Undue Influence

Book Description

A critical look at over 80 years of conflict, collusion, and corruption between financiers and politicians Undue Influence paints a vivid portrait of the dealings between "the few", in this case members of Congress, the banking community, and the Fed, and sheds light on how radical new deregulatory measures could be introduced by unelected officials and then foisted upon Congress in the name of progress. In the process, the background of the new financial elite is examined-because they are markedly different than their predecessors of the 1920s and 1930s. Undue Influence also brings readers up to speed on other important issues, including how the financial elite has been able to perpetuate itself, how the markets lend themselves to these special interest groups, and how it is possible that after 80 years of financial regulation and regulatory bodies the same problems of financial malfeasance and fraud still plague the markets. Charles R. Geisst (Oradell, NJ) is the author of 15 books, including Wheels of Fortune (0-471-47973-X), Deals of the Century (0-471-26397-4) and the bestsellers Wall Street: A History and 100 Years of Wall Street. Geisst has taught both political science and finance, worked in banking and finance on Wall Street and in London, as well as consulted. His articles have been published in the International Herald Tribune, Neue Zurcher Zeitung, Newsday, Wall Street Journal, and Euromoney.

Deregulating Wall Street

Book Description

We argue that implementation of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act has contributed significantly to the reduction of systemic risk in the United States. However, Dodd-Frank also introduced burdensome rules that have little to do with systemic risk. This article evaluates the trade-off between capital regulation and regulation of scope in the context of Dodd-Frank, with a particular emphasis on the Volcker Rule. Recent regulatory reforms aimed at rolling back Dodd-Frank are evaluated and discussed.

Deregulating Wall Street

Book Description

Deregulating Wall Street is the first comprehensive study to examine the separation of American commercial and investment banking. The authors, leading authorities on the subject, call for far-reaching deregulation of corporate finance, allowing increased competition for corporate securities business. In effect, they call for one of the most significant shifts in the country's financial system in the past half century, and point to the global financial services environment, including the thriving Eurobond market, where American banks compete without restriction.

How Wall Street Fleeces America

Book Description

The 1913 Federal Reserve Act let powerful bankers usurp money creation authority in violation of the Constitution's Article I, Section 8, giving only Congress the power to "coin Money (and) regulate the Value thereof...." Thereafter, powerful bankers used their control over money, credit and debt for private self-enrichment, bankrolling and colluding with Congress and administrations to implement laws favoring them. As a result, decades of deregulation, outsourcing, economic financialization, and casino capitalism followed, producing asset bubbles, record budget and national debt levels, and depression-sized unemployment far higher than reported numbers, albeit manipulated to look better. After the financial crisis erupted in late 2007, even harder times have left Main Street in the early stages of a depression, with recovery pure illusion. Today's contagion has spread out of control, globally. Wall Street got trillions of dollars in a desperate attempt to socialize losses, privatize profits, and pump life back into the corpses by blowing public wealth into a moribund financial sector, failing corporate favorites, and America's aristocracy. While Wall Street boasts it has recovered, industrial America keeps imploding. High-paying jobs are exported. Economic prospects are eroding. Austerity is being imposed, with no one sure how to revive stable, sustainable long-term growth. This book provides a powerful tool for showing angry Americans how they've been fleeced, and includes a plan for constructive change.

Washington and Wall Street

Book Description

After maintaining significant regulatory constraints on financial institutions from the New Deal to the 1970s, congressional Democrats dismantled the New Deal regulatory regime for finance during the 1980s and 1990s. Why did Democrats unleash Wall Street despite a broad coalition of interest groups that opposed deregulation, and the party's continued concern about the concentration of economic power? In this dissertation, I argue that the institutional fit between the level of centralization in Congress and concentration in the economy explain stability and change in Democrats' position on financial regulatory policy. Centralizing institutional reforms in Congress undercut parochialism, and empowered Democratic leaders to advance the party's collective interest by deregulating finance on behalf of American consumers and Wall Street. However, by choosing financial markets and the diffuse interests of American consumers over the "entrenched" interests of small local banks, adjacent small businesses and organized labor, Democrats significantly contributed to wealth inequality, geographic inequality, and market concentration, which in turn has resulted in political inequality and the weakening of American democracy.

Wall Street and Regulation

Book Description

This volume chronicles the sweeping changes that have taken place in the regulation of the financial markets. The contributors cover fragmentation and integration in financial services, the advent of price competition in commercial banking, the increasing importance of institutions in investing, and price competition in the market for new issues of corporate securities. They also discuss Wall Street and the public interest. ISBN 0-87584-183-X: $14.95.

The Failure of Wall Street

Book Description

Wall Street, the world's primary financial market and middleman, is in many ways a success. It brings together and places capital, creates new and innovative financial products, and buys and sells physical and financial assets. Its role in global economic growth has been, and remains, unique and vital. In spite of its importance and strengths, however, Wall Street repeatedly fails. At all levels, Wall Street makes serious mistakes in its core areas of expertise – falling short of its potential when raising capital, giving advice or managing risk, and demonstrating vulnerabilities when carrying out its responsibilities. These failures, which damage both finances and reputations, often affect a broad range of insiders and outsiders: employees and managers, personal and corporate clients, investors, creditors and regulators. In some cases they destabilize entire sectors and economies. Worse, many of these failures are likely to plague Wall Street for years to come, until there is greater willingness to recognize and resolve the underlying problems. The Failure of Wall Street analyzes how and why Wall Street fails, and what can be done to rectify the failures. After a short discussion of Wall Street's role in raising capital, granting corporate and personal advice, managing risk and acting as a trusted financial analyst, Erik Banks explores the dramatic failures that have occurred in each of these areas, using case studies and examples to illustrate the nature and extent of the problems. Next, the book demonstrates why Wall Street fails in each area of supposed "expertise," focusing on shortcomings in governance, management, skills/controls and transparency. Lastly, Banks proposes a framework for addressing the shortfalls that continue to plague Wall Street. He argues that these solutions, while not quick, easy, or cheap to implement, can help make Wall Street become the sound, consistent, and efficient financial expert it is meant to be.

Why Wall Street Matters

Book Description

A timely, counterintuitive defense of Wall Street and the big banks as the invisible—albeit flawed—engines that power our ideas, and should be made to work better for all of us Maybe you think the banks should be broken up and the bankers should be held accountable for the financial crisis in 2008. Maybe you hate the greed of Wall Street but know that it’s important to the proper functioning of the world economy. Maybe you don’t really understand Wall Street, and phrases such as “credit default swap” make your eyes glaze over. Maybe you are utterly confused by the fact that after attacking Wall Street mercilessly during his campaign, Donald Trump has surrounded himself with Wall Street veterans. But if you like your smart phone or your widescreen TV, your car or your morning bacon, your pension or your 401(k), then—whether you know it or not—you are a fan of Wall Street. William D. Cohan is no knee-jerk advocate for Wall Street and the big banks. He’s one of America’s most respected financial journalists and the progressive bestselling author of House of Cards. He has long been critical of the bad behavior that plagued much of Wall Street in the years leading up to the 2008 financial crisis, and because he spent seventeen years as an investment banker on Wall Street, he is an expert on its inner workings as well. But in recent years he’s become alarmed by the cheap shots and ceaseless vitriol directed at Wall Street’s bankers, traders, and executives—the people whose job it is to provide capital to those who need it, the grease that keeps our economy humming. In this brisk, no-nonsense narrative, Cohan reminds us of the good these institutions do—and the dire consequences for us all if the essential role they play in making our lives better is carelessly curtailed. Praise for William D. Cohan “Cohan writes with an insider’s knowledge of the workings of Wall Street, a reporter’s investigative instincts and a natural storyteller’s narrative command.”—The New York Times “[Cohan is] one of our most able financial journalists.”—Los Angeles Times “A former Wall Street man and a talented writer, [Cohan] has the rare gift not only of understanding the fiendishly complicated goings-on, but also of being able to explain them in terms the lay reader can grasp.”—The Observer (London)

Wall Street and the Financial Crisis: Anatomy of a Financial Collapse (Majority and Minority Staff Report)

Book Description

In the fall of 2008, America suffered a devastating economic collapse. Once valuable securities lost most or all of their value, debt markets froze, stock markets plunged, and storied financial firms went under. Millions of Americans lost their jobs; millions of families lost their homes; and good businesses shut down. These events cast the United States into an economic recession so deep that the country has yet to fully recover. This Report is the product of a two-year bipartisan investigation by the U.S. Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations into the origins of the 2008 financial crisis. The goals of this investigation were to construct a public record of the facts in order to deepen the understanding of what happened; identify some of the root causes of the crisis; and provide a factual foundation for the ongoing effort to fortify the country against the recurrence of a similar crisis in the future.

Theft of a Nation

Book Description

Theft of a Nation presents a powerful criminological examination of Wall Street’s recent financial meltdown and its profound impact on the rest of the country. This provocative book asks why, if the actions of key players on Wall Street and in the government resulted in an economic downturn that harmed millions of Americans and destroyed capital worldwide, no one was held criminally liable for these actions. Author Gregg Barak provides a basic history of financial regulation and deregulation, as well as a primer on both securities fraud and mass victimization. Using key concepts in victimology and white collar crime, he explores the diverse ways civil and criminal law enforcement responded to the damaging behavior on Wall Street. The book also assesses Wall Street Financial Reform and the Consumer Protection Act of 2010, showing the ways that Americans may still be at risk. Theft of a Nation is the first comprehensive criminological investigation of the role of Wall Street and the government in the recent financial crisis, asking critical questions about who has been victimized and why.