Cuerpo, Espacio Y Movimiento en Psicoterapia

Book Description

Cuerpo, espacio y movimiento en psicoterapia. El cuerpo del terapeuta como herramienta de intervención es un texto que invita a reflexionar y, principalmente, concienciar el volumen y el lugar que ocupa el cuerpo del terapeuta y del paciente en la sesión, $como también los movimientos que se desarrollan en tal coreografía relacional. Propone entender que el lenguaje paraverbal, del cual se posee escaso dominio, tiene valor de intervención, además de reflexionar sobre la flexibilidad del terapeuta y las pautas de rigidez que los modelos tradicionales impartieron como dogmas en los terapeutas nóveles. Intenta, por sobre todo, agotar instancias de intervención, apelar a la creatividad y usar otros canales más allá de la palabra, con las expectativas lógicas de un terapeuta que desea ser eficaz en tiempos breves, en una época que así lo exige.

Between the Sun and the Moon: Andean and Amazonian Myths and Legends.

Book Description

A magical clock in a castle full of hidden treasures. A family punished for its curiosity by being turned into stone. What do the above scenarios have in common? They are all part of the fabric of Peruvian tales that are retold on the pages ahead. Many cultures express ideas about their past and present through such a richness of myths and legends that magically describe what was, and what could have been, in a specific time and space. Each little Peruvian community I have visited in ceaseless travels across my native land has invariably found me sitting enthralled, by the sides of lagoon, river, or bridge; in a field or on a farm, listening to the wise voices of the people I meet there, and learning from them. I invite you to come along on a wonderful journey where you will meet supernatural characters with wonderful names like Pachamama, Mamakilla, Inti, the Apu spirits, and the Kocha deities, who interact with humans and determine their destiny. I hope that these tales of life, love, curiosity, magic, and adversity will touch you as they did me. Cul es la relacin entre un toro encantado y un sol encadenado intentando buscar su libertad? Qu significa un reloj mgico en un castillo donde se esconden valiosos tesoros inalcanzables para aquellos que los buscan? O dos ancianos convertidos en piedra debido a su curiosidad? Muchas culturas logran expresar su pasado y presente a travs de nutridos mitos y leyendas que mgicamente describen lo que fue o lo que pudo ser en un tiempo y espacio determinados. En cada pequea comunidad del Per que he recorrido, me he sentado fascinada al lado de alguna laguna, rio, puente, pradera o chacra a escuchar y aprender de las voces iluminadas de sus habitantes. Naveguemos juntos por estas sorprendentes narraciones sobre la vida, el amor, la curiosidad, lo mgico y la adversidad, que tienen como elementos principales a Pachamama, Mamakilla, Inti, los Apus y las Kochas, quienes interactan con la humanidad.

The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire

Book Description

As elegant as his bestselling How to Know God and as practical as his phenomenal The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, this groundbreaking new book from Deepak Chopra contains a dramatic premise: Not only are everyday coincidences meaningful, they actually provide us with glimpses of the field of infinite possibilities that lies at the heart of all things. By gaining access to this wellspring of creation, we can literally rewrite our destinies in any way we wish. From this realm of pure potential we are connected to everything that exists and everything that is yet to come. “Coincidences” can then be recognized as containing precious clues about particular facets of our lives that require our attention. As you become more aware of coincidences and their meanings, you begin to connect more and more with the underlying field of infinite possibilities. This is when the magic begins. This is when you achieve the spontaneous fulfillment of desire. At a time when world events may leave us feeling especially insignificant and vulnerable, Deepak Chopra restores our awareness of the awesome powers within us. And through specific principles and exercises he provides the tools with which to create the magnificent, miraculous life that is our birthright.

Inteligencia Evolutiva: Una Jornada Hacia Nuevas Fronteras

Book Description

Este libro contiene cinco partes principales que tratan temas desde nuestro origen, como especie humana, hasta nuestro sistema politico y economico actual en America, usando principios cientificos, eticos, logicos, y de sentido comun practico.

The Romantic Dogs: Poems

Book Description

Listed as a "2009 Indie Next List Poetry Top Ten" book by the American Booksellers Association: Roberto Bolano as he saw himself, in his own first calling as a poet. Roberto Bolano (1953-2003) has caught on like a house on fire, and The Romantic Dogs, a bilingual collection of forty-four poems, offers American readers their first chance to encounter this literary phenomenon as a poet: his own first and strongest literary persona. These poems, wide-ranging in forms and length, have appeared in magazines such as Harper's, Threepenny Review, The Believer, Boston Review, Soft Targets, Tin House, The Nation, Circumference, A Public Space, and Conduit. Bolano's poetic voice is like no other's: "At that time, I'd reached the age of twenty/and I was crazy. /I'd lost a country/but won a dream./Long as I had that dream/nothing else mattered...."

House of Beauty

Book Description

A thought-provoking Colombian crime novel set in and around a beauty salon in Bogota

The Politics of Political Science

Book Description

In this thought-provoking book, Paulo Ravecca presents a series of interlocking studies on the politics of political science in the Americas. Focusing mainly on the cases of Chile and Uruguay, Ravecca employs different strands of critical theory to challenge the mainstream narrative about the development of the discipline in the region, emphasizing its ideological aspects and demonstrating how the discipline itself has been shaped by power relations. Ravecca metaphorically charts the (non-linear) transit from “cold” to “warm” to “hot” intellectual temperatures to illustrate his—alternative—narrative. Beginning with a detailed quantitative study of three regional academic journals, moving to the analysis of the role of subjectivity (and political trauma) in academia and its discourse in relation to the dictatorships in Chile and Uruguay, and arriving finally at an intimate meditation on the experience of being a queer scholar in the Latin American academy of the 21st century, Ravecca guides his readers through differing explorations, languages, and methods. The Politics of Political Science: Re-Writing Latin American Experiences offers an essential reflection on both the relationship between knowledges and politics and the political and ethical role of the scholar today, demonstrating how the study of the politics of knowledge deepens our understanding of the politics of our times.

Percepciones Originales

Book Description

Percepciones Originales Tiene la buena intención de hacer entender el origen de la vida corpórea-energética a través de retrospectivos viajes mentales de rastreo en el tiempo, ingresando hasta en los inicios del florecer de la vida, en los momentos cuando se está engendrando un nuevo ser, el que embrionariamente comienza a brotar y a desarrollarse, cargándose energéticamente. Alcides G. Vidal La obra induce realizar voluntarias y misteriosas aventuras mentales, en cortos y rápidos recorridos hasta el interior de un longevo pasado, para poder revivir esas fantásticas épocas. Igualmente contiene complejos casos de una natural e ingenua comunicación telepática y de percepción. Como todo buen trabajo no deja de presentar algunas misteriosas incógnitas, formulando nuevas interrogantes; donde lo más importante es que devela una línea intuitiva para el raciocinio de las épocas vividas. El libro también pregunta: ¿Puede el cuerpo humano, al nacer, adquirir características que hasta pudieran marcarle fronteras energéticas mensurables? ¿Existen nuevas fuerzas energéticas actuando en nuestro alrededor y cuerpo, desde mucho tiempo antes del alumbramiento? Aunque muchos de los casos presentados en esta obra serán considerados como familiares y comunes, otros seguramente resultarán novedosos. El Dr. Hugo Salinas, desde Francia dice: “El libro es bastante original. Es un tema bastante atrayente. En casi todo concuerdo con el planteamiento del autor”. Publicaciones del Autor, en Portugués: “Frutos Do Passado Sementes Do Futuro”, “Terceirização”; “Cartas na Mesa – Empresa, Empresário, Informática”; en Español: “Del Sueño a la Realidad – Los Inmigrantes USA”.


Book Description

Escribir la identidad

Book Description

"Por primera vez se ofrece un conjunto orgánico de aproximación multidisciplinaria sobre la literatura escrita por peruanos de ascendencia africana. Se incluyen 14 aproximaciones de diversos autores y géneros de esta tradición literaria, así como manifestaciones de carácter musical y cultural."