Derechos humanos, inmigrantes en situación irregular y Unión Europea

Book Description

En este libro, en 15 capítulos, en español, inglés y francés, se abordan temas como la inmigración irregular en el ámbito mediterráneo, la participación de las Organizaciones Internacionales en la gestión de la inmigración irregular, los Derechos Humanos de los inmigrantes en situación irregular, los inmigrantes en situación irregular en el Derecho Español e inmigración irregular y derecho de asilo.En la realidad soplan malos vientos para los inmigrantes, en general, y especialmente para aquellos que se hallan en situación irregular, sea originaria o sobrevenida. Así lo prueban la Directiva de retorno (con toda justicia calificada como «Directiva de la vergüenza») y la Directiva de sanción a los empleadores de personas en situación irregular{ y también puede decirse que existe un empeoramiento de ciertas legislaciones estatales, como la italiana, la francesa, etc. Frecuentemente se utiliza un peligroso mito para referirse a estas personas: son calificadas como «ilegales», a pesar de que ninguna persona lo es. El mito esconde importantes dosis de xenofobia y de criminalización de personas que simplemente han atravesado irregularmente una frontera o se hallan con una documentación caducada.El respeto de los Derechos Humanos de las personas en situación irregular no siempre se produce en nuestros democráticos Estados de Derecho{ en ellos surge con demasiada frecuencia el cinismo del doble o triple lenguaje. El respeto efectivo de los Derechos Humanos (universales, indivisibles, interdependientes, inalienables e irrenunciables) interesa a todos y a todas. Cuando algún grupo de personas sufre su violación, otras personas (en esta hipótesis, muchos ciudadanos de la Unión) no se dan cuenta de que se cuestiona, sufre y peligra la misma esencia de la democracia.

Illegally Staying in the EU

Book Description

Principally, this book comprises a conceptual analysis of the illegality of a third-country national's stay by examining the boundaries of the overarching concept of illegality at the EU level. Having found that the holistic conceptualisation of illegality, constructed through a combination of sources (both EU and national law) falls short of adequacy, the book moves on to consider situations that fall outside the traditional binary of legal and illegal under EU law. The cases of unlawfully staying EU citizens and of non-removable illegally staying third-country nationals are examples of groups of migrants who are categorised as atypical. By looking at these two examples the book reveals not only the fragmentation of legal statuses in EU migration law but also the more general ill-fitting and unsatisfactory categorisation of migrants. The potential conflation of illegality with criminality as a result of the way EU databases regulate the legal regime of illegality of a migrant's stay is the first trend identified by the book. Subsequently, the book considers the functions of accessing legality (both instrumental and corrective). In doing so it draws out another trend evident in the EU illegality regime: a two-tier regime which discriminates on the basis of wealth and the instrumentalisation of access to legality by Member States for mostly their own purposes. Finally, the book proposes a corrective rationale for the regulation of illegality through access to legality and provides a number of normative suggestions as a way of remedying current deficiencies that arise out of the present supranational framing of illegality.

Global Perspectives on Media, Politics, Immigration, Advertising, and Social Networking

Book Description

This eclectic and multicultural volume contains 17 papers, authored or co-authored by 25 scholars and doctoral students representing 11 countries. They discuss a wide range of global issues, including immigration, marginalization, identity, mass media, politics, social networking, education, digital media, advertising, and globalization. This book will be an excellent supplement to senior and graduate-level courses in international communication, cultural studies, mass media, journalism, global studies, political communication, intercultural communication, and related subjects.

Las fronteras de la ciudadanía en España y en la Unión Europea

Book Description

El presente volumen recoge, actualizadas, una parte importante de las comunicaciones presentadas en el II y III Encuentro de jóvenes investigadores en derecho de inmigración y asilo celebrados en Barcelona y Girona, respectivamente. La diversidad de aportaciones a los Encuentros tiene una entidad y coherencia propias que reflejan el amplio espectro de investigaciones en marcha, y que la distinguen de otras obras de carácter más sistemático sobre este ámbito del Derecho. Con esta perspectiva, el primer apartado recoge, bajo el título de “Cuestiones de extranjería en el derecho comunitario y en el derecho interno”, diversas aportaciones de ámbito transversal y genérico, que dan paso a un análisis individualizado de derechos concretos y de sus limitaciones en un segundo apartado dedicado a la normativa española, englobado bajo el título de “Acerca de los derechos y libertades de las personas extranjeras”; el tercer apartado del volumen recoge las comunicaciones directamente relacionadas con el derecho de asilo, que por su propia entidad merecen un tratamiento específico. Como corolario se recogen los informes de la situación de la inmigración y el asilo en Irlanda, Rumanía y Alemania en los dos últimos años. \n\n

Less Than a Human

Book Description

Migrants in irregular situations are confronted with dangerous circumstances during their journeys toward Western countries and upon their arrival in those countries of destination. While continuously disputed by social and political forces, migrants and their children continue to live an isolated life in our communities, facing discrimination, abuse, and labour exploitation. Courts and tribunals in our societies try to make sense of this human mobility by sorting out basic human rights and economic privileges in a way which is too revolutionary for conservative parties and too slow and unfair for human rights activists. This book focuses on the issue of human rights protection of migrants in irregular situations. The concept of protection does not refer to a humanitarian definition of aid and intervention on behalf of the victims of migration. Protection here means official recognition by the State and by the law of migrants in irregular situations. It also means recognition of the human rights of migrants, recognition of the migrant as a political actor, and from there, political inclusion and politicization of the migrant. Discussions in international forums are dominated by Westphalian visions of the world, and no change can be envisioned in the near future with this kind of discourse. In a highly individualized and fragmented world, an undocumented migrants destiny is instead decided on a case-by-case basis in our national courts, and today the most effort is put into advocacy and legal representation. How successful the rights claims are today, what the political context of their development is, and how social and political actors position themselves in regards to irregular migration are points discussed in this book. Foreword Prof.Franois Crpeau, McGill University, Canada

!Te Toca!

Book Description

""Languages are best learned when real-world information becomes the focus of students' activities. In this respect, !Te Toca! definitely encourages advanced learners to focus on exchanging real-life information about the world around them. Moreover, since the topics and issues presented in the book are controversial in nature, they seem especially appealing to college students."" Dr Maria Jesus Amores, University of West Virginia !Te Toca! is a thoroughly innovative approach to advanced language learning. Imaginative, exciting and fun, it uses language simulations to take students into a virtual Spanish-speaking world where they adopt a new Spanish or Latin-American identity. Creating a learning environment in which they need to use Spanish to solve a problem or engage in debate, the language simulations draw and expand on students' linguistic, communication, and information-gathering skills. Covering a variety of engaging topics, the simulations literally put the students centre-stage, requiring them to think on their feet and speak exclusively in Spanish. The topics revolve around contentious issues and each chapter includes a simulation exercise with all its associated documents, as well as a lead text, comprehension questions, a guide to relevant points of functional grammar, associated exercises, a glossary of terms, and suggestions for written work.

Fundamental Rights Challenges in Border Controls and Expulsion of Irregular Immigrants in the European Union

Book Description

This edited volume examines the extent to which the various authorities and actors currently performing border management and expulsion-related tasks are subject to accountability mechanisms capable of delivering effective remedies and justice for abuses suffered by migrants and asylum seekers. Member states of the European Union and State Parties to the Council of Europe are under the obligation to establish complaint mechanisms allowing immigrants and/or asylum seekers to seek effective remedies in cases where their rights are violated. This book sheds light on the complaint bodies and procedures existing and available in Austria, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Spain, Poland, and Romania. It assesses their role in overseeing, investigating, and redressing cases of human rights violations deriving from violent border and immigration management practices, and expedited expulsion procedures. This book therefore provides an assessment of the practical, legal, and procedural challenges that affect the possibility to lodge complaints and access remedies for human rights violations suffered at the hands of the law enforcement authorities and other security actors operating at land, air, and sea borders, or participating in expulsions procedures – in particular, joint return flights. The volume will be of key interest to students, scholars, and practitioners working on human rights, migration and borders, international law, European law and security studies, EU politics, and more broadly, international relations.

Las migraciones internacionales en el Mediterráneo y la Unión Europea

Book Description

1. La política de inmigración de la UE en el Mediterráneo - 2. Fronteras e inmigración irregular - 3. Actuaciones y estrategias de integración.

Record of proceedings

Book Description

Derechos, Libertades y Sociedad de la Información

Book Description

Los vertiginosos avances que en muy pocas décadas han alcanzado las nuevas tecnologías destinadas a facilitar la comunicación entre las personas y el flujo de informaciones, y muy en particular el espectacular desarrollo que ha tenido internet desde su creación relativamente reciente, plantean retos complejos y novedosos a nuestras sociedades, desde los más diversos puntos de vista. La presente obra colectiva pretende dar al lector una perspectiva multidisciplinaria de los retos arriba mencionados.