integration processes, namely the Caribbean Community, the Central American Integration System, the Andean Community of Nations and the Southern Common Market, and also at the North American Free Trade Agreement, it shows how the integration process has reached a considerable degree of consolidation. Writing on key sources in English for the first time, this book will be essential reading for all free trade and human rights scholars.

Looking to the Future

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Throughout his career, Michael Reisman emphasized law’s function in shaping the future. In this wide-ranging collection of essays, major thinkers in the international legal field address the goals of the twenty-first century and how international law can address the needs of the world community.

Transformative Constitutionalism in Latin America

Book Description

This ground-breaking collection of essays outlines and explains the unique development of Latin American jurisprudence. It introduces the idea of the Ius Constitutionale Commune en América Latina (ICCAL), an original Latin American path of transformative constitutionalism, to an Anglophone audience for the first time. It charts the key developments that have transformed the region and assesses the success of the constitutional projects that followed a period of authoritarian regimes in Latin America. Coined by scholars who have been documenting, conceptualizing, and comparing the development of Latin American public law for more than a decade, the term ICCAL encompasses themes that cross national borders and legal fields, taking in constitutional law, administrative law, general public international law, regional integration law, human rights, and investment law. Not only does this volume map the legal landscape, it also suggests measures to improve society via due legal process and a rights-based, supranational and regionally rooted constitutionalism. The editors contend that with the strengthening of democracy, the rule of law, and human rights, common problems such as the exclusion of wide sectors of the population from having a say in government, as well as corruption, hyper-presidentialism, and the weak normativity of the law can be combatted more effectively in future.


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Handbook of Social Tourism

Book Description

This thought-provoking Handbook considers the impact and challenges that social tourism has on people’s lives, integrating case studies from around the world. Showcasing the latest research on the topic and its role in tackling the challenges of tourism development, chapters explore the opportunities presented by social tourism and illustrate the social imperative of tourism as a force for good.